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ㅡTalk to me babyㅡ

(A/N: the title was just supposed to be 'talk to me' but I rlly like the song Talk to me by Tory Lanez recently for some reason. Lol no one asked for this explanation but it's here anyway.)

No One POV:
The five sat on Y/n's bed staring at each other in silence. Yoongi cleared his throat as if he were about to say something but he kept quiet.
"So... why are you guys here?" Y/n finally broke the deafening silence.
"I wanted to get Jungkook to talk to you. To see if it'd help you start to take take care of yourself again." Yoongi admitted.
"Oh. That's really nice of you Yoongs, but I don't think a conversation with Jungkook is going to help my mentality. So you guys can go now." Y/n attempted to push them away.
"Please Y/n. Just talk to me. Tell me how I can make things better, because I don't know if I can live with myself, knowing you're here like this and I'm doing nothing to stop it." Jungkook finally spoke.
"It's fine Jungkook. I'm fine. You guys can leave." Y/n still tried to push them away.
"Talk to me baby, don't push me away. I know you. You're better than this." Jungkook tried to sound comforting.
"Just, LEAVE ME ALONE!" Y/n burst.
"Babygirl, please?" Jungkook looked at her with desperate eyes and put his arm around her. Y/n sighed and sunk into his embrace.

Jungkook smiled at the small action. She still gave in to his touch.
"It's just- it's been a while since I've seen you. I guess it was just driving me mad. I'm so used to seeing you all the time and now I've just pushed you as far away as you could possibly be. You don't even come to school anymore." Y/n started to open up to him. "I guess, well, I feel like I need to see you happy, for me to know that you can still be okay without me. Since we took a break, I haven't seen you at all, it feels like I lost you forever. I know it sounds dramatic, but I genuinely love you and I threw it all away because of some guy from my stupid past." She sighed "Because of that stupid decision, both of us are suffering. I'm sure people around us are also suffering from our behavior. I guess what I'm trying to say is, I love you so much Jungkook. I love you more than you'll ever know. I'm sorry I never said anything, I'm sorry I couldn't really show it to you earlier, but since we decided that we're being honest today, I wanted to tell you. I love you, I will continue to love you forever, and it's driving me insane."
Jungkook was at a loss for words. He didn't know she felt that way, he knew she loved him, he just didn't know she loved him that much.
"I think that, Jungkook feels the same way. I mean, not the exact same way, you know? I mean, he loves you, probably more than you love him. Not that I'm trying to make it a competition, I'm just saying that he loves you very very much and I don't think he would have ever traded you for anyone or anything else. Even if your relationship ended, Jungkook would go through it all over again, as long as he'd be with you through it all. What I mean to say is, I think Jungkook has just missed you so much over the past three days and he's just beating himself up over the fact that he felt like he couldn't be there when you needed him." Jin explained.
"This is absolutely not your fault Jungkook. If it's anyone's fault we broke up, it's mine." Y/n comforted.

"Actually, there is factual evidence that this conundrum is all Felix's fault. So... I don't know why the both of you are beating yourselves up about this." Yoongi commented.
"I'm not beating myself up, I'm taking responsibility for something that was absolutely my fault. If I hadn't let Felix get in my head after seeing him with Ji-Ah, then this whole breakup ordeal would have never happened." Y/n sighed "but I did. I let him get the best of me and that drove me to break up with Jungkook. Therefore, this is all my fault."

"Look, it's no one's fault okay? Y/n just happened to see
Ji-Ah with her 'biological' father and that played with her feelings. Y/n, you obviously feel bad about breaking up with Jungkook and he obviously didn't want it to happen. Felix meeting Ji-Ah was coincidental and it'll probably never happen again. So instead of blaming yourselves, why don't you talk to each other positively and get back together already, because I feel like Jungkook's father and I hate to see Y/n like this." Namjoon finally spoke up.
Everyone fell silent at the sound of his voice. He sounded so authoritative, like a parent, or a leader. Y/n cleared her throat and tried to speak up.
"W-well, if you put it like that, then I guess there's really no arguing with you."
Jungkook chuckled and held onto Y/n tighter.
"That's the first time I've seen you smile in the past three days Jungkook." Jin spoke
"Huh. I guess it is." Jungkook brushed it off.
"So you're telling me, my happy cheery Jungkook has completely disappeared the past three days?" Namjoon nodded at Y/n's question.
"What have I done?"
"Hey, I'm back aren't I? Thanks to you." Jungkook smiled at her.

"So now that you've had a 'proper' conversation, are you two willing to get back together?" Yoongi asked
"I know I am." Jungkook smiled
"I don't know why I ever let Felix get in my head. I never should have let you go. I'm taking you back, and I'm not letting go of you this time."

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