Chapter 2: How it started

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We got home and I stormed up to my room. I was so pissed because I try to have a normal life, where I can go out with my friends and have fun but my parents are such assholes. I don't go to school, I don't have a social life because of my parents. I was just in my room, trying to calm down. I then heard my phone go off.

It was the group chat. I read the messages and they were all talking about what they are wearing and when we are leaving. I didn't want to tell them I can't go because I need to go. I need to get out and enjoy myself. So the only thing I could do was sneak out.

I texted the girls and told them I might be a little late but I'm going no matter what. I waited till about 11:30pm till my parents were asleep. I then opened my door slowly and peaked my head into the hall and seen all the lights off, so that means they were asleep. I quiet got ready and did my makeup and hair and put on my outfit. I'm sure we were just going to be at a house party so I didn't dress up to much.


I got my bag, phone and keys and headed quietly out my door

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I got my bag, phone and keys and headed quietly out my door. I tip toed down the hall and every time I heard a little creek in the floor, I checked to see if they turned there light on. I finally made it down the stairs and got out the front door. I got in my car and drove quickly away. I texted the girls telling them to send me the address.

I pulled up to the house and seen cars packed all over. I got out and told the girls I'm here and right when I clicked send, I seen them all run out the front door.

"TESSA!!" Shay said running up to me and hugging me.

"Girl, I thought you weren't ganna come because your parents." Cecilia Said also hugging me.

"Hey! At least she here!" Aryana Said laughing.

"Okay come on, let's go and party!!" Bailey said pulling us girls in the house. We got in and the house was so fricken beautiful. I mean I couldn't see that much of it because how much people where in it but from what I could see, it was gorgeous.

"Hey! Who's house is this?" I Said yelling in Shays ear.

"I think it's this boy group or something I don't really know!" She yelled back into mine as she laughed as the end of it. We all made drinks and decided to dance for a bit. As I was dancing, I felt eyes on me the whole time. I glanced up and seen a tall light skinned guy an holy shit! This man was fine. I seen him smiling at me, he then lifted his red cup and nodded at me. I blushed and continued to dance with my friends.

"Ahhh!! I miss having this much fun! Being a model sucks." Shay complained.

"Periodt." I Said. We all laughed and got more drinks. We poured the liquor into our cups and I followed the girls into the crowd until I felt a hand tap my shoulder. I turned around and seen the same guy standing right in front of me.

"Didn't think a white girl could dance that good." He joked.

"Huh, I guess you learn something new everyday." I teased as I laughed and started to walk away.

"Maybe you could teach me some moves!" He yelled over the music. I stopped and turned around and couldn't help but smile.

"Yeah, maybe I could show you a few things or two." I laughed reaching my arm out. He grabbed my hand and I pulled him into the crowd. We just danced basically on top of each other and had to much fun. We then talked for a bit and I got him name which was Zion and to be honest, most guys just want me because my body or because I'm a model and I didn't tell him I was a model so it made me see he wasn't going to be a fling.

"So what do you do?" Zion asked.

"What you mean?" I asked.

"Like job wise." He Said smiling at me.

"Oh well I-" I Said but just as I was ganna tell him, my phone went off. I picked it up and seen my mom calling.


"U-um I gotta take this I'll be right back." I Said getting up and going out the back door. I was so scared to pick up my phone, I know she is going to kill me.

Me: Hello?




I quickly hung up on here and started to breath heavily. I took a deep breath and went back in and seen Zion sitting at the table we were at.

"Hey, I actually gotta get going but I would really love to hang out with you some time." I Said trying to hold back my fear.

"I would love that, here...this is my number." He Said taking my phone and putting his contact in. I smiled and he smiled back and hugged me.

"Bye." I Said waving at him. He waved back and I left. I got in car and started to drive back home. I have to go home. I wish I could live by myself or with Shay but since my parents are my managers...I have to listen to them or they could end my career. I eventually pulled up to the house and at this point o was shaking. I didn't know what my mom was ganna do. I got out the car and went up to the door and before I could put my hand on the handle, it flung open.

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