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Sunday Evening, 15th of September


          I took my hair out of the towel, letting my long locks fall down my back before I brought them over my shoulder, using the semi wet towel to dry them as best as I could. I then threw the towel in the growing pile of clothes that needed to be washed. I shook my head, staring at them for a few seconds before my head snapped to the door which was being opened.

          Although I already knew who it was, I was nonetheless shocked to see Christopher standing there, holding an empty basket in his hand. His eyes searched around the room until they landed on me. They then trailed over to the pile of laundry on the floor before he threw the basket at my feet.

          He didn't need to talk in order for me to know what he wanted me to do. I rushed to throw everything in the basket, grabbing it as Christopher waited at the door, watching in silence. Once he noticed that I was finished, he turned and walked out of the room. I followed behind him in silence as I took in my surroundings.

          This was the first time I'd been let out of the bedroom I was staying in since I've been here. This was the first time I'd be seeing the rest of the house...or at least, what Christopher would allow me to see of it.

          The laundry room was down stairs and once we made it in there, Christopher leaned against the wall, obviously waiting for me. I took notice of how he didn't trust me yet and I honestly didn't expect him to. I sighed, starting to put my clothes in the washing machine as I contemplated on if I wanted to speak or not. I decided to take the chance as I didn't want there to be an awkward silence.

          "I had started to wonder when I was going to be let out of that room." I spoke up, not too loud but not too quiet either. I could feel Christopher's eyes on me when my voice cut through the silence.

          "Ain't no one forcin' ya' to stay in that damned room and never come out." He snapped, obviously still in a bad mood from earlier today.

          "I didn't want to wander around your house as if I owned it. Plus, I didn't know where anything was, I never got an official tour." I reminded, to which I heard a huff of annoyance.

          "I'm sorry your Royal Highness, as soon as you finish I will be more than happy to show you around." His voice was full of sass but I remained unfazed

          "That would be great." I replied, turning to give him a slight smile before going back to putting my clothes in the laundry machine. I moved out of the way, motioning for Christopher to turn it on as I was unsure of how to use it. It was different to the one that was at my apartment.

          Once he'd done that, he turned to walk out of the laundry room and I followed behind him. He didn't speak as he walked around the house. I made an effort to remember where everything was so that I could easily find my way around the large house.

          Although this wasn't what I expected of the 'tour', I stopped myself from bringing up Christopher's lack of explanation. The tour took longer than I expected as Christopher decided to walk slowly, obviously in no mood to rush anything.

          I could sense that he didn't want to be doing this which was obvious at the sigh of relief he released when we heard the washing machine beep, indicating that is was done. He led me back to the laundry room, letting me put my clothes in the dryer.

          "Are you alright Christopher?" I asked the question in which I had been dying to ask, except I just didn't know when would be the right time.

          "Why the fuck would you care?" He spit out, sending a glare my way. I frowned, shaking my head.

          "Why wouldn't I care? I'm here to help you so it'd only make sense that I cared." I explained as Christopher's annoyance started to make itself known.

          "Listen bitch, ion' got the time for yo' shit right now so just shut ya' ass up until this finishes and go back to yo' room. Ion' wanna see you for the rest of the day." He spoke and I decided to just let him be.

          As soon as my clothes finished up, I took them in my arms, not bothering to take the basket as I headed up the stairs and to my room. Christopher didn't follow behind me and part of me was slightly upset at the fact that he really had no intention of trying to better himself.

          I spent the rest of my night folding up my clothes before taking myself to bed, hoping that tomorrow would be more successful than what today was.

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