Chapter 12: Forgive

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Tessa's POV

"Nick! Come on! We finna miss the movie!" I laughed as he pulled me into a hall and started kissing my neck. He chuckled and we went back into the theater. As we got to our seats, I seen everyone but Zion.

"Hey, where's Z?" I asked.

"He went to go give you his wallet?" Brandon Said confused. I was so confused as to where he was until I added it up all together and I think Nick did too because they way we looked at each other. Nick and I ran out the theater and told the boys we "forgot" something.

"Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! I knew I shouldn't of done this!!" I cried as we were about to get to the house.

"Tessa." Nick said. You could tell he was stressed about this but he looked sad.

"No! Nick! I shouldn't of done this to him! He was nothing but good to me!" I Screamed as I pushed him harsh fully. he just stood there and looked at me.

"Don't come in, I have to go myself." I Said walking into the house as Nick just watched me. I headed up to Zions room and heard a bunch of banging. I ran to his room and seen him throwing shit left and right.

"ZION! STOP! PLEASE!" I cried as I tried to stop him. He was so furious. I never seen him like that. It was so scared.


"BABY!" I yelled holding down his arm but he was to strong so he swung his arm back and pushed me away. He pushed me so hard that I slammed into the wall and hit my head. That's the last thing I remembered.

Nicks POV

When the boys told us Zion went to give Tessa her wallet, I knew exactly why he wasn't here. He seen us kiss. Tessa and I ran to the house and all I felt was guilt and pain in my chest.

"Tessa." I Said as we were running down the street. I felt so bad to see her this hurt. I just wanted to hold her. We got to the house and I tried to come in with her but she pushed me back and told me to stay out of it. I had to respect her so I stood outside....waiting...

I heard yelling but I knew I was ganna. I was pacing back and forth. I was worried, when Zion gets mad it's never good. I was bouncing my leg as I tried to sit on the porch, but then I heard a loud slam. I flipped out and ran inside. I got up to Zions room and seen Tessa passed out on the ground. I seen a big dent in the wall.

"BRO! WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO HER!" I yelled as I picked up her head and tried to wake her up.

Tessa! TESSA!" I cried. I got up and seen Zion clenching his jaw and looking at his bloody fist.

"HOW THE FUCK COULD YOU DO THAT TO HER!" I yelled getting up in his face, so close to punching him.


"YOUR A FUCKING BITCH, BRO!" He yelled, that's when I lost it. I pushed him to the ground and started punching as hard as I could. He got on top of me and threw punches as well. It felt wrong beating my best friend but he hurt Tessa. I then felt a couple hands pull me off of Zion and seen him get pulled away by Austin.

"Yo! What the fuck is going on?" Edwin yelled as seen Tessa passed out.

"Holy shit! Tessa!" He said rushing over to her and picking her up bridal style and taking her out the room.

"Explain. NOW! Brandon yelled.

"NICK HAS BEEN FUCKING TESSA BEHIND MY BACK!" Zion yelled. I looked down ashamed. The boys all looked at me. I nodded my head.

"Why would you do that, we are brothers! We aren't supposed to be losing trust!" Austin yelled.  It was silent for a minute.

"Guys! Get down here! It's Tessa!" Edwin yelled from downstairs. I ripped my self out of Brandon's grip and ran down as fast as I could as the rest of the boys followed me. I seen he laid down on the couch, trying to open Her eyes.

Tessa's POV

I woke up to a horrible pain on the back of my head and I heard a bunch of people yelling. My vision was a bit blurry until I felt a hand on my forehead. I focused my vision and seen Nick kneeling next to me.

"N-Nick W-What happened?" I asked. I was so confused at what happened. I looked up at all the boys surrounding me and I seen Zions hand all bloody and I remembered What happened. I started to tear up.

"Tessa? What's wrong?" Brandon asked. I just cried. I finally sat up and all the boys were protecting me making sure I didn't fall back down.

"Zion...I'm so sorry..." I cried. The boys all looked up at him. He had the looked of guilt in his face. He came to the couch and sat next to me and took my hands, I could see Nick clench his jaw.

"Tessa... I'm so sorry I hurt you, I never meant to do that...but, I don't think I can ever forgive you to what you did to me." He Said as a tear fell from his eye and kissed my forehead, which made me close my eyes and cry.

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