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Yoongi POV:
He hasn't spoken to me for almost a week now. All because of that stupid new girl. What am I saying? I can't call her stupid. She's just like me. She's sad. Well, that's one way of putting it. She's sad and she masks it with her anger. I don't want to tell my Jiminie about this because he's probably gonna blurt it out to the others and make Y/n's situation worse. To be completely honest, I'm against this bullying thing that my friends seem to have gotten used to, but I can't find it in myself to walk away from them or tell them because we've been friends since preschool and I don't want to lose their friendship.

Now you may wonder how I know about Y/n's "sadness" and I'm gonna tell you exactly how I know. You also might be thinking 'Yoongi, why would you tell me and not Jimin?' Here's why: the person reading this can't to shit about it. You can't even tell my Jiminie. So that's why. Anyways... here's how I know about Y/n. It was about three days since she started here, and Jungkook decided to pay her yet another visit as if the first three weren't enough.
We followed Jungkook for the fourth time today and I found myself getting annoyed at how we just let this kid boss us around all the time. He led us to Y/n's locker where she was sitting on the floor writing something in a book. As we walked closer she noticed us but chose to ignore it.
Jungkook kept walking until finally, we stopped in front of her. I looked closely at her book and saw that she was writing lyrics. Damn, she's good.

"Hey, new girl." Jungkook spoke. She looked up unamused for a second then looked back down at her book. Namjoon reaches down to grab the book in her hands but she hit his hand away.
"We heard that you don't have any friends other than that weird loner kid. How about we change that? We can give you things that he can't." Taehyung smirked. She gave us the coldest glare I've seen in my life, and I'm Min Yoongi. She got up from where she was sat and proceeded to walk away. I moved over so she could go through but she ended up pushing Jungkook instead.

This girl is quite entertaining. Jungkook grabbed her by the wrist not letting her go, but as soon as his hand fell onto her arm, she winced in pain and slapped his hand off her. As she did this, Jungkook's hand accidentally moved her sleeve up a bit, just enough for me to see her scars and bandages. She seemed to notice this happen as she immediately pulled her sleeve back down to cover her hands and tried to walk away again.

"I think we should leave her alone." I finally spoke.
"Why? Do you care about this girl?" SeokJin asked
"No! But, I just think... she's already had so much shit thrown her way since she got here and it's only been three days!" I argued. Jimin looked in my direction and tilted his head in confusion.
"Just please leave her alone." I begged then walked away. No one followed me. Good thing too. I was about to talk to the new girl. I followed the girl to the roof. I opened the door to reveal a crying Y/n.

"Y-y/n?" I spoke. She turned to face me and furrowed her brows as she realized who it was calling her name. She ignored me and walked away from me. She sat on the edge of the roof which made me uneasy. "Uhm... I've never introduced myself properly. I'm Min Yoongi. I'm one of Jungkook's friends."
"Why are you here? To make fun of me? To belittle me? To tell me how much of a baby I'm being?" She sobbed
"N-no! No! I would never do that. I actually came to apologize for Jungkook's behavior. He's immature and he usually picks on people for no reason. I've tried to stop it but the brat never listens."
"W-why would you w-want to apologize to someone l-like m-me?" She tilted her head in confusion.
"Because you're sad, and I know what it's like to be sad. Trust me. I was way worse than you." I smiled and showed her my scars. I don't know why, but as soon as I saw her cuts I felt an instant bond with his person, like I could trust her. "I even had social anxiety."

"Oh. Well, thanks. Can you not tell anyone about this though? I don't want anyone to think I'm some monster like they did in my old school." She asked "especially Eunwoo. He's my only friend and I don't want him to run away from me for this. I don't blame him if he does."
"Okay, I won't tell anyone. But if it was me, I would tell Eunwoo. If he runs away that means he's a coward who's afraid of commitment. If he stays, you should stick with him for a while." I suggested
"Thanks Yoongi."
I reached over to hug her and she cried in my arms for a while. I guess she felt the bond too.

We ended up skipping class together. We had the same class anyway. We spent this time talking about our problems and comparing scars. I even showed her the scars on my palms from digging my nails in. I did that when I met new people.
-end of flashback-

Ever since then, anytime Jungkook decided to visit her, I would meet up with her on the roof, and last week wasn't any different. I already knew about her situation with Eunwoo, and I'm proud of her for making a friend all by herself. She hates me for saying that.

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