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No One POV:
Y/n woke up to the sound of Jae typing away on her phone.
"Good morning princess" Jae greeted with a smile
"Morning my love" Y/n smiled back.
"Chris is on the way here." Jae informed "also, Jungkook went to have a checkup with the doctor, he'll be back soon."
"Why'd I need to know where Jungkook is?" Y/n looked at Jae confused
"I don't know, I just thought you should know."
"I'm back! And I come bearing gifts" Jungkook came into the room in a wheelchair and snacks on his lap.
"Thanks nurse." He thanked the nurse who was pushing him as she walked away.

"Snacks!" Jae immediately reacted
"Slow your roll there love" Y/n chuckled
"Sorry princess, you want some?" Jae smiled
"Princess?" Jungkook tilted his head in confusion
"She calls me princess, no one else. Got it?" Y/n gave him a stern look
"Sheesh, Okay." Jungkook threw a packet of chips to her and she caught it.
"What about me?" Jae pouted.
"Here." Jungkook tossed a pack of chocolates to her
"Thank you!"

"I have arrived!" A boy stood at the door.
"Crispy!!!" Y/n smiled to him as he came in
"Babyyyy!!" Jae engulfed him in a hug.
"I came with a special someone." Chris smiled
"Hey boo!" Another boy stood at the door.
"HUSBAND!!!" Y/n beamed as the boy came over and hugged her
"I haven't seen you in forever!" She started to cry "I missed you so much"
Y/n pulled out of his embrace suddenly, "actually, I didn't miss you. I'm still mad at you." She pouted "how could you leave?! You dick! Do you know how hard it was for me to trust other guys again?! I still don't trust them, all because of you!" She sobbed as she punched his chest. This only made the boy hug Y/n tighter.
"Well, I'm here now." He kissed her head
"Leave me alone" she furrowed her brows
"who's this?"
"that's Jungkook. He jumped after Y/n and made sure she didn't die." Jae explained
"Ah, I believe I should say thank you for saving my precious Y/n's life" the boy smiled at Jungkook
"Oh. No need to say thank you. You should probably get mad at me for being the reason she jumped." Jungkook spoke
"Oh, Jungkook, this is Christopher or 'Chan', and this is Felix or 'Lee Yongbok" Jae introduced "but he doesn't like to be called that."
"Right. Hello, I'm Jeon Jungkook." He greeted
"We've heard a lot about you and your friends." Chris smiled
"Negative things I'm assuming" Jungkook smiled awkwardly
"What positive thing about you is there to talk about?" Jae commented
"Hey! I got you snacks" Jungkook pouted
"Sorry. I'm really sorry, I'll shut up and eat my snacks" Jae stuffed her mouth with chocolate

"You accept his chocolates but not mine?!" Chris furrowed his brows at her
"Well, chocolates are boring as anniversary gifts." Jae mumbled
"Enough with your lovers quarrel already." Y/n furrowed her brows.
Y/n's phone rang. She picked it up and saw Yoongi's picture on the screen.
"I have to take this" She announced
"Is it Hyung?" Kook asked and she nodded "tell him I said hi"
Y/n answered her phone
"Yo waddup bitch!" She greeted
"Yah! That's my line!"
"Too bad. I said it first. Oh, and Jungkook says hi"
"Whatever. Jimin and I are on our way there. Do you need anything?"
"Yessssss!!!! I need my Eunwoo. Tell him to bring his boyfriend too."
"알라서 (arraseo T: got it) I'll pick them up. Eunwoo spent the night at Tae's so it'll be easier. Anything else?"
"Nope! We're good"
"Alright. Bye dumb hoe"
"Later slut! Love you"
"Love you too hoe"

"Yoongi's on his way with Jimin, Tae and Eun." Y/n informed Jungkook. He nodded in response
"Should I go get more snacks?" Jungkook offered
"Nahh, Yoongi's a big boi. If he wants snacks he can get it himself.
"Lol okay." Jungkook chuckled "I'm finna take a nap."
Y/n smiled as she watched Jungkook close his eyes and sleep in such a peaceful state. She watched Jungkook sleep for a good five minutes before Jae interrupted her daydreaming.
"So... you just gonna sit there and watch him sleep or...?"
"Shut up." Y/n hid her blushing face.
"Ooooooooh! Looks like someone's in looovvveee" Jae giggled
"Love? Pfft, I haven't felt that in years" Y/n glared at Felix

"Okay, whatever you say." Jae rolled her eyes
"YAH! Kim Taehyung! Put me down!" They heard a familiar voice outside
"We're in the hospital baby, be quiet" Tae laughed. Soon, the cute couple appeared at the door. Eunwoo was in Taehyung's arms and Tae was laughing as Eunwoo struggled to escape his hold.
"Jesus. I can't wait until their honeymoon phase is over" Yoongi mumbled. Jimin giggled at his quiet comment.
"What're you laughing about?" Eunwoo asked
"Nothing." Jimin smirked "Hey Yoongles, when did our honeymoon phase end?"
"Two days after it started. We kissed for the first time on the second day and I don't know what happened, after that kiss, shit hit the fan" Yoongi chuckled at the memory.
"Our honeymoon phase ended a couple hours after it started, since we were already good friends before we started dating we had already gotten used to seeing each other so much" Jae joined the conversation.

"Mmhmmm, also everyone found it annoying" Chris laughed
"Our honeymoon phase lasted a week, then you got boring" Y/n spoke to Felix
"No I didn't. I'm the funnest guy you'll ever meet" Felix argued
"Sure sure, whatever floats your boat." Y/n crossed her arms
"Honeymoon phase? Is this Husband Felix?" Yoongi asked
"Mhmm. The very guy that broke the heart I used to have."
"Oh don't be so dramatic. I told you I was considering moving back to Australia." Felix argued again
"You told me you considered it! You never told me that you were actually gonna do it!" Y/n yelled
"If you weren't so damn cute it would have been easier to tell you that I was moving back! But no! You had to be the most beautiful creature on earth and make me worry about your reaction when I told you! I thought it would be better for both of us if I just left!"
Felix cried

"Uhmmm, maybe I shouldn't have brought him here" Chris commented "come on 'Lix, let's go before you make things worse"
"No. I'm not leaving her again."
"You should go. It's not good for me to see you here. Maybe we could talk some other time" Y/n began to tear up.
"No, I don't want to leave you. I missed you so much and it hurt when I heard that you were here as soon as I got off the plane" Felix clung onto Y/n like she was his life support
"Please go." Y/n pushed him away and Chan grabbed his arm
"I'll text you later Y/n-ah" Chan waved goodbye with a saddened Felix next to him.

"Well that was kinda awkward." Jungkook commented
Y/n began to sob as she watched her first love walk away.
"Not the time man." Jimin told Jungkook
Yoongi walked over and hugged Y/n
"You okay?" Yoongi knew her answer, he also knew what she was going to say out loud is a lie.
"I'm fine" Y/n fake smiled
"Everything will be fine, I promise" Yoongi held her close and soon, Jimin joined.
Jungkook evetually got up and hugged Y/n. He doesn't know why he did it, but he did. Everyone watched in shock as Jungkook got up from his bed, walked over to Y/n, sat on her bed and gave her a hug. The fact that Jungkook got up and hugged her isn't what shocked everyone the most, it was...

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