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I ran across the room with Zo. It was still dark out so no one noticed us.

China and Miko were on the other side of the building and Rocky and Trina were inside.

Rocky made it to the back door unlocking it for us to go through.

We quickly made our way in. Looking around for the money.

It had only been a month or so and I had found myself back to doing shit I didn't like.

We had robbed three different places during that time, sold over 700 bags of weed, and was still getting yelled at by my father, who was angry that our sources were running low and the amount of money we were getting was decreasing.

Ever since that day, we had been grinding to get more then what we actually needed.

I wasn't only worried about that, but my mind was also focused on things like the cocain dust I've been seeing around my apartment.

Not too long ago, we had a search going on that included officers and their dogs.

Word had went out that the cocain business was quite insane and people in our complex was buying from guys who work for a man named Ram.

I guess officers had found their little product in my apartment and ended up putting me in a holding cell.

I cried in that moment because I was scared that this would be the moment the University would kick me out and find a replacement.

Lucklily, my father had came to the rescure and found his was around the law. They had finally let me free after, what seemed to be 3 days.

He told me I needed to find out who was doing the cocain in my apartment,  and I needed to get them out.

I must've really had him looking stupid having someone elses prodcut in my property.

Within the time I was gone, a girl named Brooklyn, that I met at the university, had lended me all her notes. We had became quite good friends after that.

I put my ear beside a door where I could hear moaning and grunts.

I moved back with a little smirk on my face before kicking the door down and shooting at a prostitute and man who grinded up on each other on the bed.

Their naked bodies laid tirelessly and I entered the room scanning for anything I might need. Then, with a glimpse of an eye, I saw a money case.

"Mari, come here," I whispered as she strolled beside me.

Mari was good with locks and cases, she knew codes to almost anything.

"Unlock this please, I'm pretty sure there's money inside."

While Mari did her thing, I ran into another room where I had spotted China and Zo arguing once more.

"Zo, I'm too good for you man. I'm way too good for you to be cheating on me." China was tearing up.

She pushed Zo on her chest as Zo tried to reason with her.

"CAN YALL HURRY THE FUCK UP," I yelled at them reminding them that we had a time limit.

Looking down at my watch it counted down 6 minutes.

They looked around and got back to searching.

I found myself in an empty hall, but Something just didn't feel right so I stopped all movement, even holding my breath.

I pulled my gun out slowly as I heard breathings. "Mari? Is that you?"

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