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[ ⚠️  This is my first book and it needs a few edits. ]

I held in my breath as I watched the masked men enter the room in a huddle.

I had been standing in the same spot for the longest looking for a way out. My sweaty hands covered my mouth as my eyes wandered through the crack I was looking through.

"Damn, allat walking up them steps making me feel like I lost 100 pounds,"  A heavy guy huffed.

His mask was probably the worst of them all. It was so streteched out across his face- I couldn't believe he could breathe.

"Nigga, shut the fuck up. We had yo ass on weight watchers and they couldn't even help yo ass," a buffed man said while walking around.

The heavier one leaned his elbow on the table and took a few breaths. "Don't let me squash you again, Nigga."

One of the other masked men, who held a gun in his hand, hit the heavier guy on his arm with it.

"WHA- WHAT WAS THAT FOR?" He squealed, touching his arm.

"Nigga, if you don't stop leaning on these people chairs and tables like you won't break shit. She's not in here so let's check the next room."

I made a note for which room they had walked into and took that as my cue to get out the heftey closet I was in.

Making sure the backpack I had on was tight and fitted, I scurried out of the closet looking fot a exit in the vacant building I was in.

The watch wrapped around my arm beeped a little showing I had five minutes left.

Five minutes to get out this house.  Five minutes before the police came. Five minutes to get this 8k out without being caught by any officer. All I had to do was simply- escape.

The moment my hand touched the silver, slippery, knob I felt my hair get pulled lightly yet fiercely.

I looked up to see dark hands wrapped around my hair so tight that at any chance of movement these little hair follicles would be ripped out my scalp.

I didn't risk any movement, but decided to place my hand around whoever's hand was on my hair.

"AYO, I THINK I GOT HER," the dark skin man yelled with my hair still between his fist.

It didn't take long for another guy to meet him. Although his face was covered too, he was also distinctive from the others since his eyes were hazle.

He walked infront of me and pulled my chin up with his pointer finger.

For a second I flinched thinking he was going to smack me or some shit like I see in the movies.

He let out a smile that showed a flatline of straight gold. The grill in his teeth shined so bright that I found my focus to be on that as he spoke.

"Ye, this her for sho'." He nooded his head moving his finger from under my chin.

The timmer on my watch was moving quicker then ever as 5 minutes rushed into 3.

"Shoot her," He said while pulling the backpack I had on, off.

He unzipped it and started counting slowly. In the middle of his session he realized it had gone silent since his partner didn't do as he had ordered.

His eyes looked up above my head to his friends. "Nigga, I said shoot her."

"NO, NIGGA. You shoot her."

The hazled eyed one furrowed his brow and placed the straps on the bag on him. "You scared or some shit? PULL THE DAMN TRIGGER."

The others guys walked in on this altercation bringing in a conversation they had already started when walking into the other room.

"And that's why Ion eat ass no mo' " A blue eyed one said as the others nodded their heads.

The heavier guy panted for some air. "I did that shit once- NEVER AGAIN!"

"No, nigga. Ian scared to pull the trigger. Yo dad ordered YOU to." He gripped my hair tighter.

"I don't give a fuck. When my dad ain't around I'm the one who handles shit. When I say shoot you motherfuckin' shoot yuh hurd?"

The booty eating conversation stopped when they heard an argument start to evolve.

"No, mane. You acting so pussy right now!"

A skinny one came into the conversation with his arms crossed. "Don't even have the right to call him pussy with your 'I nuted in her 3 minutes into sex' looking ass. Hop off his dick and shoot the damn gun."

My hair was gripped even tighter from the anger that was building up in him.

"What you say? Don't worry about me, dawg. Yo anorexic 20 pounds so fucking light my two year old sister can knock yo ass to the ground. Speak yo shit to me when you stop looking like you made from twigs."

Soon enough another argument started to arise. Each dude was crisscrossing each other with words.

The only one who went silent was the hazle eyed one. He continued counting the guap then looked back at me.

"Let go of her hair, mane." His fingers slid each hundered quickly.

The other guy didn't seem to hear as his voice kept projecting the area.


Everyone went silent and the guy above me drooped my hair.

The timmer on my watch beeped and all their eyes went on me.

"They're DOWN THE STREET," Mari yelled from the staircase.

She had been my lookout alongside Trina and Miko.

I ran out the living room area leaving the bag behind. The sounds of sirens rang through my ear while my feet ran up the steps into another room.

The window was wide open since a few of the girls had already jumped out.

I felt myself being followed but that didn't matter to me since it was my life or prision.

My foot stepped on a dirty lodge that helped me to jump out the window.

The moment I landed on the ground, I felt some slight pain come to my hands and knees. This didn't stop me from jolting to my feet, because that's exactly what I did.

I ran through muddy grass which lead into someone else's yard. The long, thin, grass scraped against my kegs causing them to itch up.

It had rained the night before so I was worried about slipping and falling.

I found myself in a allyway where dumpsters had claimed it as it's space.  There were so many, it was honestly hard to choose which one I wanted to hide between.

Contemplating in my head, I eventually ran behind a blue one sitting down quicker then ever. Pulling out my inhaler, my chest was beating from all the oxygen coming in and out my body. I counted to 5 and took a deep breath, sucking in the air that came from the little box.

I placed my inhaler back looking at my surroundings. It was clear to me that something was off when the sound of foot steps deemed closer and closer to me.

Rubbing my hands along my shorts, I couldn't seem to find any weapons. I knew this point forward that I was doomed.

My gun was usually up and loaded, but I didn't expect to see these group of individuals to sneak up on us and want to partake in the money stealing.

The steps eventually got to me. Looking up slowly I saw who it was.

His golden, thick, bulk gun which had a scorpion attached to it, was pointed down at my head.

The light from the sun reflected perfectly from the gun only showing that the material it was made from was pure and real.

He made straight eye contact with me. The hazel in his eyes just seemed to get brighter. He didn't even ask if I had any last words.

His finger didn't struggle on the trigger and I knew he was nowhere close to scared because then and there- he pulled it.

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