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Jungkook POV:
I sat alone in my room, thinking. This is the third day I've skipped school and my mom's starting to get irritated by my behavior. But she doesn't blame me. I mean, who could?
Y/n, my first love, started to reconsider our relationship because of one guy. If I had been there for her after the incident, this wouldn't have happened.

"Kooks! We're home!" Jin Hyung yelled from downstairs. Oh great. Now I have to talk to people.
Namjoon Hyung opened my door and smiled comfortingly.
"How are you holding up Kooks?" He asked
"She called me Kooks all the time." I mumbled and buried my face in my hands as I started to cry.
Jin Hyung sighed and sat on the bed next to me. He stroked my back gently.
"It's been three days, you should come back to school. It's not the same without you." He spoke
"But she's there. If I see her, I don't know what I'll do."

"Jungkook, get your ass up. You're gonna talk to her." Yoongi Hyung announced as he opened the door suddenly.
"What? How can I? I'm-" I couldn't even finish my sentence. He dragged my ass downstairs and made me put on my shoes.

No One POV:
"Min Yoongi! What are you doing?! You're just gonna make him worse" Jin scolded, rushing down the stairs.
"I went to Y/n's house earlier, Ji-Ah is living with Jae again and she refuses to get out of her room, not even to eat. All she does is sit on her floor, crying. I can't let her stay like that. Which is why I need Jungkook to talk to her." Yoongi explained as he put Jungkook in the car. Jin sat at the backseat and Namjoon followed.
"Why should he talk to her? Are you forgetting that she's the one who broke up with him?" Namjoon reminded.
"Don't question it. If you don't want to come then don't. Either way, Jungkook is going to talk to Y/n and she's finally going to get out of her room and start taking care of herself again." Yoongi started the car and didn't really give them an option as he started driving off.

After 20 minutes, they arrived at Y/n's house. Yoongi opened the door with the spare key that Y/n gave him for emergencies.
"Y/n? Are you here?" Yoongi called. Silence struck the group and all that was heard was sobbing coming from Y/n's room. Yoongi walked towards the room, the rest of the group following, and opened the door. He looked down to see Y/n sobbing, blade in hand, slicing her wrist.
"Y/n! What are you doing?!" Yoongi immediately attempted to take the blade away from her but she just sobbed harder.
"I'm so stupid! I'm a stupid bitch and I deserve this!" She sobbed. Jungkook cried at what he was seeing. He never saw this side of Y/n before. Now that he's seeing it, he feels worse about the breakup.
Jin and Namjoon stood at the door watching Yoongi try to calm Y/n down with wide eyes.

"Y/n. Stop this. You're not a stupid bitch and you don't deserve any of this." Yoongi comforted. "You're a great person, who should be enjoying life instead of doing this."
Y/n stopped cutting herself and dropped the blade. She sobbed in Yoongi's arms for a while. She still hadn't noticed that he'd come with a group.
"Y/n?" Jungkook spoke up. She looked up and cried harder.
"Bunny." She frowned. She turned to Yoongi and scolded him. "Why'd you bring him here?! With Namjoon and SeokJin? You let them see this!"

"To be fair, I didn't know this would be happening."
"I want to be alone. Can you guys go please?" She asked.
"I'm not gonna leave you alone like this Y/n." Yoongi spoke with tears glazing his eyes.
"Please. Please. Can you go? Can you take them out, as far from here as possible. Please Yoonie. I'm begging you" Y/n pleaded, sobbing, on her knees. Begging him to leave.

"Y/n, please don't push us away. We only want to help." Jin spoke instinctively.
"Oh really? I've been like this since you met me and now you want to help? What for? What's the purpose of you helping me?" Y/n argued.
Jungkook hadn't said a word. The only thing he said since he entered the house was 'Y/n'. He was scared. He was scared that if he said something wrong, he would just make it worse. So he decided to stay quiet.
"I brought Jungkook so you guys could talk. I don't know why Jin Hyung and Namjoon came. But please, before you tell us to go, at least talk to him? I had to drag his ass out of his room so that he could drag yours." Yoongi explained.
Y/n gave in and agreed to talk to Jungkook. NamJin and Jungkook sat on Y/n's bed while Yoongi helped Y/n clean up. Jungkook looked around the room. Nothing changed. The picture of the two of them was still on her bedside table, untouched. Unlike his, which he put away in his closet.

Jungkook brought his knees up to his chest and cried. He knew she still loved him, she just needed time. She kept everything the same. Even his belongings that he had left there the other day, were placed neatly into a pile on her sofa. Jin and Joon seemed to notice his crying as they immediately went to comfort him.
"I'm sure she'll be okay. And so will you." Joon comforted as he spotted the picture of the couple on Y/n's table.
Y/n and Yoongi came out of the bathroom after a while and sat with the rest of the group on her bed.

"I'm sorry that you had to see that. Please forget that it ever happened." Y/n apologized.
Jungkook noticed that she was no longer wearing a t-shirt and shorts, Y/n had changed into sweatpants and an oversized, long sleeve shirt.

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