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I dabbed a soaked rag on his cheek. He still had blood on his teeth, even though I managed to get some out.

I dipped it back into the warm water, took it out, squeezed it, and went back to dabbing his cheek.

This had been going on for the past hour while I thought about about what happend. Out of all the stuff I could pick up, the one that aggravated me the most was Ram.

I knew who Ram was, after bringing him up to my das who explained evrything to me, but I never seen the guy face to face or in pictures. My dad just told me stuff about him that I'd bother to listen.

I was curious on why Ram would want to kill Draco. I wonder what Draco did to him.

I dabbed more on his face when suddenly he opened his eyes.

I looked at him and smiled, and he smiled back with blood still showing on his teeth.

My eyes quickly shot up. "No, close your mouth."

It was disgusting to see all that blood travling in between his gums and teeth.

I could hear snoring from the living room coming from Brook. I knew she was knocked the fuck out from all that shit she was drinking last night.

"When did I get here?" He asked trying to sit up.

I layed him back down, sitting beside him allowing the rag to soak up the dry blood on his face.

"Mari helped me drag you here. She helped me drag Brook too."

He looked around my room trying to get a better picture of how I lived.

I stared at him. His eyes were a prettier then ever, and big too. His face structure was also nice and everything was proportional and perfect.

He pointed at my desk. "What's that?"

I got up to see what he was looking at, while I did that I grabbed a towel.

"You're so nosey. And nothing, it's just a necklace my dad got me when I was younger. It's broken though. It was a promise necklace."

I threw him the towel watching him sit up.

"What was the promise?" He asked.

"You're very nosey you know that?"

He nodded his head and glanced at the towel. "Uh, what's this for?"

"For you to bathe, duh. You're going to need more than a shower. You're gunna need a BATH, So I already got water ready for you."

He looked nervously at the towel then threw it back at me. "Nah, I'm good. I think I can shower when I get home."

"No, it's fine. You should take one here. And I'm pretty sure you can't just go home yet since Ram wants to kill you and has people watching everywhere."

A light frown grew on his face. He grabbed the towel and went to the bathroom.

I closed the door behind him and went to grab some baking soda.

I heard it was good to put in your water for baths, it's used to clean especially for wounds.

Before I went back into the bathroom, I put a blanket over Brooke and cut off the living room light.

I opened the bathroom door just to see him still standing there. His shirt was off, but he wouldn't go in.

I tried not to stare too hard at his chest, but I knew not to look away too quickly because I'd look somewhat suspicious.

"Do you not want me to be here when you get in or..."

He shook his head and leaned against the counter.

I don't know what his issue is with the shower, but I wasn't going to pressure him.

"Look, whether you get in the shower or not. Which I think you won't, I'm going to make sure you're clean."

I pull out a chair and place it in the middle of the bathroom. "Sit here"

He sat down on the chair and tugged at his skin. I could tell he was contemplating.

I pulled out a new rag, with baking soda and water on it, and rubbed it on his back.

"Tell me something." I said.

"Like?" He put his head down on his hands.

"Why does Ram want to kill you?"

He let out a little gush. "Rams my dad."

I squinted my eye pulling his head up with my finger.

"He's your WHAT?"

He nodded his head. "Let me guess, you know him?"

● ● ●

She told me everything.

I was kinda shook about it at first. I never thought that Al would be her dad and she never thought that Ram would be mine.

We were suppose to be complete enemies, but here we were.

She rubbed the rag on my chest as she continued to talk.

"And yea, that's why I dont like Beyonce."

I don't know how the conversation got to where it was now, but it did.

We talked about our stupid father's, then got more into broader things.

"I wonder why we don't talk like that," I said eyeing her.

I could tell she was avoiding eye contact because she she looked at me a few times but looked away.

"I dunno, I'm done."

She threw the rag in the tub and tossed my shirt at me.

Brooklyn, who I learned more about through our little conversation, had finally gotten up and was moping around.

I couldn't help but notice bits of white powder trailed on her shirt.

I looked at Kayla, who was layering lipgloss on her lips in front of the mirror.

"Didn't you say that you got rid of the person who was taking Brick?"

She nodded her head looking at me through the reflection of the mirror.

"Mhm," she mumbled, "I'm positive. Found out it was one of my friends, Trina."

I put my shirt on and stood up. I wasn't going to lie, Kayla, she had a lil cute face or whatever. I wasn't the type to let a bitch know how she look cause she'd take advantage of it.

My eyebrows furrowed at the name Trina when I rephrased what she said in my head. "Trina? As in Trina Ques?"

She turned around and crossed her arms. "Yea.. Trina Ques. What, do you know of her?"

The lipgloss was laid on the counter just rolling slowly. I don't know why it was distracting me- but it was.

"My mans all over her."

She chuckled to herself walking into the kitchen area. "Don't tell me Rico?"

I nodded my head and laughed. "Hell yea, Rico."

I looked at her again, but this time in a little more shock. How come I never met this girl?

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