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I noticed Kayla wasn't in class today which was weird because she was dedicated to this. It wasn't like I was worried about her or nothing, but I was curious to know where she was.

"Yo, yo, yo," Rico yelled from behind a liquor bottle held at hand.

A smirk ran through my face as him, Chris, Will, and Trina sat at my table.

His arms were wrapped around Trina's and I had a feeling I knew what this conversation would be about.

"Wassup, Trin," my voice was low and steady. For one, these crazy ass niggas wasn't supposed to be here at the campus.

I knew a lot about Trin especially from the conversations I've been having with Kayla.

At some point we exchanged numbers and all that good shit, but it was nothing more then that.

She gave me a head non as Rico spoke. "Say man, I finally got her to be my girl and all. After how many years now? Like 5."

I listened to him talk about their conversation and honestly, I thought something about this was weird . Why would she date him now if he's been chasing her for five years?

"I got your text, dawg. I don't think I can have you living with me cause I live off someone else," Will chipped in.

"Same bro," Rico added.

I understood their situation and decided not push whatever decision they had made.

"What happen, bro?" Chris asked.

I looked at him with pure confusion. I hated whenever they asked something or said something that I had no clue about.

"Huh?" My face fizzed up.

"What happen to West? We heard he got shot the other day."

I cleared my throat a little unclear about what they had said to me. My brother? He's dead?

"I-" I didn't even finish what I was going to say because I was caught up on the fact that Ram probably killed him as a warning to me.

I knew this could've been possible because of how he did Solange. My mother was so happy about having a daughter since she had two older sons, six actually, and they all seemed to get mysteriously "shot"

Everyone was happy except Ram, of course. He wanted a full blood line of male who could carry the last name, and run the game.

That's one of the reasons why he hated Al. Al's people were mostly made up of female, including his daughter, and every time they over took the work we did- he would just get angrier and angrier. Apparently being "defeated" by a female was an issue to him.

When he found out he was having a daughter he was angry. Even before she was born he had asked our mother not to have the baby. He even tried lacing her drinks with things when she denied it.

Then my sister was born. He warned my mother that if she fucked up, even once, on anything, he would have Solange wiped out so quick that we'd forget she even existed.

It's funny how we did forget she existed, at some point. That was  because my mom did fuck up. She didn't want us to know she fucked up and couldn't keeo her daughter. For years she's been pretending like she didn't exist.

I'm not sure when it was, but she had rebailed and told us everything.

She said she wasn't going to allow Ram to not only kill his own child, but make her forget about it too.

I stood up and walked away before running down the street to catch the bus. I'm gunna have a word with Ram.

                           ● ● ●

I could feel myself sweating with the heat that was targeting me from the mask.

I was dumb to ever think that I could do this on my own especially since i'm never solo when on a mission.

I knocked on a wooden door and gave a man his package. His face was dark and wrinkly with little white hairs coming from his head. He was around 4'11 with a squeak puberty voice.

His head nodded at me as I shook his hand and retrieved the money.

Honesty, that was easier then I thought it would be.

I ended up going to 16 different houses after that giving away packages of weed or what not.

While I was doing that I thought to myself about Rams business and my fathers business. Rams team was known for selling crack while my fathers team was known for selling weed.

Two of the most addicted things in America. I'd be damned if I ever found myself getting hooked to any of those.

I knocked on the door to the last house on my list and the door glided open quickly. A smile ran across my face when my eyes met a pair of hazel ones.

She smiled back and took the package from my hand.

"Wow- I haven't seen you in awhile." She looked at me through my mask.

"I haven't either, Maria," I answered looking around at her house.

I'm not really sure where my journey with Maria began. All I knew was that she was deeply in love with my father. Her relationship- or at least past relationship wasn't as good as she wanted it to be.

I don't blame her for escaping her husband. I heard he was cruel and did her wrong in so many ways.

"Maria, I- I kinda want some advice," I said watching her open the package.

She was the only person who I'd given a package to that didn't contain weed.

She opened it to see a letter that was written by my father. The words were not only in cursive, but was in French, her native language.

She smiled at the letter. "What's wrong, Kay?"

"I just wanted to know if you could talk to dad for me. I'm starting to find this lifstyle to be strestful."

Her eyes movied away from the note. "There's not much advice I can give you on that, love. But, I'll make sure ti speak to him."

"It's another thing.. actually.."

She winced her brow at me. "Yes?"

"I met this boy.. and even though we don't feel each other like that. He's actually kinda important to me. And dad... I don't want him to get hurt."

She rubbed her hand across my face. "Of course, baby. I'll speak with him."

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