Chapter 7: Past Time

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Alice's POV

it had been little over 3 months, since everything happened, Bella is fine, considering shes a new born, shes been very good at feeding. Her father came over a few days afterwords, he got to meet Renesmee and Amanda. Of course we couldnt tell him they were Bella's daughter, he thinks their Edwards Nieces from his brother, who died in a car accident.

Renesmee and Amanda are doing great, sadly Renesmee is growing phenominally fast, at this point she looking atleast 5 or 6 years old. Amanda on the other hand is somewhat growing faster we relized that even though she may not have Vampire DNA in her, she grows every so often. Even though she's still a baby, she's learned quickly how to speak like her sister with her power.

Right know everyone was in the livingroom listening to Renesmee and Edward play on the piano, Rose was playing with Amanda on the couch, picking her up and down, seeing as Mandy enjoyed it. And Bella & Jacob were adoringly watching Edward and Nessie play.

I was walking into the room, holding a vass of flowers, when all of a sudden I dropped it. Frozen in my walk, a vision coming ever so quickly. Once the vision was over Jasper came quickly to my side.

"What is it, Alice?" He asked, trying to calm me down.

I didnt speak for a few seconds.

"The Volturi, their coming for us." Thats all it took, for everything to change in that moment. Bella ushered Renesmee to her side, Rosalie stopped throwing Amanda in the air and instead put her in a comforting arm lock pressing her to her chest.

After a long moment of silence, Bella spoke up.


"What happened the other day when you took Renesmee hunting?" Edward asked Bella or Jake.

"Ness, was catching snowflakes." Jacob, said reciting from memory.

"I was holding Amanda, when I saw Irina up on the mountain. Before I could chase after her she was gone." Bella said, walking over to Rose and taking Amanda into a gentle hold.

"of course." Edward said out of no ware.

"What is it Edward?" Bella asked, looking at him questioningly.

Edward took an un-needed deep breath than answered, but im pretty sure all of us didnt want to here what he was about ot say.

"The Volturi think Renesmee and Amanda are imortal children." Edward said looking into space.

As quickly as possible Carlisle escorted us into his study upstares. and began telling us more about imortal children. He said they were absolutly beautiful, anyone who came in contact with them became mesmerized by there beauty. Thier creators became protective of them. The Volturi tried to train them, but their mental state stayed with them when they changed. They'd destroy villages in their tantroms. In the end the Vulturi had no choice but to kill all of the imortal children.

Carlisle had also said that one group of vampires had created a child, Denalies. Their mother created one, after a while the Volturi got involved, killed the child and their mother.

"Thats, impossible. Renesmee and Amanda were born not bitten. Renesmee grows every single day and Amanda only grows every few weeks." Bella interjected, holding a sleeping Amanda.

"Can't we do something?" Emmett asked, leaning foward from his spot on the wall.

"No, the Volturi see this as a threat." Carlisle said.

"Than talk to them, tell them its not true." Bella said angerly.

"We cant, the Volturi are looking for a fight, not to talk." Emmett said.

"Emmett's right." Carlisle said.

Durring all this, me and Jasper stayed quite.

The next day, while everyone was out and it was just me, Jasper and Esme in the house. We hadnt told anybody but we were leaving, we knew it was at a bad time but we had a plan that we thought would work. To get away we had to tell Esme we were going somewhere to buy some things, she believed us and we left, without saying goodbye to anyone.

Chapter 7, everyone I hope you enjoyed it, I forgot to mention this untill now, if you are on Twiiter look me up @annamorse1. I greatly enjoy new followers all the time; thanks for reading :)

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