Current Agititations

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I don't even have a plan right now I just need to vent.

Why are there so many stupid humongous assignments in school? Like science fair, history fair, speech fair... I thought fairs were fun. Excuse you, those are not fun. I have to do history fair and it makes me want to shoot myself in the foot just thinking about it.

Have you ever noticed that TV shows are like 30% commercials? I don't want to sit through ten minutes of that crap when I'm watching a thirty minute show. And they're always at the best parts. Like I know it's an advertising technique but seriously. Major trolls.

I hate the weather right now. I love fall but like it's that gross in-between-summer-and-fall stage where it's hot some days and cool other days... I just want cold rain PLEASE.

I just really don't like school right now. I came back from fall break on Monday like no thank you.

Red lights really bother me. Like we'll be driving to church at 7 in the morning and there's a red light for no apparent reason. At 7 a.m., NO ONE IS ON THE ROADS EXCEPT US BECAUSE NO ONE GETS UP THAT EARLY ON A SUNDAY.

I hate Hobby Lobby putting their Christmas stuff out before Halloween. It's so tacky. Let me enjoy these holidays before you launch us into the crazy madness of Christmas.

My autocorrect is so annoying sometimes. It's helpful occasionally, but mostly when I try to type "gave" it corrects to "have". It bothers me.

I hate when you type your passcode in on your phone but you screw up and then you just can't seem to type the right passcode. (run-on sentence haha) That happens to me so much it's not even funny. People will watch me try to get into my phone and it looks like I stole my friend's or something.

I am going to hypocritical: I hate when people text me with the worst grammar possible. I know I just wrote a really bad run-on, but at least I have the decency to use commas and stuff most of the time. Grammar was invented for a reason.

I don't really like Halloween that much. It's a cool holiday for younger kids, but the constant doorbell ringing is super annoying. And my costumes are always super pathetic so...

What's the deal with pumpkin spice everything? I almost think the "spice" in pumpkin spice is nicotine or something, what with all the teenage girls drinking/eating/smelling it.

Also: Vine? It's really confusing to me. If you are an expert, please explain it to me in the comments. I know you post videos but my knowledge ends there.

I know this was a sloppily written rant, but I just needed to vent quickly and efficiently and get my point across. Sometimes things just get bothersome.


yeah yeah i know it has terrible grammar

just hush


i was just really annoyed with things in the world tonight so i was like "hey i'll do a rant"

and i'm typing this on my mom's iPad keyboard thing so i'm too lazy to capitalize in this part

okay more information than you actually cared about

vote/comment/follow/idk if you feel like it... i promise you will make me happy


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