Chapter 2. The Omega

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Simon's POV

"Ge, what are you doing? Get walking! You will be fine!" My friend encouraged me, well less encourage and more pulling me out of the school.

"You can't make me!"

"You need to go home!"

"I'd rather die!" I shouted in response as i grabbed onto the door of the school's entrance. Truth is, i don't really want to die and i do want to go home but what is stopping me from leaving the school is my brother standing at the school gates with his friends. Why should i be afraid of that? Because my brother is my biggest bully, and his friends are no better. I've been able to avoid them because i had to stay locked up in my room at home since i had my heat, however now that i am out and about, i am sure my brother will want to catch up on a week's worth of bullying very quickly.

I've tried to reason with my dad to pick me up from school to prevent this but my dad is the alpha of our pack and is busy a lot of the times and can't afford to pick me up from school every day, so instead i have to drive my own car. 

"Simon! If you don't want me to get Fenryr out you better start walking!" This made me stop struggling for a while and think. Get killed by my brother...or get mauled by Fenryr...Fenryr it is! And my struggles continued. 

Ah, i should probably tell you about these two, well of them is lurking behind the corner just laughing and watching us. The friend trying to pull me out of the school is Kuhn, in fact he is my best and one of my 3 only friends. My brother...his name is Johny, he is the soon-to-be alpha for our pack. He's not too smart but he is athletic and quite attractive even if i hate to admit so. And the last guy who is crying his eyes out from laughing is our other friend, Min. Min is a really good guy however he makes a lot of fun of a lot of people, which often annoys a lot of said people. Min is Kuhn's guardian since Min was born without a mate. As for Kuhn and I, we haven't found our mates yet. It's pretty sad honestly, i am already 22 and still haven't found my mate, then again i shifted really late. Whereas other pups shifted at the age of 12, i shifted only when i turned 16. Did this disappoint me and my dad? Absolutely thus it made him feel way more ecstatic when i did finally shift. As for my brother, his mate has found him already but he does not know yet who his mate is, i do though.

I was so busy in my internal monologue that i didn't even realize i was being picked up and hoisted over someones shoulder and walked out of the school.

"Da ge! Put me down!"  I shouted and started hitting and kicking my kidnapper.

" quiet Xiao Yao. You should've listened to Kuhn's warning earlier." He calmly said in a deep baritone voice.

"Ge~" I whined and gave up struggling as he walked me to my car, which made him chuckle and pat my back soothingly. I honestly didn't mind getting carried by Fenryr like this but other students must think i'm an idiot. On the positive side, as long as i am with Fenryr my brother doesn't dare to bully me.

"Now, go home little one. If you are in trouble again you know how to reach me right?" He asked me and put my seat belt on for me, i simply nodded with a pout on my face, feeling somewhat defeated.

"Good boy! Love ya, take care. I'm going to deal with Min now." He ruffled my hair and looked across the parking lot where Min was spray painting the car of a teacher.

"I don't care if Kuhn likes him, i am going to kill that idiot one day." He muttered with gritted teeth making me chuckle, causing him to look at me again with a fond look. There are some times where i wish Fenryr was my mate or Dante as he likes to be called in his human form. Unlike Kuhn, Min and I, Dante doesn't have a Chinese name only a nickname he thought of himself, but he really is more of the big brother/father figure to me and neither of us want to change that. Oh right! My Chinese name is Xia Yao by the way.

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