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Kayla and I didn't really speak all morning.

She was up early and used that time to pack as much as she could.

I was aware that I had nutted in her and assumed that she had a morning after pill since a few packets were in her drawer.

I had walked into the bathroom with a toothbrush in my mouth to see Brooklyn already there with a face mask on.

She looked up at my face then allowed her eyes to stoop down to my dick print.

I quickly walked out of the bathroom, shaking off what just happened, and into the living room where Rocky was at.

"Where's Kayla?" I asked peeking my head in and out of different places.

Rocky's eyes wouldn't meet mine as we spoke. "She's just getting the morning after pill."

I didn't understand why everyone was acting weird like they've never gotten dick before.

Was my dick game just not that strong?

I thought about how many times Blossom had ran back to me and simply shook my head to that,nah. My dick game was straight on point.

I decided I was going to start my packing too since there wasn't much to do.

Tomorrow was they day we finally leave.

If we're being honest here, I was a little nervous about leaving because I the thought of getting caught Roamed through my head.

I also didnt wanna leave my friends behind. Even though I would be escaping all thar shit, they really wouldn't.

It's nice to think about finally being near saftey and far away from all this bullshit, but it wouldn't feel securing knowing that one of my home boys ended up dead and I could've prevented it if I just let them come with us.

But that too, was even a risk.

Rocky cut on the TV and immediately my attention was caught when I heard my brothers name.

"Officers say here, the death of Westly La'moor the 8th, was no accident. They say investigators have found evidence that his father, Ramses Westly La'moor the 6th, had every intention to have him killed," A reporter had said giving the Mic to an officer.

The officer spoke into the mic giving in more information on the case. "It is said that Ramses Westly La'moor the 6th has a price on his head. If you're able to find him, report to us immediately. He is trained with weapons and is a well danger to society. He's a skeptical drug dealer who WILL kill anyone in his way. There is indeed a $500,000 Reward on him since he's a well hidden man."

He passed the mic back to the reporter and she finished off with a few words. "You heard it right there. $500,000! Whew, the things you could do with that much money. Enjoy your evening and stay tunned America."

A commercial on deodorant had came on and I shook my head with a smirk growing on my face.

Rams would have to be one stupid ass nigga to still be after me when all of America knows who he is.

                               ● ● ●

"We went two more rounds after that," I gushed telling Mari almost every single detail.

I explained every, little, thing to her as we drove to Walgreens.

"I feel weird for not even talking to him this morning. I was so easy and quick to leave the house," I mummbled while she looked for a parking space.

"Girl, were you too scared to even look up at him?" She asked while we got out the car and headed into the store.

A fresh breeze of air crossed me the moment we passed a motion detector meant for anyone who tried to steal.

"No," I said walking through the baby isle looking for the afrer pill, "I was just surprised things even happened between us. It's not like I was trying to avoid him because of something bad. I was trying to avoid him becausw the dick was good."

One of Maris brows went up as she picked up a baby bottle off the shelf. "You know," she started while shaking it, "it would be nice to have a little niece or nephew roaming around."

I snatched the bottle from her hand and placed it back on the shelf shaking my head. "Girl, NO. I'm not going to be like these other females making babies with guys that they like. Plus, how would I know that what we have going on isn't temporary?"

Who did I look like having a baby with someone I met nearly 8 months ago? It's funny how fast time goes by.

"You're right," she said still looking back at the bottle.

I loved Mari and all but she was just one of those friends who liked guys too quickly and went back to them everytime they broke her heart then fixed it with an apology.

One time, while we were in highschool, she claimed she was in "Love" with a boy named Tavion.

During this time we were sophmores and he was a senior. That was alreadt a red flag, in my eyes at least.

They were dating, but It didn't seem like they were dating.

Seniors are such perverts trying to get at anyone who was below a Junior.

One day, he took her virginity. A few days after that he broke it off with her and went around telling people she was his "hoe"

The worst part about this was, thubgs like that actually happen and still happen.

These freshmans and sophmores would be so happy and pumped about a Junior or Senior that they didn't really see that some, if not most, wanted nothing more then lose their own virginity, or hit.

I didn't want to let people in my heart that quickly, like she had done, even though Draco was halfway through.

We sat up all night and spoke, ate ice cream, count the money we made, and enjoyed each other.

The more that I thought about it the more I realized that I liked him and cared deeply for him.

At some point he broke down in my arms and I could tell he was hurt.

I asked him what was wrong,  but he wouldn't tell me.

Sometimes It was hard to get a boy to express their feelings because they automatically felt like a bitch or a pussy for wanting to do something as simple as crying.

I couldn't imagine having so much built up stress and emotion, just to hold it all in.

I told him it was okay to cry, because honestly, it was.

After that he told me everything. Every little thing, from his mother, to his father, and his sister and brothers.

He told me how he got the scar, why he was scared of water, how he was jumped into the gang and then after that he taught me gang signs.

Before I knew it, I ended up telling him about my father, my mother, and how I couldn't make my own decisions in life when my father was controlling it.

I have told him things that I never expected to tell anyone.

I told him I hated my life, and he told me he hated his too.

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