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"Kayla, Kayla, Kayla, Kayla, kayla!" Brooklyn yelled while running up to me.

I was walking to my next period, but was keeping a look out. "Oh hey, Brook"

Brook had her hair into light brown curls. Which was rare to see because every time she got them done it was either ruined because of personal causes or her hair was being pulled in bed.

Her face was a pretty olive shape. Her skin was a pretty mixture or white and black.

She was a party girl, and when I mean that, I mean it was bad; bad. She did everything that was in and out of the book of parties.

"So, you coming to Lyrics party Saturday?"

I looked around some more before answering. "No, I think I'm just going to step out on this one."

Brook let out a puppy face and I knew her begging was about to start. "Please, you know I don't like going with Cece like that."

"No, plus everytime we go to parties, you get so drunk that I have to bring you to my place because of how trashed you are."

It was true, I've gone to so many parties with her where she had drunk too much, or taken a substance to the point where she passed out or didn't even know who she was and how she ended up my place.

She's been sleeping in my apartment for so long that I've literally called her my roommate.

"I promise I won't get drunk," she said waving at a group of boys.

"You said that last time Brook," I recalled back to the other night where she was so drunk that she called the police and said that she was kidnapped.

So many people got arrested that day.

"Please, I won't. Watch, ill prove it."

I stopped my walking and let out a breath.


She laughed and pulled me into a hug.

"So, how's you and pretty boy?" She asked referring to Quan, who she had been seeing me around with latley.

She was head over heels with the guy, yet seemed to choose me to be with him in her mind.

I waved my hand at a few class mates who had waved for me to come in their direction.

"We'll speak later," I said to Brooklyn as I sped walked to another group of girls.

We all shared hugs as one of them burst into tears and began her ranting about how a professor had gotten her pregnant.

The story was crazy because the professor wants her removed from the campus immediately. She feels like if she reports him not much will happen.

The university did its best to hide the mischevious things their staff and members had done.

"I honestly think you should catch hin admitting it," Cece walked into the conversation.

I liked her idea. Sometimes you have to catch people in the act.

"Agreed," I said while nodding my head, "you should leave a recorder with you or some shit. Catch him saying it when he least expects it."

Everyone nodded their head and seemed to be fine with this plan.

                            ● ● ●

I hadn't seen Draco around in a few days so I assumed something was up. He was always bothering me and trying to speak. When I noticed that he was finally here, I wanted to do the same.

I had spotted him at the student yard sitting on the bench. People would usually have picnics or stay here like it was the Parthenon.

I wasn't so sure why I was tempted to see him or even wanting to speak to him knowing that he took many chances to execute me, but I just felt the need to.

He wasn't studying or anything, he was just simply sitting down looking at the sky like he was thinking deeply.

I sat next to him and sighed loudly.

"What you doin' here?" He pulled on his chin still looking at the floating clouds

I pulled my tube top up a bit. "Oh- I dunno. I haven't seen you in awhile."

He honestly didn't seem himself. He didn't even want to look at me.

"Are you ok?"

I was surprised I even asked knowing how prideful I was with myself. Although he did me wrong, he spared my life at the end.

He nodded his head. "Been ok."

I could tell he was just one of those guys who had a hard time expressing their feelings. It was obvious he wasn't okay and it was obvious he wasn't feeling it.

"You were right. That was crack on the table."

He turned my way with a glance. "Oh yea?"

A pink scar ran through the side of his head above his eyes. Out of reflex I couldn't help but put my hand out and touch it.

"What happened..."

He jerked back quickly and scolded his voice. "It's nothin. Just a little knife problem. Back to this crack cocain though, I still wanna team up."

I put my finger down and continued to stare at the slit while I answered. "I guess we can, but I need to know what the girls think about you."

It was important to me that the girls knew who else was involled in our situations. He wasn't aware of our weed selling but he was aware of our stealings.

He wanted us to make enough so that we would never find ourselves in a sitaution that required us to depend on stealing again.

A grin grew on his face. "I knew you'd accept."

"So where were you?"

He stood up and I did the same. We just ended up walking around the campus a little. All I was getting from him were lies but I still managed to listen.

"I do got a brother though," he said as our pace was slow and motionless.

"Must be nice," I admitted.

"What, you don't got siblings? I wouldn't have thought you were an only child by how aggressive you are."

I shook my head. "I'm only aggressive because of how I grew up just like you're probably a pussy because of how you grew up."

He held onto a smirk and pushed me aside with his tanned elbow. "I ain't no pussy."

Almost falling to the ground, he grabbed my arm to help me balance to my feet.

We took a few more steps on the grass.

"You're quite nice when you're not feeling well," I spoke.

He gushed his mouth and let his teeth smack against each other.

"You're quite entertaining when you don't have a attituide," he mocked in a low voice.

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