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I sat down on the couch playing 2K on the PS4  Kayla had gotten not too long ago.

I really haven't seen her for a good day in a half so when she walked through the door I was pretty surprised.

"You ain't come here last night to tell me about the date. Where were you?"

She stood there with sweats and a tank top on. Her red dress was stuffed inside her her purse.

I could tell she didnt get enough sleep since she had yawned a couple of times and light bags were under her eyes.

She closed the front door walking into the living room.

"So.. you not gone answer me?" I asked as she stared at me.

Within seconds she tried to speak but her eyes filled with water avoiding her to say more then her tears would let her.

"Aye, what's wrong?" I asked pulling her down into my lap.

Tears were running down every inch of her face.

"Suck it up and tell me whats wrong."

She took a deep breath and whiped her eyes with her hands.

"I don't want you to die," she whispered slowly before more ran down her eyes.

"Kayla, the fuck are you talking about mane?" I grabbed her face and made her look at me since she was lacking eye contact. "I'm not gone die ma."

"My dad doesn't want you here. My dad doesn't want you existing at all. And as much as I'd hate to see you leave, you really need to go. Any chance him or his people get to you, they will take their chances."

My heart dropped a little. Even though I had already found out that Al wanted me dead, just hearing it from his daughter made it ballistic.

He wasn't scared to let everyone know I was the one he was going after.

Even if I did leave, even if I was to escape. Kayla would be in danger because my father would have his people kill her.

Nothing was making sense to me anymore, but at the same time It was. No matter how far apart Kayla and I were to get from each other, we still had people down our necks.

"I'm not going anywhere," I replied while she layed her head on my chest.

Her snifflings grew quieter. I rubbed my hands on her back while I thought about what I was going to do next.

But the thing was- I was out of thoughts.

                            ● ● ●

"Awe, they're so cuteeee," I heard a voice say within a kitchen.

"Honestly, they are," Mari agreed.

"Yea, yea, yea. They're cute and all but she needs to get up and take me to see my parents at the airport."

"Come here LULU," Rocky screached loudly.

Draco groaned underneath me. I had fully open my eyes.

Last night I litteraly cried myself to sleep on his chest.

We woke up in the middle of the night and talked about our favorite icecream flavor until we fell back asleep.

Morning wood was real though, cause I could just feel everything he had rise up in the moment of seconds.

I moved my head up looking at all them grabbing snacks from my cabinets.

Letting my arms rise into the air, I let out a little stretch making a little sound that grabbed  their attention.

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