Chapter 2: Feeding, and meeting uncle Jasper

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 Chapter 2: feeding, and meeting uncle Jasper
Amanda's POV
As I was trying to go back to sleep, I was put in something making me look forward. I looked down and saw my hands I was very intersted in them. Something broke me out of my trance looking up I saw aunt Alice looking infront of me smiling.

"What you got their, a hand? is that what you got?" she said.

yeah and I got two of them, I smiled real big moving my hands. Once again I was very interested in them again until something touched my feet. I looked up and saw auntie Alice, it looked like she had something behind her.

" you ready to eat? " she asked happily, i smiled real big again, hoping it was something I could eat and not the ewie goowie stuff. " ok here we go. " she said, pulling her out her hand. I saw what it was and I grew scared, it was the ewwie goowie stuff. I swerved from side to side trying to get away, i began to cry loudly, almost asking to get it away from me. 
"Hey, why arent you eating, whats wrong?" she said putting the bottle down beside me. I remembered earlier that Alice had a strange look on her when I touched her maybe if I think what I want to say and touch her again maybe she'll understand.

Alice's POV  
I tried feeding Amanda but she wouldn't budge, I have no idea why she wouldnt take the blood. i saw she was stretching her hand out to me, almost asking me to hold it, I did and another vision came like this morning but different this time. It was like she was saying no blood, actual food.

Well more like "get that ewwie goowie stuff away from me and get me some real food."

I stood shocked again, Amanda didnt like blood, she wanted and needed food immediatly, I wondered how long it had been since she'd been fed. After the vision I scuried to the counter and grabbed another bottle, baby formula, and some warm water. after 5 minutes of making the bottle and Amanda basically screaming her lungs out, I brought the bottle to her mouth, it went around her lips for a second than went directly into her mouth. I could tell by the sound she was making and sucking of the bottle, she was enjoying it.

" Are you enjoying that? " i asked smirking, she gulped down another sip practically saying 'yes I am.' I smirked again. about 15 minutes later she was done. I took the bottle away from her and put it in the dishwasher - we hardly ever used- when I heard a noise coming from her, I turned towards her and saw she was practically jumping up and down. ' Whats up with her? ' I thought, it than hit me, she was hicupping and had to be burped, pronto.

I quickly grabbed a rag, out of the drawr, put it on my shoulder and picked up Amanda putting her on my shoulder with the rag and started to pound her back gently. A few minutes later I heard shuffling coming into the kitchen, I turned around to see Jasper coming in smiling at me. I saw his eyes where emerald gold and knew he had fed and was ok for right now. I smiled back, and started patting Amanda's back again.
"Whats been going on? Who is that? And what are you doing?" he said leaning against the counter. 

" I'll have tell you later on for the first question, two, this is Amanda, and three im burping her." i said walking towords him, he stepped back a little knowing the posiblities that could happen if he snaps. 

" Jasper, youll be fine. ok? "i said, coming near him again.

" You sure?" he asked.

" Im positive, how many did you feed on?" I asked, keeping a hold of Amanda so she didnt fall.

" about 4 or 5 deer. " he said disaitisfied.
" Youll be fine, trust me, if you over react I'll pull away. " he looked uneasy, but agreed and stepped forword slowly.
" Thats it, now come meet your niece-" Before i finished that sentence I heard a burping noise, and than something fall onto the rag, "- who just spit up on me." I say probably looking very disgusted.
Jasper just started laughing, I looked up and glared at him. "Alright, since she spit up on me, you can hold her while I clean this off." I said while giving him a sweet smile. Right away he stopped laughing, stood straight, and and kept looking at me and the baby.

"Um, how about no, cause I'm good." he started walking off, when I yelled at him to get back in here and hold her. he grudgingly came back in, reluctantly he sticking his hands out.

I sighed and wispered "You are such a drama queen, sometimes." knowing full well he could here me.

he just scoffed, and waved his hands ushering me to come forward. I rolled my eyes and walked towords him.
"Ok, first you cant hold her like that, she to small, 2 put your arms in a holding position and 3...stop being so dramatic would you?" I said placing Mandy in his arms slowly, he looked down at her and smiled a little.

" Is that a smile I see Mr. Witlock?" i said using the best counrty accent even though I suck at it.

" You got me their, Ms. Cullen. " he said with a strong Texas accent.

I leaned up to kiss him, but Amanda made a noise making both of us look down to see she was staring back up at us. I dont know about Jasper but I smiled slightly down at her, her wrapping her little hand around my pointer finger. I chuckled at that and slowly let go.

" Hold her, while I go clean this." I said pointing at the rag, he nodded and awkwardly held her in his arms. As I washed the towel over the sink, I started think ... if Jasper and I ever had the chance we'd be great parents. As I was daydreaming I heard some noises coming from beside me, I turned my head carefully and saw Jasper now sitting on a chair making silly faces to Amanda. I smiled and chuckled lowly, but not low enough for Jasper to see me looking at them. Im sure if her werent a vampire he'd be scarlet red right now.
"Um, so you want to take her now?" He asked, getting back to is regular self. I chuckled and put my arms out, "Sure, come here cuty." He placed her in my arms, carefully, and walked out of the kitchen. "Lets go get you dressed, hmm? Oh, your just gonna love the outfits we have for you and your sister." I said in a baby voice heading upstares to me and Jaspers bedroom, late last night I put some baby cloths in their for when Amanda needed changing.

Once I got to my room, I quickly got some pillows and put them in a square like formation, than putting little Amanda in the middle so that she wouldnt move to much I got the clothes. When I got to the drawrs I put the baby clothes in I decided on an infant size onesy that was pink that said 'Daddies girl.' I smiled at that, walked over to the bed and started to change her clothes to something more comfortable. Once I was done, I looked at her and smiled she was kicking her legs and looking at the ceiling fan smiling. All of a sudden she had an odd look on her face, than a revolting smell hit me.

You have got be kidding me?

Authors Note

Chapter 2 is up, I hope you guys enjoy it. Im having a problem seeing who reads this story but so far all I now is that 5 people are reading this, I thank the five people who are reading it makes me smile to now that my story is not a lost cause in the world of fanfiction. If your having the same problem but know how to fix it please let me know. Also if your on Twitter look me up @annamorse1 I love having new followers. :)

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