Chapter 15: Drunk

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The part was so fun. Nick finally joined in with Zion and we danced with them and had really fun. It was around 2:00am and I was drunk like I never have been this drunk. I didn't know what was coming out my mouth.

"Okay okay, Tessa." Nick Said concedes as he picked me up bridal style and put me in the car.

"H-HEY! I-I WASN'T D-DONE IN THERE!" I sputtered while giggling.

"Oh yes you were." Nick Said look out the back window to pull out as his arm was resting on the passenger head ready. I weakly grabbed his arm and pulled my self to the passenger seat.

"Tessa. You gotta stay back there." Nick said annoyed as tried to buckle myself.

"N-No I-I dont I'm n-not 12! Nick!" I sis laughing weakly. Nick just drove off and focused on the ride. I looked over at nick and seen his eyes on the road, I slowly moved my hand over to his shorts and played with the strings on them.

"Tessa? What are you doing." Nick Said readjusting his posture.

"I just wanna play!" I giggle stuttering my words. I moved my hand inside his shorts and massages his hard member.

"T-Tessa....s-stop." His Said weakly as he loved the pleasure. I unbuckled my seat belt and pulled out his member and started sucking while he was still driving. I teased him more and more. Nick finally raced home and went straight up to the bedroom.
Nicks touch was just everything to me.

Next Day
"Ugggghh! my head is killing me!" I groaned as I woke up, twisting and turns all over the bed.

"I told you not to drink a lot...and you didn't listen." Nick Said with his smart ass mouth. I looked at him sitting up on the bed on his phone and gave him the death look.

"I don't need your shit right now." I Said slowly getting up while holding my head for support. He just laughed at me, knowing I was in pain from the hangover.

"You know what, I can't be around you right now or I will cut off your dick." I Said slowly getting off the bed and walking out the room. I walked downstairs and the bright sun shined through the windows and burned my eyes, I quickly shut them and used my hand as a cover from the sun.I got to the kitchen and seen Zion and Shay eating breakfast, but Shay had big sunglasses on.

"The suns a bitch." She said with no expression as she handed me a pair of sunglasses. I laughed at her and took the sunglasses and put them on.

"Zion, can you get me some water." I asked

"How bout water and Aspirin." Zion chuckled setting the two things in front of me. I swallowed the pill and drank my water.

"Okay. Mom! Mom! I will! I promise...okay, I love you too, Bye." Nick Said in the phone as he walked downstairs.

"What was that all about?" Zion asked.

"Um my mom. She wants me to come home for Christmas this year, since I stayed in L.A last year." Nick Said sitting next to me. I looked st him sad. I wanted to spend Christmas with him.

"Really?" I Said with sadness in my voice.

"...yeah..." Nick said all sad.

"Well we could do like an early Christmas here." Shay suggested.

"Yeah!" Zion said. I just nodded my head and headed up to the room. I sat on the bed because I knew Nick was going to follow me.

"Tess." Nick Said quietly as  he sat next to me on the bed and placed his hand on my thigh. His cold chain his my thigh and send chiclets through my body.

"I know you don't want me to go but...I have too. I haven't seen my family in a while. Trust me. If I had a choice, I would stay with you." Nick explained.

"I know, Nick. You should go and see your family but it just sucks because I wanted to spend Christmas with you for the first time, you know as a..." I Said cutting myself off.

"A couple." Nick finished.

" haven't even asked me yet..." I said softly, I said running my hands through my hair showing the stress I was in.

"Tessa, Baby...would do me the honors and be my girl?" Nick Said giggling. I smirked at him and blushed.

"Yes!" I Said smiling as I jumped on him and we both fell onto the bed. I lied ther won his chest for a bit playing with his chains.

"Wait...Why don't you come with me?" Nick Said jumping up. I looked at him confused.

"What?" I asked.

"Come to New Jersey with me! Now that we are officially together! You can meet my family and we can be with each other on Christmas!" Nick Said standing up with one hand on the back of his neck and the other in the air.

"I-I don't know...isn't it to early to meet your family and and I-I do-" I ranted getting nervous.

"Please baby! Please?" He Said quickly taking me hands in his. I looked at him nervously and thought about it.

"Y-Yeah! Yeah! I would love to!" I smiled. We got ready for bed and I couldn't sleep. All I was thinking about was meeting Nicks family. I haven't even been to New Jersey before!

December 20th

"You got everything?" Nick yelled from the closet a she packed a couple last things.

"I-um Yeah!" I Said nervously sitting on the bed next to my suitcase.

"Baby...if you don't want to go y-" nick said sitting next to me.

"No no no I want to." I Said quickly standing up and taking my luggage out the room. We both went downstairs with our things.

"Hey! Guys! The Uber's here!" Shay Shouted as she looked out the window. We hugged Zion and Shay goodbye.

"I'm ganna miss you babe!" Shay Said hugging me again.

"I'm leaving only for a couple days! Relax!" I laughed. She laughed and went by Zion as he put his arm around her and waved at us as we got in the Uber.

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