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"I wanna have a word with you Tray. It's been said that you had been walking around talking on me and watching me," I said over my Iphone X.

After what Kayla told me, I really had to keep a look out. Not only for me but for her too.

He laughed at the phone. "Nigga, whatever information I wanted from you I already have. But I think we still need to talk."

"I don't just talk mother fucker. The blows I'll give your head should be enough then my words."

"Thursday," he snickered, "around 9pm. No weapons."

I nodded my head even though he couldn't see it. Fair play son, fair play.

                            ● ● ●

"Nigga, what you really need to do is move out her house. We been sayin dont get close and look who got feelings now," Travis complained.

The other guys agreed with him.

I would argue back in defense but it was true. I even told myself not to get close and now I'm in a situation where I wanna be with her.

"It's just something about her mane," I ranted mostly to myself.

"Watch this end on some Romeo and Juliet type shit. If you don't stop you'll both end up dead," Will added on.

"Nah man. I got her. Nothing's gone happen."

"Pussy that good or some shit?" Rico asked while staring at Robbie who wasn't eating for once.

I shook my head. "Haven't even hit yet. I just know."

All the guys rallied up and said, "OUUUUU" while bursting into laugher.

The only one who was silent was Blossom. Her frown just grew wider and wider.

She dug her hand back into her chip bag and munched to herself.

"Hey, you gone finish that?" Robbie asked her.

She stood up and threw the whole bag at his face. "Just eat the whole fucking house damnit."

Walking out the room, and not turning around, she slammed the front door.

"Don't be slamming shit in my house," Robbie half yelled.

"She big mad," Chris laughed while patting my back.

I took a sip of my drink thinking deep and hard. "I don't know why but I feel like I should have a word with Al. This whole mess him and my father are creating got too many people in danger."

Rico nodded his head. "I see where you coming from man, but dudes like him never solve problems by shaking hands in agreement. It's only a sign of weekness on his behalf."

"Just because we stopped working with Ram, that didn't change how Al thought about us. And knowing Rams temper, it's already showing that he was ready to kill every last one of us until he's  satisfied," Will added on.

They all risked themselves and left the workforce. It really took some gut to get the courage to escape a gang, especially when you're not suppose to leave it.

                              ● ● ●

A few letters were shoved from underneathe the door. I wasn't hesitant to see where they were coming from until  I saw a letter from Maria Castillo.

I immediately ripped it up and threw it in the trash.

"Um, I don't think you're supose to be touching her mail," Brooklyn said from the living room watching my movement.

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