Chapter 22: Wedding Day

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June, 21st
Wedding day

Today is the day. Today is the day I marry the love of my life. I'm scared, excited, nervous, overwhelmed...I get to marry Nick Mara. I woke up and I grabbed my tooth brush and headed into the bathroom to brush my teeth. I washed my face and did a face mask. I'm slept as Shays last night Because
Of the whole tradition with not seeing your groom that day and everything.

My grandparents, flew in last night as well as my close cousins and uncles. Of course I didn't invite my parents because they don't deserve to see me get married. I also invited my crew from my modeling agency. Hair and makeup was ganna be at the venue at 8:00am so I had time to shower and shave and just pre-pare.

"Tessa? I'm making pancakes, want some?" Shay yelled through the door as I was in the shower. I yelled yeah and finished up my shower. I got into my silk robe and headed downstairs.

"Omg! How do you feel?" Shay asked excitingly.

"I'm just really nervous BUT really excited, I just wanna see him." I Said daydreaming about Waking up with Nick.

"Girl, I can't believe you have come this far. Your honestly one of the most strongest woman I know." What Said placing the plate in front of me and sitting next to me and eating.

"Thanks baby! I couldn't of done it without you." I said hugging her. Before I knew it, we had to go to the venue, I changed into shorts and a shirt and we packed up everything we needed. We got to the venue and I walked in and seen How gorgeous the place was decorated. It was a dream come true to see this. We went up to the room and The girls started my hair and makeup. Everyone was already starting to get here and I was getting more and more scared.

"Ahhh! I'm so nervous!" I Said bouncing my leg.

"You are fine, just breath." Aryanna Said fanning me.
All the girls were my bridesmaids, Shay, Aryanna. Cecilia, lacy, Amber.

"30min till show time!" A guy did popping his head in the room. I quickly jumped up and got in my dress. The girls were all rushing trying to get my vail and dress on. The last minute touches were official finished and I looked at my self in a mirror and I wanted to cry.

"My dream is coming true." I Said patting my dress.

"Come on, beautiful

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"Come on,'s time." My grandpa said walking into the room and making my arm connect to him. The bridesmaids walked out first and met up with the boys. The music started to play and my heart was racing. I seen the groups start walking down the aisle and next thing I knew it, it was my time to walk.

The doors opened and everyone's eyes went on me, I didn't even feel like they were there. It just felt like it was Nick and me. I just wanted to marry him. I could see the biggest smile on his face and it made me smile. My grandpa kissed my cheek and gave me to Nick.

"You look so beautiful." Nick cried. I started to cry to.

"Oh no! Don't mess up your makeup girl!" Shay whispered in my ear, which made me and Nick giggle. We did the whole bible thing and our vows.

"You May kiss the bride!" Nick grabbed me and spun me and kissed me like a true princess! It was magical, everyone cheered and clapped.

The girls and I quickly ran up to the room and I changed into my 2nd dress, for the reception.

4:00pm The girls and I quickly ran up to the room and I changed into my 2nd dress, for the reception

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"Okay! Tessa? You all good? Were going to head down." Shay Shouted as she knocked on my door.

"Yeah, I'm good!" I Said putting on my heels. I left the room and tried to find Nick since were supposed to walk in together. He wasn't where we were supposed to meet, so I went to him room. I was about to knock on the door, into the door opened.

I seen Nick in his tux and he looked at me up and down and grabbed my waist.

"Holy shit! Your so beautiful!" He Said kissing me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he picked me up and ran down the hall with me. We laugh and giggled until we got to the doors. We heard someone announce us and we ran in and danced.

1 hour later...

The reception was so fun! Everyone is dancing and having the time of their lives.  Of course We has to play Zions music and everyone was in one huge circle bouncing on everyone.

Then the girls and I had our song come on and danced while everyone was basically watching us goof around.  I was tired from all the stress of this wedding and planning it, but it really was the best.
I sat down from everyone dancing and drinking because i need some type of break.

"Come dance with me!" Nick said creeping up behind me. I laughed.

"I'm need a break!" I laughed taking a sip of my wine. Nick sat down next to be and asked for a beer.

"You made this night so perfect." He smiled taking a sip of his beer and looking around the whole room.
I also smiled and admired the room. I jumped up and pulled Nick to the dance floor. We danced and danced until we couldn't anymore.

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