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ㅡBack to schoolㅡ

(A/N: Happy new year y'all!! 🥳🥳 I hope the new decade brings better times for everyone! 💜💜)

Y/n POV:
Ji-Ah ended up sleeping in my room last night because I couldn't, no, I refused to be away from her. I woke up early and got ready for school. Back to the hellhole I go!
Sometime during my morning routine, Ji-Ah woke up and just laid on my bed silently.
"Hey babygirl! When did you wake up?" I picked her up and she babbled to me as I prepared her breakfast. 
"When you finish your breakfast you're gonna take a bath and Auntie Taehee will pick you up, sound good?" Ji-Ah babbled again making bubbles with her saliva
"I'll take that as a yes" I chuckled.

Ji-Ah finished her food and I gave her a bath and dressed her up in a pink shirt and black leggings.
"Cute" I admired "you look just like your mom."
A car beeped outside
"That's our ride" I put my bag on my shoulders and grabbed Ji-Ah's bag, slipped on my shoes and rushed out the door. I got in the car and strapped Ji-Ah in her car seat before putting my own seatbelt on.
"Hello Mrs Kim" I greeted "Hey Jae"
"How many times must I say it? Please drop the formalities. Call me Aunt Taehee sweets" she smiled
"Yo waddup bissss"
"Jae! There's a kid in the back seat!" Aunt Taehee scolded
"I said biss eomma!" Jae argued. I chuckled at their argument as usual.

They dropped me off at school and I thanked them as always before walking into the school and sitting by myself at my locker.
"Hey Y/n." Eunwoo greeted
"Hey Eun. Why aren't you with Tae?" I asked
"He's busy right now."
"Ahh. It feels so weird to be back"
"I heard Jungkook got discharged yesterday but you never went on your date. What happened? Is everything okay between you two?"
"Ehhh, he just asked a question about someone and I kind of overreacted. I don't know if he still wants to see me after the way I acted." I explained
"Actually, I saw him this morning and I think it's quite the opposite. He looks pretty down and he looks like he's been crying." He informed. I panicked. He looks down? Did my reaction hurt him? But, I didn't- I didn't think my yelling would hurt him that much.

"What do you mean he looked down?" I asked with worry clearly written on my face
"He looked as if his world disappeared. Like, he lost everything-" I ran off as soon as Eunwoo started explaining. I ran as fast as I could to Jungkook's usual spots. He wasn't in any of them. I ran to the roof to cry but as soon as I opened the door, there he was. Jungkook was sitting on the roof surrounded by his best friends.
"Kooks." I scanned his face. It's exactly as Eunwoo described it. Emotionless, eyes puffy, his nose was red and his hair was a mess. I walked closer only to be held back by Jin.
"What did you do to my Kookie?" I ripped myself out of his grasp and hugged my boyfriend
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for yelling. I'm sorry for not staying with you like I promised, I'm sorry for not going on our date, I'm sorry that I've just made a mess of your life since we got together." I cried

"It's not your fault. I should have known my question was making you uncomfortable, I shouldn't have pushed it. I'm the one who should be saying sorry." He sobbed in my arms, "I'm sorry for being so dramatic like this"
"Don't say sorry, I shouldn't have overreacted like that. I shouldn't have left you alone. I'm a horrible person"
"No, no you're not. You're a great person and I'm an idiot who doesn't know how to read signs"
"don't say that about yourself! I'll answer your question. Because you deserve to know before you go through with dating me. I have a daughter! I have a daughter! I'm answering your question now because I love you and I think it's time I told someone about her. I have a kid. Her name is Lee Ji-Ah. Named after my mother." Everyone's eyes widened at my sudden news.
"She looks just like me. She doesn't get much from her father. Felix doesn't even know about her!"

"You have a kid?" Jungkook looked worried
"You're gonna break up with me aren't you? I'm sorry. That was stupid of me." I detached myself from him and started to walk away.
"Y/n!" Jungkook ran towards me "I'm not gonna just leave you. Just because you have a kid, doesn't mean I have to leave you."
"Then why'd you look at me like that? Like I'm some kind of monster?"
"I'm just shocked. That's all. You have a daughter! A mini
Y/n! More for me to love!" Jungkook hugged me.
"You're just saying that to make me feel better. You're still gonna leave aren't you?" I looked him in the eyes as I pulled out of his embrace.
"I promise you, I will never leave you. It doesn't matter if you have multiple children. I'll care for them like they're my own." Jungkook kissed me. On the lips for the first time. I kissed him back, obviously. Then slowly realized that everyone else was still on the roof, watching everything that's going on. I pulled away and jerked my head in the direction of his friends.
"Pfft. Like I care that they're here. Do you know how many kisses I had to sit through with them? Plus, I kinda like that they're part of my first kiss" Jungkook smiled then kissed me again.

"There's no way thats your first kiss" Yoongi argued
"It looked nothing like my first kiss" Namjoon chuckled
"I'm Jeon Jungkook bitches, everything I do looks professional." Jungkook bragged.
"What happened to my baby boy's innocence?!" Jin cried
"I thought I was your baby boy?" Namjoon mumbled and frowned
"Le gasp. EXPOOOOOSSSSSEEEEDDDDDD!!! Jin is a top! Namjoon! You're supposed to be our leader! I can't believe you're a bottom!" Hoseok laughed
"You'd be surprised at what else he is" Jin smirked
"What the actual fuck has this conversation turned into?" I smiled
"I'd tell you if I knew." Jimin laughed
"Well. That was certainly an interesting first day back."
"Indeed it was child, indeed it was" Eunwoo appeared out of nowhere
"Babyyyy! Where'd you come from?" Tae hugged him
"I was here the entire time, thanks for noticing." Eunwoo crossed his arms and rolled his eyes

(A/N: at first I knew what I wanted this chapter to be, then I got carried away and I honestly don't know what the fuck it turned into. But if the writers of Riverdale can do it, so can I. ☕️☕️)

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