Chapter 13: The night before

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Bella’s POV

It was the night before the fight, we were all in the woods, everyone was outside but the fire, Renesmee and Amanda were in the tent hopefully getting some sleep. Amanda had been cranky all day and it had been a hassle getting her to calm down.

“Little Big Horn…I was this close to getting Custer. Than the freaking Indians came out.” I heard a person from the group say.  

I than heard Jacob laugh and say something.

I walked back to the tent to check on the girls but I was sad to see that both of them were not asleep, “You guys need to get some rest, we have a big day tomorrow.” I whispered to the both of them, sitting down on the ground.

“Mom, we can’t sleep, and Amanda wants to say something, but she knows she cant.” Renesmee said, sitting up, gently taking her sister in her lap; which was lying in a makeshift cot we had brought for the journey.

“And is she saying?” I whispered.

“She doesn’t know what going on and she’s scared. And cold defiantly cold.” I picked Amanda up form her sister and brought her to me I than scooted Renesmee over to me so she wouldn’t be left out. Amanda has often told me my skin is warm, I don’t see how since my skin is cold as ice; but she’s always snuggling up to me, every time both lay on me, I want to break down sobbing because I know that this will only last for so long.

“I know your scared and don’t know what’s going on, but its better this way if you don’t know what’s about to happen. I love you both, so very much. I want you guys to have these-“ I pulled out a necklace for Renesmee, she opened it at to see a picture of me and Edward. She looked up at me and I could tell she was about to cry. I set Amanda down and pulled Renesmee to my lap and hugged her close to me, “I love you mom.” I heard her whisper.

“I love you too, Renesmee.” I squeezed her tight but not tight enough and moved her to the side of me so I could get Amanda, I held her finger so if she was saying something I would here it, I got out a gold rattle and slowly handed it to Amanda, she examined it, an than waking it against her head a few times.

I laughed at that and kissed her head, ‘I love you mommy.’ She said telepathically, I smiled and said, “I love you to, Amanda.”

‘I want to show you something.”

“What do you want to show me?”

She just looked at me, moving her lips, I had a feeling she was going to actually say something, “What is it, come on you can say it.”


My jaw dropped, she actually said “momma,” well she tried at least but it was good enough for me, I hugged her to me while she kept repeating “Momma, momma”

‘Get daddy, mommy.’ Mandy said, I nodded and called for Edward, he was standing just a few meters from the tent, talking to Carlisle. Once he heard me he ran to the tent.

“What is it?” He asked, sitting down in the semi - cramped tent, next to me.

“Mandy has something to show you,” I said handing her to Edward.

“What you want to show me?” He asked her quietly.

Again she just looked at him in concentration, “ Ddda-daa-dda-da-dada.” Edward just smiled at her; Amanda in turn gave him a toothless grin. Edward than hugged her, probably just as much as I did.

“I love you to Amanda, so very much.” He whispered.

“I love you to, dad.” Renesmee said scooting out my grasp and going over to her father and hugging him, “I love you to, Renesmee.”

“We both love you, equally. Never forget that.” He kissed both there heads.

Non of us left the tent that night we knew what was going to happen tomorrow and just wanted to spend some family bonding time, even if it was just laying down on hard gravel in a tent.


Ok guys I tried making this chapter not so cheesy, but please dont reading this story its about to get really good here in the next 2 or 3 chapters. So just hang in there for me. :)

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