Chapter 4: The Boys

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I got to the boys house and let myself in.

"Hey Tessa." Brandon said hugging me as I walked through the door.

"Hey guys." I Said waving at them all as they were chillin in the living room.

"Where's z?" I asked.

"His room." Edwin Said pointing upstairs. I nodded and made my way upstairs. I've only been the boys house like once or twice so I haven't seen the whole house. As I was walking up the stairs, there was a room with the door half way open. I glanced in it and seen a ton of shoes. It was so organized. I made my way in the room and bent down and looked at all the shoes. I grabbed a pair of Jordan's and admired them. They were so stunning.

"Umm?" I heard from behind me. I quickly jumped and tripped on the pile of shoes.

"Wow. Really." Nick spat as he watched me struggle to get up.

"I-I'm Sorry." I Said quickly getting up and fixing myself.

"Why you in my room?" He Said walking towards me.

"I-I lm Sorry, I-I just saw all these shoes and i was nosy an-" I rambled.

"Well it's rude to go through people's stuff and I don't appreciate that." He Said flaring his nostrils. He was kinda close to me and I was so embarrassed but he was so rude. When he told me that I just looked into his eyes and was so confused onto why he was rude about it.

"Tessa?" Zion said walking in Nicks room.

"Z!" I Said in relief.

"What are you guys doing?" Zion asked confused.

"I-I um I jus-" I Said panicking for no reason.

"She got lost." Nick Said still staring at me out of anger. I nodded my head and walked towards Z.

"Okay?" Zion said confused as he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me out Nicks room. We went back into Zions room and laid on the bed and watched TV.

"You sure your good?" Zion asked rubbing my back.

"Y-Yeah Yeah, it's just... Why is he so rude?" I asked Zion as I turned to face him.

"Nick is just like that until you get to know him, don't stress about it. He will come around." Zion said pulling our bodies closer together and leaving soft kisses on my neck.

"Ahh Zion!" I laughed as i squirmed around from his touch.

1 week later...

I've been at the boys house almost everyday. I leave when my parents go to work, so they don't know. They boys and I have a really good friendship, except Nick. He's always so rude and I don't know why. I try to be nice but he just don't like me.

"You hungry?" Zion said getting up from the bed.

"Actually yeah." I Said sitting up.

"Cool, come on." He said reaching his hand out for mine. I grabbed his hand and he pulled me up and we walked down to the kitchen.  We looked through the kitchen and found some fruit and eat that.

"Yo! What y'all doing?" Edwin asked as he came into the kitchen. Zion and I looked at each other confused and laughed.

"Bro what you mean? We eating." Zion said.

"Y'all supposed to be getting ready." Edwin Said

"For what?" I asked.

"A party?" Edwin Said confuses as we were dumb we didn't know. Zion laughed and through a strawberry at me.

"Zion!" I laughed through it one back.

"HEY! COME ON PEOPLE! CLEAN THE HOUSE! GET THE FOOD! LETS GO!" Edwin yelled clapping his hands as he walked around the house.

"Sorry, he gets like that." Brandon Said walking up to his room.

"Hey, I gotta go." I Said peaking Zions lips and grabbing my phone and keys.

"What? Why? You aren't staying for the party?" He asked.

"I can't. My parents will kill me if I ain't home before 10. They are crazy Zion." I Said walking towards the door.

"That's fine! That's fine! Just stay till 9:30pm and I'll bring you home." Zion offered.

"Ugh fine! But I gotta get home and change anyways and see why the girls haven't gotten here." I Said.

"Okay bye baby." Zion said kissing my cheek. I left the house and went to mine. I seen my parents weren't home yet. Thank God. I went up in my room and started getting ready.

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