Chapter 8: Kiss

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"No. No. Why would you even say that?" I Said. I could see the hurt in his eyes and for Zion. You never see that.

"I see how you look at him, Tessa." He Said sitting up and putting his feet on the ground. I  got up and put my hands on his back and slowly moved them up to his shoulders. I grabbed his chin with my finger and forced him to become face to face with me.

"I would never hurt you." I said. I then pressed my lips softly against his. He grabbed my waist and put laid me on the bed, as he was on top of me leaving soft kissing all over my neck.

"Okay Okay, I have a shoot tomorrow. I need to go to bed." I chuckled pushing him off me. He sucked his teeth at me. I chuckled as kissed him once more and closed my eyes to sleep.

Next Morning

I woke up and seen Zion still asleep, which wasn't surprising because it was 7:30 in the morning. I kissed his cheek and grabbed my stuff and headed downstairs. I heard someone in the kitchen and I didn't know who it was because none of the boys are awake this early. I looked in the kitchen and seen Nick, making a protein shake.

"Boo!" I Said walking in the and hopping on the counter.

"Why you up so early?" He Said smiling as he leaned up against the counter as he drank his shake.

"I have a shoot today. Why you up?" I Said swinging my legs back and forth.

"I'm going to the gym." He Said smiling once again at me. Gosh, that smile. I got lost in in smile and realized I was starting at him.

"WELL...I should get going." I Said jumping off the counter and walking towards the door.

"Wait, Tessa." He Said coming to the door. I stopped and turned around.

"My brother is moving to ATL and he needs help moving some boxes and stuff. Would you uh be able to help me?" He asked.

"Oh yeah totally, I'll text you when I'm out of my shoot." I Said smiling and said bye to him. I got an Uber and went to my shoot. I didn't want to go because I know my mom and dad were ganna be there. I got to the studio and I was teaming up with American Eagle for this one. I got up to the room and seen a bunch of people. It was a whole new team!

I can't believe my parents switched my whole entire team! How could they do that. That was my family and they just took that away from me.

"You must be Tessa?"  A girl said.

"Yes." I smiled.

"Actually, Do you know why my parents switched my whole team?" I asked. The girl looked at me like she knew I was eventually going to ask her.

"They didn't tell me why. Sorry honey." She said. I rolled my eyes and just got to work with the new team. They were the same as my old crew but it wasn't to bad.

2 hours later...

I finally finished my shoot and I said bye to all the people and grabbed my things and waited outside for my Uber, I texted Nick to tell me his brothers Address so I could just meet him there. We pulled up to the house and I only seen Nicks car in the driveway. I got out and let myself in the house.

"Hello?" I Said as the whole house echoed from how empty it was. No one responded. I walked in and closed the door behind me. I walked through bunch of boxes and heard a drill from upstairs. I slowly made my way up there and seen Nick ,shirtless, taking screws out the wall. I leaned against the door frame and couched to get his attention.

"Oh! Tessa! I didn't know you was here." He laughed getting up.

"So, I'm here to help you. Put me to work." I smiled. He chuckled as walked out the room gesturing me to follow him.

"So where are the boys? They ain't helping you?" I asked as we walked downstairs.

"Yeah, I didn't ask them because I know they would be a pain in my ass." He laughed as he walked out to the backyard. I nodded and he stopped at the pool.

"What? You wanna go swimming?" I asked, laughing.

"Haha not quite. You could clean out the pool for me." Nick Said.

"Oh yeah sure , I think I have a suit suite in my car." I Said nodding. He thanked me and went back up stairs and worked. I went to my car and found my white bikini and changed into that and got in the pool. It was super cold so I was basically crying.
I grabbed the pool cleaner stick and started getting the pool spotless. After about an hour later. The pool was super clean. I was even proud how clean I got it.
I resented my arms on the side of the pool and just relax and closed my eyes as I held myself up and moved my legs back and fourth.

"Break time already?" Nick chuckled as he came out.

"Yes. I'm proud of my work so i deserve a break time." I Said still closing my eyes. I smiled and could feel his smile.

"Well, I might have to come IN!" He Said as he jumped in and slaps he'd me with a bunch of water. I opened my eyes and tackled him under the water.
We wrestled back and forth until we both got out of breath.

"Thanks for helping today." Nick Said sitting with me on the edge of the pool.

"Of course." I Said swishing My legs in the pool. I looked up at him and smiled. He smiled back and it was so calming so she him smile.we both leaned in and kissed. I quickly pulled away after knowing what I just did.

"O-o I-I s-should... I'm gotta go." I Said stuttering and grabbing my things and quickly leaving. I got in the car and I was shocked the whole ride home. I just kissed Nick. I just cheated on Zion.

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