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I walked into the house which had shinning lights everywhere and loud music.

I nodded my head at a few people as I went to go talk to some old high school friends.

"Wassup, Jojo," I said dabbing my boy.

He chuckled and returned the dab.

"NIGGA I ain't seen you in a minute. How's it goin?" He asked.

The music was loud and people were drinking heavy. This was another one of those simple parties that students on the campus would throw.

Blossom held onto my arm tightly like she was scared to walk around.

"I see you still with her," Jojo murmured while sipping on some henessy.

"Hell to the nah. We ain't close like that anymore. Blossom walk off, you act like you ain't never been to a party before."

Blossom let go of me and just stared at JoJo. "Nice to see you again."

I walked off to grab a cup, a young nigga wanted a drink too. I had walked passed so many people, even some I never seen before.

"You thinking bout hitting one of these hoes tonight?" Chris asked licking his lips at almost every girl that walked passed him.

Will laughed and took a look too. "Chris yo ass got AIDs and you out here talking about some 'hitting one of these hoes tonight'"

I shook my head and took a look around. What me and Blossom had, was nothing. I wasn't even worried about where that "relationship" would go.

Robbie had finally Broken up with Solange. I was happy for the dude. He had a whole new girlfriend he brought to us not too long ago. He said her name was French fries or some shit.

I watched as he forced a few nuggets down his throat without even chewing.

In the corner of my eye I noticed a couple of white dudes chugging away at a bear. Whoever could drink the most was getting way too much money then they can hold.

"You tryna get into the game?" Travis  asked pointing out the chugging situation.

I shook my head watching Chris pull a girl by her belt loop.

"Nah, I roll dice and play cards. I don't do this white shit."

Rico leaned against the bar before his eyes caught a girl. "Is that Trina?"

I rolled my eyes. I don't know what his issue with Trina was, but this dude was always lusting after her.

The only thing I knew about her was how fucked up she was in highschool. I didn't see how he was interested. Her face didn't match her body.

How does a pretty body belong to such a fucked up face? They say God don't make mistakes but her face proved me wrong.

"Yea that's her," I mumbled looking around.

"Let me go holler at her for a moment." With that, he got up and left.

"Can I get another drink?" I ask the bartender who turned out to be my physics professor.

He looked high with blood shot eyes. " Hell yea, man"

As he prepared my drink I turned my head to focus on a girl who had thrown up everywhere.

I knew who the girl was, since I've seen her more times than I can count, but I never knew her name. She was a party animal for sure.

And right beside her holding her hair was little Ms Attitude.

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