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" I swear I saw her," I explained to My father, Chris, Rico, and Will as we walked into his office.

Chris was one of my homeboys who just gotten back from Chicago, Illinois. He was pretty fucked up in the head at times, but was chill at the end.

West overheard our conversation and decided he wanted to join. "Did you get her number?"

Our father looked pretty happy at the fact that this girl went to USH.

"No, you idiot," I replied to West,"why would I get her number when she's the target."

Our dad, who went by Ram, put his hand up to silence us. "Maybe your brothers right."

I squinted my eyes just like I've been doing all day. "Now why would I do that?"

"Son," he said shaking his head," I found out that she works with Al. And you know how I feel about Al. Don't worry so much about killing her, worry much about getting information on her."

My dad was obsessed with Al. They were great friends growing up, but they ended up being each other's enemies. Dad always wanted to be better than all, he always wanted the foot up. I swear, jealousy is going to kill that man one day.

"Dad." I stood up with my arms crossed. "You're all over dudes dick. I'll do you a favor and kill her. Her bitch ass a whole attitude anyway. I don't wanna play games tryna figure out how her and Al make business."

Ram put his hand up again tired of hearing our mouths.

"Don't make me repeat myself," he said before I walked out.

He sat in his seat with a wide smile across his face.

What devious plan he had in mind.

● ● ●

"Chris, boy, you sick," I said taking a raw blunt from Rico.

There were a couple of bitches walking in and out the room naked.

"That's how I like em'," Rico shouted over the music while throwing money.

I looked at all the ass their mama blessed them with. "Nah but I'm foreal," I continued on with the conversation we last left off of,"you have AIDS nigga. You can't be FUCKING around like this no more."

Chris grabbed on one of the strippers hands while standing up. She seemed to be guiding him to another room.

"But they don't know that," he whispered walking away.

"One of these days his dick finna fall off," Rico said.

I shook my head, picking up a red bull. "I'm ready to leave mane."

He looked at me and smirked. "Tired of working for that piece of shit you call father?"

"Yea bruh, I ain't ask for all this. I just wanna leave."

Rams was just as sick as Chris. He wanted me to be apart of his little gang so bad, he could've easily accepted me, but no, he had me get jumped in. I was bruised, with all the beatings I had gotten, for days.

"So what you finna do?" Rico asked.

I stood up preparing to leave. " Imma try to get this last lil mission over with before goin ghost."

● ● ●
2 Days Later


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