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No One POV:
"Anyways, everyone meet my girlfriend Jae" Y/n smiled as 'Jae' sat on her lap.
"In other words, my main bitch"
"I didn't know you were capable of smiling Y/n" Jungkook woke up
"KOOKIE! 괜찮아?! (Gwaenchanha?! T: Are you okay?!) Jin got up immediately at the sound of his voice
"Yah! Hyung! Get off me!" Jungkook struggled to get out of Jin's tight embrace
"Is this the guy?" Jae asked Y/n
"Yep. That's the one" Y/n nodded

Jae walked towards Jungkook with angry eyes and Jungkook gulped.
"Come on, this isn't fair. I just got out of surgery, I'm more vulnerable than you now."
"That's the point idiot" She smirked
"Now I know where Y/n gets the smirk." Jungkook rolled his eyes then turned to Y/n "yah, Y/n tell your girlfriend to get away."
"Why should I?" She smirked
"Because you texted me that you forgave me."
"That was before you decided to let me live. Now that I'm still alive, I'll have to live with all the shit you said to me hanging over my shoulders"

"Y/n he saved your ass, be appreciative instead of trying to kill him while he's on bed rest!" Jin stood
"Well it's his fault for jumping after me. If he didn't want this maybe he should have just let me die."
"He has a point baby." Jae told Y/n "you did text him saying you forgave him, and he saved your life."
"See? Even your girlfriend agrees" Jin crossed his arms
"I'm not her girlfriend. And, I haven't forgiven him for the shit he said to my girl."
"You see, now our relationship is just confusing." Y/n stated
"Our relationship status is unimportant right now. What matters is that Jungkook knows his place. And so should you," Jae analyzed Jin's face "Kim SeokJin."
"How does she know my name?!"
"I could tell by the way Y/n described you. Motherly figure, broad shoulders, handsome face and most importantly, always defensive of the youngest."

"BUT ONCE AGAIN! NONE OF THIS SHIT IS IMPORTANT AT THE MOMENT!" Y/n stopped Jae from speaking further.
"Right. Jungkook, what has Y/n ever done to you? Sure she may have declined your adoption offer, but how has that affected your life? You're an only child which means your parents must love you the most, you probably also get everything you want since your family is 'comfortable', why are you complaining? What do you have against her? She basically gave you a life where you didn't have to share your parents with anyone else, you didn't have to share your parents' love, and you didn't have to deal with any annoying siblings. She practically gave you the best childhood anyone could ever ask for." Jae ranted "She couldn't get adopted after that because everyone thought her remark towards you was rude and she had no manners."

"Hey Kook, why don't you tell Y/n what you said to me before you transferred to this room." Yoongi patted his back
"What'd I say?"
"Oh shit, anesthesia. I forgot. Well, he said that he wanted to come here so he could apologize to you." Yoongi explained
"Really now?" Y/n smirked
"Ah, it's all coming back to me now." Jungkook chuckled in embarrassment.
"So you wanna say it or...?" Yoongi arched his brow expectantly.
"I-I'm sorry Y/n, I'm sorry for being a dick. I should have known your situation and I should have listened to Yoongi and Jimin hyung when they told me to stop. I apologize for my attitude towards you." Jungkook apologized sincerely.

"Don't say sorry to her, she's the reason you're in this hospital and you have that big ass cut on your arm." Hoseok pointed out.
"She may be the reason I'm in the hospital, but I'm the reason she jumped in the first place." Jungkook argued
"Well, it wasn't just you. It's basically everyone around me. First it was Taemin and his "gang" at SM high, then fucking Kunpimook Bhuwakul and "got7" at JYP high."
"Bam! He told me about what happened with Jackson and your sleeve." Jungkook commented at the familiar name.
"How do you know BamBam and Jackson?" Jae asked
"It's a complicated story for another time." Jungkook answered
"Don't think this means I'll forgive you. Just because you're the first person to apologize doesn't mean I'm going to forgive you so easily. How can I trust your words? How can I honestly believe that your apology is sincere?" Y/n replied to his apology

"That's bullshit. I'm leaving." Hoseok got up and left. Yoongi rolled his eyes at his departure.
"I get it. It's probably hard to trust people with the experiences that you've had." Jungkook spoke to Y/n. "Do you want me to move back into my old room? If I make you uncomfortable I can leave."
"Nahh, it's fine. I'm probably just spending a couple nights here. I can deal with it I guess." Y/n assured.
"Fuck no. No way I'm leaving you here alone with him. I'm sleeping here tonight and I'm bringing Chris tomorrow." Jae announced upon hearing the news.
"Fine. Just do whatever you want, it doesn't matter to me, I'll just go to sleep. EVERYDAY EVERY NIGHT FEEL LIKE A FOOL" (A/N: Y/n only said "Fine, just do whatever you want." But I couldn't help but to finish the lyrics. It's a habit.)

"Okay great! I'll sleep on this chair and I'll call Chris in the morning." Jae said and she sat on the chair next to Y/n's bed.
"Sure." Y/n smiled then turned to Jungkook "if that's okay with you."
"Yeah, it's fine. You'll barely notice my presence anyways." He nodded.
"Welp, I guess you're staying here." Y/n giggled as she watched her best friend try to find a comfortable sleeping position on the chair.
"Well then, if that's settled, I guess we're leaving." Yoongi announced, grabbing Jimin's hand.
"I'll call you in the morning Y/n" Eunwoo smiled at her and left holding Taehyung's hand.
"See ya Y/n-ah" Tae waved
"Bye Kookie! Take care of yourself and try not to pay too much attention to the girl in the bad next to you." Jin spoke to Jungkook before leaving
"Yah! Jinnie! Wait for me!" Namjoon chased his boyfriend with a pout.
"Bye Whore" Yoongi kissed Y/n's head then left.
"Bye asshole" She smiled
"Bye bitch! Love you!" Jimin greeted then followed Yoongi out
"Bye Chim Chim!"

"You're not alone anymore. I'm so proud of you." Jae smiled then kissed Y/n's forehead.
"Night bitch ass" Y/n greeted Jae, who was already falling asleep on the chair. She turned to face Jungkook's bed. Jungkook was already asleep. Y/n scanned his resting state. He looked calm and at peace. Y/n got up and walked over to Jungkook's bed. She placed a soft kiss on his cheek.
"Night Kooks. Thanks for saving me. I really do wish I was dead but somehow, seeing you like this makes me think about how much I'm gonna miss you if I vanished from this world. I love you" she whispered as she continued staring at his flawless face. Soon, she walked back to her own bed to go to sleep, little did she know that Jungkook wasn't asleep.

He opened his eyes and looked at Y/n, who by this time was already asleep. He smiled recalling what just happened.
"I love you too" he confessed quietly.

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