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I sat on my table looking down at my phone.

I thought it was funny how Trina had texted me out of the blue wanting to meet up om Thursday.

I didn't know what she had planned, but I was sure it was genuine from the message I had recieved from her.


TrinaBoo🤤: i felt bad about how things left off between us. Wanna catch up on thursday? Just u n me 😁.

Me: YESSS. We got a lot to catch up on. I'm slick missing my ex bestfriend.

When I had finished texting I locked my phone away in my purse.

I was honestly about to leave since I'd been waiting on Quan for almost 45 minutes.

Everytime I texted him where he was at he'd reply with "im almost there." It was kinda pissing me off because every black person who says that ends up being a good hour late if it wasn't a few minutes.

I huffed just when a stack of flowers fell on my lap.

"Sorry, I'm late," Quan said while taking a seat across from me. "The roads blocked since officers are investigating something. Had to go the long way."

I picked up the flowers and moved them beside me. I wasn't really the type if girl who wanted flowers and chocolates and all that crazy shit from a guy but I appreciated it.

I moved them far enough where I couldn't smell since I was somewhat allergic.

"You look.. WOW," He awed letting his eyes focus on my appearance.

"Thanks," I gushed holding back my light smile. "You look....WOW too."

The date had gone really good so far. We talked about a few things related to school and had so much to say about our families.

He even invited me over for his parents Christmas dinner, which I happily declined since I had my own family to vouch to.

I took a bite out of my spaghetti. I wasn't the cleanest eater, but I wasn't the messiest either.

I noticed his glance on me and I quickly looked up at him.

All he could do was smile. "I like how you just eat comfortably even when we out in public."

I nodded my head in agreement. "I don't wanna get out my comfort zone and force myself to do something just because others are watching me."

As I took another bite, someone from another table had approched me.

"Aint you that girl I ran over at Wal-Mart?"

A heavier guy stood aside me looking down at the rest of the spaghetti I had on my plate.

Quan was amazed by his size and it was obvious since his mouth dropped and couldn't seem to close.

"Yea, wanna finish paying the rest of my medical bill?" I asked pulling out a check from my purse and handing it to him.

He shook his head about to walk off, but before he could, he grabbed a breadstick out our basket and made a run for it.

"Should we go after him?" Quan asked, placing his napkin down.

I looked about and shook my head. "He's not getting far anyway."

After what seemed to be another hour, our date had ended.

Quan had already left since he had a meeting in the central building on the university.

I took my time walking to my car since I was struggling to find my keys.

I dug in my purse a couple of times, even emptying out the little pockets.

"Now where the fu-" my mouth was silenced when a bag went over my head and I was shoved into a car.

                           ● ● ●

"Take the bag off," A familer, steep, voice had said.

"I SAID TAKE THE BAG OFF," He repeated himself but angrier. "What did I say about doing shit like that to my daughter?"

The bag was pulled off my face and my eyes met my fathers.

My hands were on my hips and my my face was sterial.

I had so much energy right now, yet I wish I had my mask with me just incase he intended to make me cry.

I didn't like people seeing me at my weakest, ESPECIALLY my father.

"You look just like your mother," he said referring to Maria.

I rolled my eyes at him because I hated when he would compare me to Maria knowing that I wasn't her daughter.

"Anyways," I snapped wondering where all this ENERGYYYYYY was coming from. "Why am I here?"

He chuckled a bit and clapped his hands. "You know you really out did yourself right?" He asked.

His unexpected laugh made me feel uncomfortable.

"What do you mean?" I quized him with my face.

"What do you mean?" He mocked laughing a little before slaming his hand against the table.

"You wanna play games with me Kayal? I told  you to not let any boy cross your path and not only did you just get back from  a date but you're also talking to Rams son?"

He rubbed his hands together and laughed more to himself. "RAMS SON THOUGH?" He yelled, "you out did yourself baby girl. You really did."

I could feel myself get tight and frusterated all at once.

He noticed my facial expression and just glared at me. "What?" He asked making me look stupid, "you thought that your friends wouldn't tell me about that lil boy toy you wanted to add to my recruitment?"

His fingers tapped gently against his desk. "Fix your fucking face," he comanded while watch tears travel down my cheek into disappearance.

I whipped them away listening to what he was saying.

"You thought that someone wasn't watching you guys when you wete having fun in that pool? OH, and you don't have to lie to me about it because I do have pictures."

My heart thumped quickly as ny fingers fidgeted with each other. I didn't want him to hurt anyone.

"And to think I call you my daughter knowing you mess with the enemy. Just know one thing Kayla, don't let that boy walk alone at night if you want him alive in the morning."

No words came out of my mouth. It was all over for me and I felt it. I didn't know who ratted me out but I was too scared to bring it up to my friends knowing it might be one of them.

I trusted Miko, Mari, and Rocky so much. And now, I just didn't even know.

I was going to be there for them when I could, but I was going to keep as much distance as possible.

And as for Draco.. I didn't know what to do with him. It was obvious that there was some sort of connection between us, but I was jinxing it every second I was near him.

"You look good by the way," my father added at the end to sweet talk his way out of hurting my feelings.

I nodded my head saying Thanks as low as I could possibly could.

With that I walked out his office and balled into tears.

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