Chapter 18: Arguments

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Bella’s POV

“But why not dad?”

“Because you know why, you just can’t go right now.”

“But Amanda goes why cant I?”

“Because your still aging, and were not sure when your going to able to slow.”

“But I am slowing, I haven’t had another growth spurt in a month, mom come on tell him it’s perfectly fine that I go to public school.” Renesmee argued, for the past 10 minutes she’s been trying to convince us that she needs to go to the middle school in Forks.

I sighed and stood up from my chair, “Edward she has a point, Nessie hasn’t grown in a while. Maybe we should consider putting her in school.”

Edward didn’t say anything, but just looked like he was thinking things through, He finally spoke after a minute, “Maybe-“

“Yes, OMG I’m going to public school!!! OMG this is amazing!!!” Renesmee yelled.

“Hey, hey…” Edward said taking a hold of her shoulders, “Listen to what I’m about to say…ok?”

“Ok…rhymey.” She murmured; I smirked at that, making her smile.

“I was going to say, maybe we can put you in school and see how you like it.” Edward finished.

 “OMG this is AMAZANG!!!” As soon as the happy phase came the angry phase showed up right after it.

“But not just yet, though.”

 “Wait, what?”

“You’re not going just yet.”

“What do you mean ‘not just yet?’ ”

“I mean-“

“But that’s not fair, Amanda gets to go to school. Why cant I?” Renesmee full blown yelled at her father.

“Because Amanda is…” I knew Edward was having trouble finding the right words but I guess Renesmee helped him out on that one.

“Human, is that it? Is that what your looking for dad? Well get this; just because I’m not as normal as her doesn’t mean that I have to be shut out from the rest of the world and my sister doesn’t.” The room fell silent. I’m sure Edward was about to say something but that was when Mandy came in from outside, it than got progressively worse.

“And you-“ Renesmee pointed at Amanda, “I hate you, you’re the whole reason why I can’t go, you get everything, just because you’re human. And you know what you’re always going to be the human in the family, you worth-“

“Ok that’s enough Renesmee, alright?” I spat standing up, and walking up to the two of them.

“Renesmee go to your room, now.” I said in a stern voice.

“Whatever, I can see now why the family hates me. I’m not as normal as the brat.”

“Renesmee!” Edward called after her, but she didn’t listen and went on down the hallway to her room, slamming the door in the process.

I heard muffled sobs and looked to see Mandy crying her little eyes but tried covering it with her hands. I quickly picked her hugging her tightly, “Why sissy mad at me momma?” She sobbed into my shoulder hugging me just as tightly.

“She’s not mad baby, she’s just frustrated that’s all.” I whispered into her ear, kissing her temple.

“Wh-what f-f-frus-frustated mean.”

“It just means she’s just very angry, sweetie.” Edward said, coming up to us, pulling us into a hug.

“What di-did I do-do?” She sniffled.

“You didn’t anything, she just saw you and thought you were the next target.”

“How about we all just go into the living room and watch a movie, huh? Doesn’t that sound fun?” I asked Amanda, she slowly nodded her head.

We gradually went to the living room; Amanda slowly getting perky again, asked if she could watch Frozen. And me saying she could whatever she wanted.

At least 30 minutes into the movie, Amanda decided to speak up, ”Momma?”

“Yeah?” I asked looking down at her.

“Is it bad that I pwayed wit that boy today?” I froze at the question.

“What boy?” Edward asked her.

“The boy you and momma talked to.” She said in a duh tone. Alec of course, most likely Edward and me were very furious, but we didn’t show it. How could we? It wasn’t her fault; she didn’t know he wasn’t supposed to be here without us knowing.

“No, sweetie. Its not your fault at all.” I murmured to her.

She didn’t speak; looking back at the T.V. she just continued to watch as if nothing happened.

A few hours later Mandy was sound asleep on Edward’s chest, she had moved over to him during the end of the movie, I looked at Edward seeing he looked like he was thinking of something.

“What are thinking about?” I asked, scooting over to him, leaning on his shoulder. Usually he would ask me this question but right now I wanted to know what his thoughts were.

“What’s going to happen tomorrow.” He frowned, I didn’t blame him, I’m sure I did same thing. I was not looking forward to tomorrow at all. 

“Everything is going to be fine, Emmett and Jasper agreed to be in the shadows if anything goes wrong. Plus-“ I stopped, pacing myself on what I was about to say next.

“Plus what?” Edward asked.

“…Plus I think he has changed.” I spoke, wondering just what exactly what Edward would say.

“Bella, don’t think like that. How do you know if he’s changed, he could be lying.” He argued.

“Hey, you’re the one that can read his thoughts so technically speaking you’re the one that should be able to see if he’s lying.” I huffed; surprised he was getting on to me for being considerate.

“He’s been blocking out his thoughts, I don’t know what he’s thinking anymore.” He finally answered back, at that said I felt awful.

“I’m sorry Edward.” I kissed his hand, he took it away swiftly putting it on my shoulder, massaging gently.

“Its ok you didn’t know.” He whispered, “You didn’t know.”


Alright guys, like I promised last week or two weeks ago, i said i would give shout out's to anyone who would comment so my shout out this week goes out to musa66188, thank you so much for commenting. 

A little something you all should know, i only give shout outs only once to a person, so say someone else comments on here i will only give one shout out to them.

Make sense? good I'll update soon, i've started school in the last few months so im not sure when im gonna be able to update.


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