Chapter 22: The Accident

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Bella’s POV

“Nana!” Amanda screeched to Esme as she ran up the steps into her arms.

“Hello my dear, and how was your day?” Esme asked, picking her up and kissing her on the cheek.

“We watched Monster’s In-corp-er-ra-ted.” She had to say incorporated slowly to say it right.

I smiled at how hard she had been trying to say big words lately, as I walked up the steps with Renesmee tailing behind me. To entranced on her phone to notice anything.

“Monsters Inc. huh?” She said in mock enthusiasm, even though Mandy notice the difference between real enthusiasm and mock enthusiasm. Esme gave me a look of explanation I just shrugged my shoulders.

“Yeah, We were good yesterday…wes Awec?” She instantly asked, we both smiled, she had been so clingy to him lately, she almost through a tantrum this morning when we were leaving for school. Luckily Alec had convinced her that once she had come home they’d spend the rest of the day together.

“He’s out back with Daddy, go say hi.” Esme enlightened, setting Amanda down and letting her run through the house to the back doors.

“And how was your day, Nessie?” Esme asked Renesmee as all three of us walked into the house.

“It was ok, I almost had a heart attack earlier but besides that it was good first day.” Renesmee said, looking up at us and then back at her phone continuing to type on it.

“Why? What happened?” I asked, climbing the stairs at a human pace even though I could go a lot faster, I just wanted to keep up with Nessie.

“Oh you know that bottle you put it my lunchbox this morning?” she asked.

I nodded, “Yeah, what happened did someone open it?” I asked, in an urgent voice.

“No, thankfully, but there was this girl at lunch and just grabbed it out of no where. I told her to give it back, but she laughed in my face and started swinging it everywhere.” Renesmee huffed in annoyance but continued on, “I finally had to grabbed her hand and took it away from her.”

“Please tell me you did not use your strength?”

She spared me glance, ad shrugged her shoulders saying, “Egh.”

“Renesmee…” I stressed, rubbing my hands over my temples.

“What? It wasn’t even hard. I barely even used my strength.” Nessie contorted, crossing her arms.

Before I could even say anything, I heard Esme shriek from the window, opening up the glass doors and run down the steps. I immediately sensed something was wrong and raced out the door as well. I gasped at what I saw, “Mandy!”

Amanda was lying unconscious in Esme’s arms, not even moving an inch, “What happened?” I screeched to anyone who would here me.

“Alec and Edward were wrestling, and I suppose Mandy thought they were fighting and went to stop it.” Esme said croaked, caressing Mandy’s head, “And Alec accidently kicked her to the ground.”

I straightaway looked at Alec, with a murderous look, “You Bastard!!!” and ran at him. If it weren’t for Edward catching me and holding me against him, Alec taking a defensive stance in the process, I would have mauled him.

Edward restrained me, whispering, “Bella calm down, I’m just as mad. But we need to stay calm.”

“He hurt my baby, he hurt our baby.” I dry sobbed, putting my head on his chest.

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