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ーNew Girlー

Y/n POV:
Life. What is the meaning of life? What is our purpose? Why does everyone on this earth decide that LIVING in a world where you don't matter, is so great? What makes others so important and me so... worthless? My parents died when I was young, my father died from cancer and my mother committed suicide a couple days after my father's funeral. I was put in an orphanage, where I escaped when I turned 14, I found a job and I've been by myself ever since. I'm currently attending JYP High but I don't like the people here. I know that's a really bitchy thing to say but it's true. They all just... dislike me.

But as my mom always said: "no one can hate you more than you hate yourself" that was her yearbook quote. She was always so proud of that for some odd reason. I'm actually thinking about moving to Seoul High which I've been told has a better environment for people like me. My only friend told me that I should transfer schools. She knows about my cutting and the amount of times I've contemplated committing suicide and she thinks that if I surround myself with new 'good' people, I could make some new friends and get over my depression. How naïve of her.

You can't just "get over depression" pffft! If that was possible I wouldn't be all alone, with no friends and wrapped up in a million blankets in my dark room overthinking and not sleeping and talking to myself now would I? I think I'm gonna stay one more week in JYP High just to see if there are any changes, which there probably aren't gonna be, but we'll see how it goes.

-The Next Week-
As predicted, it didn't get better. Well isn't that great? Now I'm going to have to transfer to Seoul High, where "the environment is better". Let's face it, it's probably not gonna be any different from what I've been going through here. My first day is on Wednesday which means I have five days until I have to go to school and interact with actual people. Fun. Fuck.

Now I could either spend those five days sleeping OR I could spend those five days doing what I do best, contemplate all my life decisions and get zero hours of sleep. I think I'll do the latter. Five days of 'pure bliss' until I enter the pits of hell. Good luck me!

-Start of School-
It's officially Wednesday. How exciting. *deep inhale* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Just thought I should let that out. I put on my school uniform and slipped on my black converse highs before leaving the house. I walked to the bus stop and sat down, waiting for the bus. This was was when I noticed a boy sitting on the other side of the bench in the same uniform as me. He doesn't look like he's waiting for a bus though. He seems to keep looking down at his phone every five seconds. His phone eventually started ringing, which I'm assuming as the call he was waiting for as he answered eagerly, and soon, a black van appeared next to the bus stop. The boy hopped in the back with, what looked like 4 other boys. There was a guy with broad shoulders in the driver's seat and a guy with dimples in the passengers seat. they seemed to notice me staring as they stared right back INTO MY SOUL.

A couple minutes after the van left, my bus arrived. It took 15 minutes to get to school from my stop. I walked into the office and got my timetable. 1st period is... History. Well isn't that swell? I struggled to find my locker as there were so many people in the hallways at the time. Eventually I found it and shoved my shit into it violently. I walked to my History class with my head hung low and my hands balled in fists, hiding in the sleeves of my school blazer. I wasn't allowed to wear my hoodie to school because of the rules and I was EXTREMELY uncomfortable walking to class.

When I got there, I was greeted with stares from the other  students. The staring went on for a while until finally, my teacher decided to speak up. 
"Children! We have a new student! She's going to introduce herself now so shut up!" She announced, giving me a smile. I put on the fakest smile I've ever put on, and introduced myself.
"H-hi, I'm l/n y-y/n. P-please ta-take care of m-me" fuck. Why can't I get a full sentence out properly? Oh right. Because the freaking teacher made everyone shut up and focus on me!

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