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I watched as she stuffed more clothes into her last suitcase.

Yesterday, once she had gotten back from the store, she went back to packing.

We didn't talk much, which made me feel a little off, but I guess it made sense since she was pretty occupied by her friends on the phone.

She was on factime with these two girls. One was darkskin with colors in her hair while the other one looked like a stud.

"Spill the TEAAAAA, I HEARD WHAT HAPPEN ABOUT MIKO. WHEN ME AND ZO GO TO JU-PAN I'M BEATING THAT ASS," the darkskin one yelled over the screen  while slurping up some noodles.

It looked like she was pregnant, a few heavy months. Her stomatch was big and as much as I didn't wanna compare her to Robbie, my mind just kept doing it.

Kayla had bent over to pick up some clothes laying on the ground. I was quick to grab her ass just for her to turn around and send me a smirk.

"China," she started, "she's not Japanese. She's Korean."

"I don't care," she dug her fork deep into her plate, "they all look the same anyway."

"Pass me that," I pointed  at the red bull on the counter.

Kayla had jumped to her feet picking it up.

I heard fork drop and assumed it was her until I noticed that the China girl had dropped her bowl.

"KAYAL, GIRL, WHO IS THAT?," She squealed looking at me through the IPhone.

Kayla ran over to me and gave me my drink.

"Oh, him?" She questioned pointing at me.

China nodded her head leaning in closer to the screen.

Zo gave her the side eye.

"Why the fuck you looking at him like that," she questioned mugging her.

China put her hand up to Zo's face and pushed it back. "Quit, you know I love you," she said.

Kayla stopped pointing at me while throwing whatever else she has into a few bags.

"Well," she started, "he's just-" I could tell she thinking up a way to say friends with benefits that actually like each other but wont admit it, yet are escaping with each other to Florida.

"Just someone," she murmed picking up the phone to hang up. "I'll call you later, bye."

I brushed off yesterday's memory and continued on with my day.

I found myself peeking into the living room as I heard a recognizable voice speak.

"Yea, Maria," Kayla said to my mother who had been asking her questions.

"I had no idea that you knew who Draconian was," she commented while sitting down on the couch.

I could tell she was a little uncomfortable talking to her after I had notified that was my mother.

"Yup," she said looking at me across the room, "I do."

I guess Maria saw her glances, assuming Kayla had seen something so she quickly turned around.

I moved my head back hoping that she hadn't seen me but I guess I didn't move fast enough because she was quick to say my name.

"Is- was that Draco?" She asked Kayla while standing up clutching her purse close.

I came out from the corner and leaned against the living room wall.

"What is he doing here?," she first asked Kayla then turned to me, "wh- what are you doing here?"

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