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"Dad, why do people die in bad ways?" I asked while my hands were wrapped around his.

"Who do you mean, baby?" He asked without answering my question.

"I don't want to die."

He stopped our mini walk and went down to his knees looking into my small immature eyes. "Why?"

"I'm scared that when I die I'll be hurt.  I will die hurting."

He took off his neclace and smiled at me. "Let me promise you something, princess," he began as he wrapped the neclace around my neck.

I looked up at him waiting for his response.

"Let this neclace be a reminder to you. A promise to you, that you will never die hurting."

I looked down at the gold rims. It was already broken, but I didn't mind. When my father made a promise, he kept it.

"Surprised to see you hear," Draco spoke on the other side of the glass wall.

I nodded my head. "How's it like in the pound?"

He looked around and shook his head. "It's aight. Haven't met any people who wanna fuck up a light skin boy yet."

I laughed a little sitting up straight. That scar across his eye was going away somewhat, but was still a distraction.

He noticed my staring and gushed. "They think Westly tried to fight back  and caused this scar on my eye."

"Wow," I said. People really pulled shit out of their ass and tried pinning it on others.

"So- I called you the other day," He said while looking into my eyes.

I really wanted to look away but I didn't want him to feel like he could really intimidate me.

"Yea, I know. Had things to do concerning my dad."

He nodded his head indicating that he  understood my situation.

"Do me a favor and get me a better lawer instead of this bullshit community one that ain't doing her job correctly."

"Of course."

                           ● ● ●

After speaking with Draco, I indeed looked and found a better lawyer for him.

The day seemed to go normal without him, even though it was missing him.

"Hello, beautiful," Quan walked up beside me.

He was a tall dark skin with hair that was matted.

"Hey, Quan," I responded while walking into the main building.

Cece and I were suppose to be helping Paula get the professor to admit on tape about him getting her pregnant.

"So, I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me for dinner next wednesday night."

My cheecks flushed up a little but I didn't want him to know.

Quan and I weren't necessarily talking, but he's been around here in there.

"Yea, sure, of course," I said smiling.

He walked me into the building and nodded me off. "Good, see you at 6."

With that, I ran by Cece and Paula's side.

"You ready?" I asked with my phone on so I could hear everything they said go through.

She nodded and made her way into his office. The front door slammed quickly and I could already hear muffles through my phone.

"What are you doing here?" His voice snapped, "I thought they already kicked you out of campus!"

"No, Mark. They didn't. You know why I'm here. I'm here because of the baby," Paula said fiercely.

"What baby?," he questioned, "I have no Idea what you're talking about."

"Mark dont lie. You know you had me laid out right there on your desk when you placed your seed in me."

Cece and I exchanged looks of disgust as they continued to speak.

"I have nutted in many females here. Do you think I'd be stupid enough to let them exit here with a baby? no!"

Cece giggled a little while shaking her head.

I thought it was weird and disgusting how he could say that as if it was normal.

Both of our ears were connected to the phone, that was on speaker.

"Did he just admit to fucking other students?" She whispered to me.

I nodded my head in disgrace.

"And even if I did get you pregnant, you can abort it. I already have a wife and six other kids to take care of. And you're not adding onto my list."

Cece and I exchanged looks.

"Good," Paula said, "everything you've said has been caught on tape. So wether you like it or not, you'll not only be loosing your job but you'll be paying  child supp-"

Paula had quickly gone silent.

We peaked our heads in the office window confused as to why she had stopped speaking. Then we saw that Mr. Mark had his arms wrapped around her.

"OH MY GOD, HE'S STRANGLING HER. SOMBODY CALL 911," Cece shouted as a mob of kids started surrounding the campus area.

More and mors people start crowding up trying to see who was being strangled and what was going on.

Even other professors ran to focus on the problem that had occurred.

It wasn't less then a minute, campus security had shown up and jumped him to the ground.

Whatever happens to him next is something  he truly deserves.

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