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Since China and Zo were gone, that only left Rocky, Mari, and I. I hadn't heard much of Trina since the incident.

I actually tried to call out to her but she ended up shutting me down. The only reason why I went off was because of her safety. I didn't want her going back into her bad ways.

"I'm here dad ," I said while placing a black mask over my head.

He looked with a grimace on his face. "Where's the rest of them?"

I turned back to see the only two girls left.

"Dad, they have lives you know? They couldn't make it."

He laughed a little throwing his hand up in the air while mocking what I had just said. "They have lives you know, the couldn't make it," he repeated constantly.

I crossed my arms looking at him. All he was going to do was overreact and I knew it.

"Tell them to come now or they're getting consequences. I'm already mad at the fact that you came today when I specifically told you to come on Wednesday."

He sat on his chair, arms seated on the rims. His beard ran long making a pointy appearance.

The girls left the room giving us space to talk. I looked down and fidgeted with my fingers. "Um- about that. They no longer work for us. I mean- Trina might come back if I just talk to her but- "

I stopped myself noticing his unusual silence. He seemed so apathetic and it was honestly starting to freak me out.

He quickly threw something, but I moved fast enough so it wouldn't hit me.

"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU JUST SAY?" He yelled, his face still showing no feeling.

"I- "

"You mean to tell me you just let those girls go? Do you know that we're down more than 200 people and you're here to tell me that you LET THEM GO?"

I turned around to see what he had thrown at me. A bladed knife hung to the wall sterile and deep. I've seen my father mad before, but not THIS mad.

"Look at me when I speak to you," his voice was still unpleasant.

I turned around happy that my mask was still on. I wanted to cry out of frustration. I don't know why I do this. Someone simply just yelling at me makes me wanna tear up.


I felt my body getting warm. I was heated but not in a angry way, but more of embarrassment. My fingers were getting sweaty which I really hated.

"So," he said while staring deep into my eyes, "Just know when I have my people find them- they're dead."

I sat down on the chair beside me. I've known them for so long- those were my best friends and he had the audacity to tell me he'll have them all killed?

"Now," he started again while taking a sip of what was in his cup. His hands were now interlocked on his lap. "Why didn't you come yesterday as I ordered?"

I thought about what happened yesterday and almost smiled at the conversation I had with Draco.

"I was busy.."

"With what ? What was so important? Because I contacted the campus and you weren't there."

I knew I couldn't lie, or at least not fully. "I went to a party, and I did plan to come back on time to get here to the HR, but Rams people shot the place up and then me- this boy was attacked and I tried to help him- "

"You tried to help him? You had shit to get done and you spent your time trying to help him?"

His tone was growing again.

"But Pa, they were hurting him and- "

He placed his hand up to silence me.

"Since when did you care about someone's feelings getting hurt? You're MY daughter. This thick, heartless, blood that runs through our family doesn't EVER care if someone's feelings get hurt. You pop peoples heads off like what, ever fucking day? You go around shooting and stabbing people like it's no issue. And all of a sudden you can't watch a Boy get HURT?"

I stayed silent because I honestly didn't want to answer, but I didn't wanna say something to make him pop off either.

I guess something clicked to his head because his brows began to furrow.

"You better not let me catch you feeling for no boy. Trust me, I'll end his life faster than yours."

I nodded my head standing up.

"I'm serious Kayal. If I find out there's a boy in the way of my daughters growth, I WILL remove him."

With that being said I rushed out the room into Mari's arms.

"It's okay, pooh," she said while rubbing my back.

● ● ●

When I said only the streets knew where I lived- It was true. I was honestly sleeping under anything that would keep rain from touching me.

I was having a hard time making quick money like I'd want to.

"Hey-er. Say, you got any brick?" A homeless guy, with three teeth, said.

I moved the newspaper off my head, which was used to block sunlight, and gave him a stare.

"Nigga, do I look like I sell crack?"

He laughed and sat beside me. I wasn't going to be rude or anything but I didn't like the fact that he was getting close and I met him less that 5 seconds ago.

"No-er I got money. I got money." He looked at me and waved out what seemed to be a dollar 25.

Waving him off I got up and swung my backpack on. I had plans for today and they had nothing to do with selling. I told my dad I was done with that shit for good. It's about time that I try to make money another way.

● ● ●

"I'm coming!" A voice yelled through the other side of the door.

I had been beating on the door like an opp trying to get someone's attention.

The door finally swung open and my mothers smiled dropped. "Wha- what are you doing here?"

I looked around her house taking in childhood memories.

"I haven't seen you since- Solange. This how you greet me?"

I moved aside trying to walk into the house, but she got into the doorway. "I can't let you in Draconian and you know it."

I rubbed my hands over my face and cursed. "Ma. I'm homeless right now. Every year I go to you for some fucking help. To get me out of there and you fucking shut me out."

She acted like this was oblvious to her but it wasn't. Every time I came here she would say that she didn't want anything to do with anyone who reminded her of Ram.

At this point I was starting to think that she was selfish.

"I'm sorry, but I cannot help you." She went inside and shut the door.

I kicked it about three times before noticing the neighbors looking at me with their phones out. Fucking suburban people always ready to call the cops.

I didn't know anyone else willing to take me in Except for Chris and Rico.

They were both still too affiliated with my father so I couldn't trust myself to be in that situation.

At this point I might have to start going back to these stripper hoes houses.

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