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"Please, get this for Ryans party Drac," Blossom begged while pulling my shoulder.

I moved her hand off aggravated by her pulling and tugging.

The bitch was getting too close to me thinking we were back together. She was an EX and I wanted to keep her that way.

"Let go of my fucking shoulder mane." I shrugged her off giving her a face full of mugs.

She knew she was crossing her limit so decided to stop. "Please, go to the store and get this for Ryans babyshower."

She handed me a list and my eyes rolled fast as a bitch. "There's like 500 things on this fucking list," I said reading through it.

Robbie and Tray ran outside and hopped into the car. I knew why Robbie was in the car but I wasn't so sure about Tray.

Things between Tray and I had been spoiled latley. The nigga was my best friend, but he stopped taking orders from me since the gecko. I wasn't sure how to feel about that or what was going through his head.

I took the list and stuffed it in my pocket. "Imma get it," I said getting into the drivers seat and slamming the door.

Majority of the drive was us hearing Robbie talk about being a food fenatic or some shit like that. He said he knew about good taste.

Once, he even made it on my 600 lb life. Sometimes, I be wondering how he even fit into the car.

He rubbed on his belly and looked out the window. "Are we there yet?"

Tray looked over at him and sighed. "Nigga, clearly you know we aint there since you looking out the window. And imma need you to move over the fuck. This backseat built for three not one."

Robbie kept his glance outside the window. "Nigga, I. CAN'T. FUCKING. MOVE."

I finally pulled into a walmart parking lot and made my way inside searching for the baby isle.

Robbie decided he was going to sit on those scooter cart things that older people usually sit on when they can't activly move, with a basket, and followed behind me.

The whole time I walked, all I could hear was him running shit over.

Tray departed from us walking who knows where.

I had called blossom to see what size this baby could've been and what diapers I was suppose to get.

When she picked up I turned to look back at Robbie, who already had 8 things in his cart.

Shaking my head, while walking through the isle, I shoved some people out the way.

"The baby is big," she spoke through the phone.

"Damn, like Robbie big?"

I could hear him munch on something in the background.

She huffed through the phone in annoyance. "Ryans wife had to have a C- section. It was crazy."

I shook my head shoving a few more people. "Nigga, you telling me that baby was OBESE in the womb?"

A few of the white people in the isle looked up at me for saying the 'N' word. For a moment I forgot I was in the subards since Ryan lived around here.

I didn't care how loud I was being I was still going to speak.

I shoved another person out my way and reached for a diaper.

"Excuse me," a snapping voice said below me.

"You're excused," I said without looking down.

"You out here pushing people like it's Mario cart the fuck. Chill out Luiguie, you're almost in first place." The voice continued.  While trying to reach for a pair of diapers.

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