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ㅡI like you?ㅡ

Eunwoo POV:
"You know, I would if I had one." Y/n stated then continued to walk away.
"Shit. I'm sorry. Y/n!" He got up and ran towards the door "I swear I didn't mean it! Fuck! I would never- I- shit."
"Dude, that's not funny" Taehyung left the room after Y/n. I followed.
"Where are you going?" I spoke
"Where do you think? To Y/n" Taehyung stated plainly.
"Why do you think?" Taehyung rolled his eyes at me.
"I'll take you to her." I walked in front of him.

"Why are you helping me? I'm such a dick towards you." Taehyung kept our conversation going.
"Because you're one of the only actual dicks who seems genuinely concerned for her." I answered
"What about Jimin and Yoongi?"
"Are you calling them dicks?" I turned to face him smiling in amusement, still walking.
"Uhh, Uhm... Ah, where are we going?" Taehyung awkwardly attempted to change the subject.
"Uh-Uh, stop right there Mr Kim." I stopped walking and stopped him with my hand "you're not getting out of his one."
"What one?" Taehyung laughed nervously
"Did you or did you not call your friends dicks?" I tried my best to repress all laughter from coming out of my mouth as I watched him try to answer my question. Sadly, I failed that task.

"Pffftttt, nah man, I'm just fucking with you" I chuckled
"Jesus! Dude, don't do that again." Taehyung sighed then laughed. He punched my arm playfully and I dramatically held it.
"BrO, that shit hurted" I joked
"Ha ha, you're hilarious" he laughed sarcastically.
We continued walking until we reached the cafeteria.
"We are here my dude." I let him go in first.
"How does she not get in trouble for skipping class? The subs who don't have classes eat here sometimes when the students are finished with their lunch." Tae questioned

"She doesn't eat at school ever, she doesn't talk to anyone other than me, well, from what people can see she only talks to me. She always shuts the rest of the world out and they can tell, so they leave her alone. Subs are the real MVPs" I explained.
"If that ain't the truth." He laughed.
Fuck. I was briefly attracted to Kim Taehyung. The 'Dick'. I fell silent and Taehyung seemed confused.
"Are you okay Weirdo?" He called me weirdo, we're back to square one. Kind of.
"Y-yeah. Y/n should be at our lunch table." I looked down and walked away first.

Taehyung POV:
"Are you okay Weirdo?" I asked him.  It took him a couple seconds to process my question.
"Y-yeah. Y/n should be at our lunch table." He looked at the floor and walked towards Y/n. I tilted my head in confusion but I decided to brush it off for now.
I followed him to the familiar table. We might have visited this table more than our own in the past two weeks.
"Hey, Y/n. Someone's here to see you." The weirdo sat next to Y/n, who had her head buried in her arms on the table.
"I don't want to see anyone Eun." She grumbled
"He thinks you're, and I quote, 'fucking adorable'"
Oh. They heard that.
"Tell Taehyung to go away. He may think I'm cute but he's a dick who probably doesn't even know your name Eun." She turned her head to face the wall.
"I know his name. I'm not a complete dick you know? He's know as Cha Eunwoo now but he was born as Lee Dongmin." I sat across from Y/n.

"Your name is Lee Dongmin?" She lifted her head to look at Eunwoo.
"Was." I clarified
"Shut up. I wasn't talking to you." Wow. What a nice guy. Pfft.
"Okay, jeez" I put my hands up in surrender.
"Why didn't you tell me your name?" She looked at him with sad eyes
"I did. My name is Cha Eunwoo." Now it was his turn to bury his head in his arms.
"What does it say on your birth certificate?" She crossed her arms
"Lee Dongmin" he admitted
"Is ANYONE telling the truth at all?! God!" She got up and walked away.

Eunwoo cried with his head still buried in his arms.
I got up and sat next to him. I hugged him and apologized
"I'm sorry, you guys seemed really close, I just assumed she knew."
"Go away." He sobbed.
"No. I'm gonna stay right here because you're crying and it's sad to cry alone." I hugged him tighter.
"Y/n is probably crying. Go to her." He tried to shake me off but I wasn't going to budge, this made him frustrated.
"What do you want from me?! Just go away! You ruined one friendship already don't ruin another!"
"What other friendship?" I leaned my chin on his head.
"Your friendship with Jungkook and NamJin and Hoseok. What would they think if thy saw you hugging the loser with no friends?"
"Shh, don't say that. You have amazing friends. Yoongi likes you because you're nice and you care for Y/n, Jimin likes you because you're a good person with a kind heart and Y/n likes you because you were the only person who was willing to talk to her like a human being when she first moved here. She's just a little frustrated right now that's all." I rubbed circles on his back to calm him down and stop his sobbing. It did nothing. Eunwoo froze for a second and hugged me back. He sobbed harder into my arms.

By this time the Subs were staring. I smiled awkwardly at them and they did the same.
"Are you okay buddy? The teachers are staring." I pulled away for a second and looked at his face. His nose was red and his eyes were puffy. It was cute yet sad to look at. He nodded and eventually pulled out of my embrace. I was kind of disappointed at the loss of contact but it'd be weird if I just pulled him back. Or would it? I ultimately decided that it would be weird but I did it anyway. I pulled him back into my arms and he looked confused.
"Why are you hugging me again?" He asked
"Because, I like you?" I confessed
"Like friends?"
"Nope. I like you. Like, LIKE you" I squeezed him. Even though he would probably reject me, I squeezed him like my life depended on it.

His eyes widened at my sudden confession. I let go of him and I was kind of embarrassed "I'm sorry, you probably don't like me. I've always been a dick to you."
Eunwoo stood from his seat. I knew it, I'm finna get rejected bitchessss!
I thought it was going to be my turn to bury my face in my arms but Eunwoo lifted my chin and kissed me.
"I like you too dumbass" he laughed.
The substitute teachers were applauding for some reason.
"I KNEW YOU WERE BI!" Mr Lee smiled
I chuckled at him.
"I'm sorry of ruining your lunch. I'll leave now" I bowed and started to walk away.
"You didn't ruin my lunch. In fact, you made my day. That was adorable" Ms Jung commented.
Eunwoo followed me out, thanking Ms Jung before doing so.

He back-hugged me and we hug-walked all the way back to the library.

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