Commericals: How to be a Mindless Drone

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Okay, I'm beginning to think television isn't even worth watching anymore.

It's so annoying that advertisements are permitted to take over at least 25% of the programs that are on TV. How is this legal?

I feel cheated when I watch TV. My family is paying for cable and yet we are forced to watch these super annoying clips of companies trying to sell us goods and services.

Those, my friends, are called commercials.

I am convinced that commercials take up at least ten minutes of a thirty-minute show. That is 30% of the allotted show time wasted on companies attempting to create an army of mindless drones out of the American population.

And, in a way, it's working.

I mean, who hasn't memorized the Geico slogan? How about McDonald's? Heck, most people have even memorized the Dos Equis commercial!

Stay thirsty my friends.


And the sad thing is that, for the most part, people will enjoy these commercials if they are presented correctly and to the appropriate audience.

There is an actual website where you can just watch commercials. Commercials.

I thought commercials were the bad parts of the program, the parts that you fast-forwarded through every possible time you could. Apparently, I was wrong...?

I don't watch a lot of TV. But I watch enough to know that the commercials are getting stupider and stupider each day. The plots of advertisement somehow work on a enough of the population that these companies are still in business.

So if you want to be a mindless drone, I suggest you go watch a long television program and don't fast forward through the commercials.

Or just go to


that is a real website that i promise offers a free range of commercials. i still can't believe that exists.

oh i don't hate tv. i just really hate commercials. and i think YouTube and things like Netflix are far superior but whatever.

thank you guys for sticking with these rants even though i know my updates are sporadic. i need like a reminder or something. or 25 hour day.


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