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4 days later

It honestly felt good to be a free man Now I didn't have much on my plate.

I was told that there was a little pool party going on. I wasn't so excited about it since water gave me mixed personalities, but I was hungry, and they did have food.

A couple of times Blossom had came to visit me, but I tried to shut our conversation down.

She would bring up weird shit like our future togther and stuff that I didn't wanna talk about.

If it was one thing about these prison walls, it was that no one spoke on each other. None of them were going to be snitches, and I honestly liked that.

Everyone respected each other at most.

Roddie had came to visit me too. I was confsued as to how he was able to sneak in a McDonalds meal without getting caught.

I would say the worst part was the fact that he ate it all... infront of me, but it was honestly the conversation we had.

"You ever thought about getting dick in ass?" He questioned while sipping his straw.

I looked down at the food infront of him and just blinked.

Eyes, from the other inmates speaking to loved ones, looked over at me as his questioned lingered in their ears.

"No, nigga, the fuck," I replied, "fuck type question is that?"

He took a bite out of his burger and let out a burp. "No I'm just asking cause'my girlfriend wanna do that."

I crossed my arms with my eyes becoming wide. "Nigga... you sure your girlfriend a girl?"

He shrugged his shoulder while starting his second sandwhich. "At this point man," he stopped his sentence to lick his fingers, "I don't even know."

I really just wanted him to stop this weird ass conversation, but I knew he wouldn't.

"Like tell me why, when she get mad her voice get deeper. And when I mean deeper I don't mean 'im deep in you deep' but 'imma fuck you up deep'

"Thats a nigga," I said shaking my head.

He leaned against his seat. "Man, ion think so man. He boobs just too right man."

A few fries flew into his mouth as if it was a vacume.

He let out another burp and eventually the seat he was leaning on had twisted back causing him to fall off.

"HELP," he screached for air.


I shook that small memory out my mind as I picked up my phone.

There had been messages sent to be from a unknown number.

(632)-571-0058 : Keep your head low, we're coming for you.

I looked in all my corners before dashing across the street. As of now, I wasn't really sure what place was safe.

I scrolled down my other messages as I stood infront of a police station.

RicoAintNasty🤢: Bruh, Trina tripping tripping. [18 MISSED CALLS FROM]

Travis💵: Nigga tell me why I just seen Tray following you not too long ago?

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