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Eunwoo POV:
Taehyung and I hug-walked all the way back to the library where the boys were, surprisingly, still fighting about Y/n. They were so immersed in the fight that they barely noticed us walk in. We stood at the door for a good 20 seconds before Hoseok noticed us.
"Hey guys" He greeted awkwardly. Everyone turned to face us and I quickly detached myself from Taehyung. It was pointless though, as he grabbed me and pulled me back into his arms.

"Uhh, hello" I replied nervously.
"Heyyo my dudes and dudes who are dicks" Taehyung greeted then sat in the back corner of the room, not breaking our hug once.
"Where's Y/n?" Yoongi interrogated
"So no one's gonna comment on how they walked in hugging, and are sitting over there like," Jungkook pointed at us "that?"
"No, we all saw it coming, we're over it." Jimin brushed it off "WHERE'S Y/N?"
"Y/n should be either in the bathroom or sitting at her locker." I replied. They both left running.

"So... You and weirdo huh?" SeokJin nudged Taehyung smiling.
"Shut up Hyung." Tae hid his face behind my back.
"No need to be embarrassed TaeTae." Namjoon joined in the conversation. I was sitting silently on Taehyung's lap trying not to make eye contact with anyone.
"I'm not embarrassed. It just feels weird." He admitted
Pfft, it feels weird for you? Try kissing your bully then getting applauded for it and you tell me who feels weirder.
"I probably don't feel as weird as Eun though. Think about it, I'm basically his bully." It was as if he'd read my mind.

"Shouldn't we go to Y/n? I feel bad for leaving her like that." I finally spoke.
"You're right. Let's go" he grabbed my hand and smiled as we walked out of the room we could hear the boys giggling.
"I fucking knew he was bi" Hoseok clapped. Tae shook his head, finding his friends' conversation amusing.


Yoongi POV:
We found Y/n sitting at her locker tearing pages out of her book, sobbing.
"Hey, Y/n? What's wrong?" I walked closer to see she was ripping out songs from her lyric book.
"Just leave me alone." She sobbed as she continued ripping.
"Y/n, we can't just leave you alone like this. You need a friend to talk to." Jimin walked closer. I put my hand on her back but she moved away.
"Y/n? What's wrong?" Jimin spoke with clear concern
"Everybody is a liar. No one is telling the truth. If Eunwoo couldn't even tell me his name, why should I trust the things he says?" Y/n sobbed, hugging her knees.

"What do you mean? His name is Cha Eunwoo." I asked
"No it's not. That's not what his mother named him." She argued
"Lee Dongmin." Jimin informed "that's his name."
"See? Even you knew! And no one cared enough to tell me." Y/n sobbed into her hands.
"We're sorry for not telling you, but do you have to be like this?" I questioned
"Be like what? A baby?" Y/n looked up. "I know I'm being childish, I'm sorry. Just leave me alone! I don't have to apologize to anyone!" She got up and walked away, leaving her book and the ripped pages behind. Jimin and I just watched her leave, too afraid to follow her.

I picked up her book and the torn pages. I read them all. She had ripped out the songs she had made with, and for Eunwoo.
Eunwoo and Taehyung walked over about five minutes after Y/n had left.
"Where's Y/n?" Eunwoo asked.
"This is your fault." Jimin furrowed his brows at Eunwoo and walked away.
"What?" Eunwoo looked at me in confusion.
"It is." I said looking down at Y/n's book. With that, I walked away, leaving the couple behind to figure things out for themselves.


Y/n POV:
I walked to the front office to tell them I was sick.
"Uhm, miss? I'm not feeling very well, am I able to go home?" I asked
"Sure honey, what's wrong?" She smiled at me
"Well," I started "it's that time of the month" I whispered "and my cramps are really bad, I don't think I can deal with it for an entire school day"
"Ah, I see. I'll just write you an early leave slip then you can go. Is your parent going to come pick you up?" She asked as she typed away on her computer.
"Ah, yeah. I'm meeting my mom at the seven eleven across the street." I lied.
"Alright. Well, here you go. Do you need anyone to come and walk with you?" She said as she handed me my early leave slip.
"No thank you. I'll be fine." I was used to telling that lie. I've said it everyday and not once was it true.

I thanked the office lady and walked out. I went back to my locker to get my bag. This is when I noticed Eunwoo and Taehyung reading my lyric book. I've only ever showed that book to Eunwoo and now he's showing it to the guy that bullied him so easily? I took a deep breath and walked past them to get to my locker. I grabbed my bag and closed my locker. Eunwoo and Taehyung were holding hands as I walked past them. Weird. They hate each other.

I left the school gate and walked over to the seven eleven. I bought some ramen and sat down to eat it. I noticed Yoongi and Jimin on the roof of the school, sitting on the ledge. Yoongi was sobbing and Jimin was cradling him in his arms. I immediately felt bad. He didn't have to waste all of those tears on me. He should just live his life and forget I even existed.

I finished up my ramen and started to walk home. It didn't take long before I was sobbing on my bed. I got up and walked into my bathroom. I grabbed my box of blades and picked the sharpest one. It was stained all over with dried blood. I hadn't cut since I met Yoongi but I guess this habit won't leave me. I brought the cold metal to my wrist.
One cut for being worthless.
One cut for being dumb.
One cut for trusting people.
One cut for telling them my story.
One cut for abandoning people who actually cared.
And one last cut for still being alive.
I did the same on my other wrist and my thighs. I didn't know how much I missed the familiar feeling until now.

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