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No One POV:
Two months. They had kept their relationship up for two months. It was really the stress. That's what it was. The stress of having to be parents, the stress of keeping up with schoolwork, the stress of maintaining a job so you could support your mini family. That's it. He decided that he would blame it all on the stress.
They had been fighting more often, especially when half yearly exams started. (A/N: Once again, I live in Australia and idk how school works anywhere else so I'm sticking with what I know. Also, I have to do NAPLAN this year and I really don't fucking want to. I also just want to apologize for sending y'all on an emotional roller coaster throughout this book, I'm just gonna let y'all know, it only gets more confusing lmao.)

The stress from school and work, and their daughter, it all built up until one of them exploded. Usually Jungkook would be the one to crack first. He always apologized immediately after, and don't get me wrong, Y/n was grateful that he could calm down and be there for her, to support her. Truth is though, the fighting is just adding to her stress and she didn't need that negativity in her life. They hid their arguments from their friends, but they could all tell that the mood between the couple had changed. They used to walk into rooms with bright smiles on their faces and bring with them this generally happy aura. Nowadays when they walk into a room the mood becomes tense, and it showed.

It was time for someone to do something about the two, that were clearly growing apart.

Yoongi POV:
"Y/n, come on, at least talk to me about it. What's going on?" I pushed
"Nothing's going on Yoongs. I promise" she replied, clearly frustrated at my interrogation
"Tell me or I'll ask him myself."
"Go ahead and ask. He'll tell you the same thing."
"Alright." I picked up my phone and called Jungkook.

He picked up right away.
"What's up hyung?"
"Nothing much, I just wanted to know if there's anything new going on between you and Y/n"
"Did she tell you that there was something going on?"
"She's denying it but we can all tell that things have gotten a little, ah, what's the word?"
"Tense? Awkward? If Y/n says nothing's wrong, then nothing's wrong."
"Highly doubt that."
"Are you with her right now?"
I looked over at Y/n and gave her a signal to stay quiet, she nodded. "No, Jiminie wanted to take her out for a bit so I dropped her off at his place."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes I'm sure. I'm alone in my room."
"Hyung, I'm so scared" Jungkook started to cry "I'm so scared hyung. She's gonna leave me. We're so stressed out and I keep yelling at her because the stress just builds up and I don't know what to do"
"What? Wait, Kookie, calm down. Explain it to me slowly."
Y/n looked at me with a confused expression.
"We've been fighting a lot and I feel like it's all my fault. You know how bad I am when I'm stressed. School, work and keeping up with Ji-Ah, it's all too much. I'm stressing out a lot more and I don't know what to do. I keep starting fights and one of these days she's gonna leave me" he sobbed harder
"It's okay Kooks, just breathe. I'm sure everything will be fine."
"Yes kooks?"
"Can I come over?"


"Y/n, are you absolutely sure that nothing's going on between the two of you?"
"We went through this so many times already Yoongi. We're fine" This entire situation has just made Y/n angrier.
"I just want to make sure that you're absolutely 100% positive that nothing is happening. Like no fights, everything with Ji-Ah is okay, etcetera, you know. Everything is 100% normal." I looked Y/n in the eyes one last time before she finally cracked
"Oh my god no, are you kidding? This isn't at all what I expected our relationship to be like." Y/n changed moods so fast, she gave Yoongi whiplash.
"So now that you finally admit that there in fact has been a change in your relationship, can you explain it to me?" I placed a hand on her back and rubbed it in hopes to comfort her. I don't know if it backfired or if it worked but he started to cry, I don't think that's a good sign.

"It's all my fault. We're fighting a lot more because we're so stressed out with everything that's happening, you know with Ji-Ah, exams and work. If he never met me then I would have never dumped this whole new load of stress in his life. This is just proof that it would really be better for everyone if I just never existed." Y/n sobbed.
There was a knock on the front door downstairs.
"I have to get that Y/n. I'll be right back okay?" Y/n nodded and I ran down as fast as I could to let Jungkook in. He was drowning in tears the moment I opened the door.
"Kookie! Are you okay?!" My mom exclaimed as she saw him walk in. He bowed to her and said hello.
"Hello Auntie. I'm fine" he put on a fake smile for her then proceeded to walk upstairs. My mom gave me a look.
"He'll be fine, I promise. I won't let anymore people be like me" I promised. She kissed my forehead and smiled.
"I'm so proud of you."

I ran back upstairs to try to resolve the crumbling relationship.
I opened my door only to see the two of them fighting. I had no idea it was this bad.
"Why are you here?! Why would you tell him about it?!"
"I'm sorry I trust my hyung! He's always helped me with my problems, I just wanted help!"
"You should have talked to me about it! There's a reason I didn't want to tell him! I'm already enough of a burden to everyone and now we have to dump this new problem on the poor guy!"
"I'm sorry Y/n. I didn't know you felt that way." Jungkook apologized and immediately went to go comfort Y/n
"Go away." She pushed him away.
"You're doing it again." He reminded her through a frown.
Doing what again? Fighting? sis we been knew. I thought to myself.
"I'm sorry bunny. I didn't mean to." Y/n hugged Jungkook and held him as close as she could.

"So are you guys having problems or is it over? I'm so lost." I finally spoke up. Turns out, they didn't notice me until I spoke.
"How long were you standing there?" Y/n asked
"Not long. But long enough to know that Jungkook is a big softie."
"I'm sorry you had to see that." Jungkook apologized
"It's okay. Really. The fights Jimin and I had were worse.
"Hyung. You've fought twice. The first time you ran back to him because you have a soft spot for him, and the second time was coincidental but you made up because you both have soft spots for Y/n. Your relationship is almost flawless."

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