Chapter 17: The Dilemma

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Edward’s POV

Once I put Renesmee in her room for the night, I walked back to the door but stopped and decided to listen in on what Bella was saying to him. But I sadly only got a small bit of the conversation.

“I will see what Edward says about it.” I heard Bella say, continuing to step backwards to the house.

“You will?” Alec says, looking like he was excited by the thought.

“Yes, now please go and leave us alone for now.” Bella practically begged to him.

I was about to come out when noticed Bella turning around and walking correctly back to the house, I also saw Amanda moving her hand at Alec, and him surprisingly giving her a hand motion back. Who knew he could be a softy sometimes. And before I knew it Alec was gone rushing into the woods and Bella was coming back to the cottage; setting Mandy down before she walked into the house. And once they did, Amanda came running to me hugging my legs and smiling.

Bella just walking over to counter, putting her head in her hands, no doubt thinking about what just happened and what we were going to do.

“Hi daddy.” She murmured, hugging tightly to me.

“Hey Monkey.” I smiled at her, picking her up. I had sometimes called her that because whenever she heard the word ‘monkey’ or just someone talking about them she would always get fascinated by them. She would always say that when she grows up she wants to buy a monkey.

“I want one, daddy.” She said, leaning her heard on my shoulder sucking her thumb. I could tell by this that she was getting very tired and was probably over powered by what happened today.

“I know you do, but maybe when you get older you can have a little monkey. But for now you need to take a nap, ok?” I said to her, walking to me and Bella’s room where she would most likely be staying for the remainder of the night, considering it was already 5:30.

“Who wath it?” I heard Amanda ask, as I laid her down on the bed.

“Who was who, sweetie?” I asked her, pulling the comforter over her.

“That boy. Who wath that?” She asked again, I frowned at that, but I knew that I had to tell her the truth at one point.

“That was Alec.” I said, sitting down on the bed.

“Why wath he hew?” she inquired.

I breathed an un-needed sigh, “he’s just a man that really annoying right now. That’s all monkey.”

“But why?” Oh God, she’s at the ‘why’ stage now.

“How about we continue this conversation later, ok? But now its time for you to get to sleep.”

She huffed, “Ok, night daddy.”

I laughed at that considering it wasn’t even dark out, “Goodnight Mandy, sleep tight don’t let the bed bugs bite.”

“I love you daddy.” She whispered, snuggling into the bed.

“Love you to, sweetie.” I said to her, kissing her forehead.

As I walked down the hall, I heard Renesmee calling me telepathically to come to her room, “Hey, what’s up?” I asked sitting down on her bed.

“Can Jake stay over tonight?” She asked, laying on her side.

“Renesmee.” I stressed.

“Please dad, I just really want him here tonight.” She begged me.

“Fine, I’ll go an call him.” I patted her leg and walked out of the room.

“Should I call Jake than?” Bella asked, walking over to me from the kitchen, wrapping her arms around me.


“Edward what are we going to do?” I knew what she was talking about, throughout this entire thing, of Alec showing up out of no where and Amanda having the freak out earlier today, I and most likely Bella has to figured out that no matter how hard we try, it will be virtually impossible to keep both Alec and Amanda away from each other.

“You know we cant them away from each other.” I whispered into her hair, kissing her head.

“Yeah I know…Edward?”

“Yeah baby?” I hummed

She didn’t speak for a few seconds, “I invited him over in couple of days.”

I immediately pulled her back, looking at her stunned for probably the second time in my hundred plus life, “What? Why would you do that Bella? Why?”

“You said it yourself, we cant keep them away from each other Edward. Do you remember how we tried staying away from each other when we first met?”

I didn’t speak, but of course I did and it was most likely one of the worst things I’d ever did in my life. Bella could tell I had remembered because I had that hard stare on my face but continued on, “if we don’t let them see each other now, that’s how they will feel in the future.”

“Do you see what im saying? We cant keep them apart forever, so why try when we both now that it wont help matters in the future.” She tried to reason, I didn’t like this in the slightest bit but I was smart and even though I was stubborn I had no choice but to let this happen.

“Fine, he can come over, but if so much as makes a stupid snide comment…he’s gone.” I kissed her quickly and went over to the phone to begrudgingly call Jacob. Once I called him he immediately agreed to come over and said he would be here in less than an hour. Said he had to pick something up on the way.

“By the way, Edward, what were you doing home so early? You weren’t supposed to be home ‘till tomorrow.” Bella asked me, sitting down on the kitchen chair.

“I got in a little fight with Jasper, and decided to come back early.” I frowned at what happened today up at the mountains.

As if on cue Bella asked what had happened, “Oh, just Jasper; he claims he got the deer first but I guarantee you im the one who got it first.” I laughed at how it all happened, “ We were both running at this full grown elk when I ‘supposedly’ nocked Jasper over and got the deer before he did.”

“Did you push him out of the way though?” Bella snorted at me.

I just shrugged, “Rather not say.”

She just looked at me dis-approving look, “Oh Edward.” Bella said shaking her head


HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYONE!!!! I really hope you guys can comment on some parts of this chapter. Plus since i have not gotten many comments i have decided that if you comment i will give shout outs to you, so hopefully this will make you comment now. :)

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