Chapter 14: The Fight

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Chapter 15: the fight

Bella’s POV

The next morning at sunrise, most of us were up and ready. Edward and me woke Renesmee and Amanda up from there snuggling slumber. Once Renesmee was up and about she went over to Jacob’s tent to wake him up, Edward had told me last night that he wanted to spend the night with Renesmee just incase something devastating did happen today but knew that we wanted some family time alone.

I had woken up Amanda up with no fuse, thank God, got her dressed in very warm clothing considering it was at least 35 degrees out, and fed her this smoothie pack I had gotten her a little while. Carlisle said even though Mandy is still just a baby she’s starting to eat different things now and its best that we keep a variety of baby food around the house.

We were all standing in the snow, at the field, watching the end of the field, just waiting for the Volturi to come and make there decision. All to soon we saw specks of black walk along the snowy plain like caul being sprinkled on a tiled floor. We could see all of them, the witnesses they had brought, the entire guard, and surprisingly the Volturi wives, who don’t ever come, and above all the Volturi themselves. Caius, Marcus and non-other than the devil himself Aro.

They stood like giants, they had to of had atleast 30 witnesses standing in a line on each side of the field.  Everything was still for a few moments nothing moved not even Amanda and than Carlisle decided to make the move towards the Volturi. Even though he was several yards we could all here the conversation he was having with Aro.

“They are not immortal.” Carlisle suddenly rang out on the top of his lungs, looking around to every witness they had brought.

“You can feel the blood in veins, hear their hearts beat.”

“You’ve brought children of the night.” Marcus made a snide comment, making the wolves growl.

“Well we’ll see about that, shall we?” Aro said in a menacing sweet voice, but than he said, “bring the children to us.” In a more sinister, confident voice.

Carlisle gestured me, Edward, Renesmee and Amanda over. As we walked Jacob proceeded to follow, in protectiveness of Renesmee. Edward had turned his head and said, “Emmett.” Emmett stepped forward, but staying in the back of us.

As we walk, Renesmee is holding on to both of our hands for dear life, and Amanda is snuggled into my neck just staring ahead.

“Ah, so these are the children.” Aro says in a velvety type voice.

“Hello, Aro.” Renesmee speaks up, in a smooth voice but still keeps her eyes on him. Aro reluctantly bends down to her level and hold out his hand.

“Give me your hand.” Renesmee just looked at it like it was alien, but than did something we all new she was going to do.

She carefully put her hand on Aro’s cheek, making everyone on there side gasp in shock. We new what she was capable of, but Aro didn’t. Not until now at least.

Once Renesmee took her hand off of his face, Aro just standing there in amazement, Edward quickly took the chance to grab Renesmee by shoulders and pull her towards us.

“magnificent.” Aro said in awestruck.

“May I see the other child’s now?” He asked stepping towards me, looking at Amanda. I instantly held her as close to me as possible.

“Oh now, we wouldn’t want things to get hasty, now would we?” Aro said in a sweet menacing voice, I just stared at him.

“Don’t touch her, she has the mind of child, please leave her alone.” I begged, as if that would help.

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