Chapter 16: Personal Stalker

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Chapter 16: Personal Stalker

“Momma?” I heard Amanda ask from the kitchen, she was looking out the window, watching the fall leaves drop to the ground.

“Yeah.” I ask going up next to her, bending down to her level.

“Can I go outside?” She looked at me with a questioning look.

I smiled and nodded, grabbing her jacket, “Hey Renesmee were going outside, you want to come?”

“No, I’m watching to TV.” I heard her say from the coach, eating popcorn, now a days that’s all she ever eats. We’ve been trying to give her more food choices but she just isn’t budging. I nodded and went back to the kitchen.

“Ok, well we’ll be outside than.” I said ushering Amanda outside, it was just the girls and I today, and Edward was out feeding with the rest of the Cullen boys. Mandy rushed to the swing set we had gotten a few months ago.

“Swing me, momma.” She said, trying to get on the swing, I smiled and walked towards her, sitting her up on it.

“Hang on, ok?” I say, getting ready to swing her up and down.

“Ok.” Was all she said.

We played outside for a little bit, from swinging to going down the slide to even playing in the leaves we racked up earlier in the week.

Were out there for at least an hour before Amanda said something very particular, “Momma who’s that?”

“Who’s what, baby?” I asked, instinctively looking at the house, seeing if anyone was there but there wasn’t.

“That?” She than pointed out into the field and saw none other than Alec Volturi himself.

I froze, but immediately  snapped out of it and quickly picked Amanda up and rushed to the house, locking all doors as fast as I could and shutting all the shades, and sitting on the coach with the girls, Amanda snuggling against me.

“Momma?” Amanda asked again.

“Yes Amanda, what is it?” I asked her, stroking her head of curls. 

“Who was that?”

I would have thought she would’ve forgot about that, but sometimes her brain tends to remember a lot more than the average 3 year old.

“He was nobody, sweetie, he’s nobody.”  I said, kissing her forehead, “Why don’t we put in a movie, yeah?”

“Ok, can we watch Frozen momma?” I nodded as she slid off my lap and grabbed the DVD case off the TV stand and walked back to me just to hand it to me. I snickered; sometimes the things these girls do are just too cute. I stood up and put the movie in.

While watching the movie, the girls couldn’t help but sing along to songs in the movie. I laughed when Mandy got up and danced in front of us. But after a while I decided to step outside and see if Alec was still out there. I was sadly right, when I saw him leaning up against a tree just watching the house, as if he did it everyday.

“What are you doing here Alec?” I seethed.

“What can I not see my mate, the mother of my future children?” He asked cockily.

At that I flared, I so mad at what he just said, “She’s three years old, she doesn’t even now what sex is.”

“She’s only three?” He asked astonished.

“Yeah, how old did you think she was?” I snapped at him.

“I thought she was older than that.” He spoke in honesty.

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