Chapter 23. Abandoned

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Jason's POV

After the stressful situation with my parents and the amazing release of said stress by my beautiful mate, I was getting ready to go to my parents' house. That was until I noticed Kuhn, Min, Johny and Jake waiting in the car right in front of the house. I walked up to the window and knocked. Kuhn opened the door and immediately scrunched up his nose. A small smirk forming as I knew exactly what he could smell. I still remember how Xia Yao reeked of Kuhn when we entered the bedroom.

"What are you boys still doing here?"

"Simon told us to wait here so we did."

"Ah, sorry about this guys. I had a stressful situation and accidentally dropped my mental barriers."

"Yeah no kidding. Do you know how worried we were when Simon suddenly started screaming?" Kuhn told me with concern still etched on his face.

"I know, I'm really embarrassed about this. I'm about to go and fix the problem. I might have exerted a little too much energy out of Simon, so he is currently sound asleep. I'm going to keep him at home in case I have another flare up. You guys can come in or go home to get ready for school, but Simon is alright and safe."

"Do you want me to come with you?"

"No need, I can handle a little family issue." At this Kuhn gave me a strange look before recognision washed over and he understood what I meant.

"Alright, I'm going to send Johny and Min to school and Jake to the station, but I'll come here afterwards and watch over Simon."

"Thank you Kuhn." I nodded and walked over to my motorbike Chris brought back from the garage yesterday. I've been so busy with business that I didn't have any opportunities to ride this beauty. I really want to let Yao-er ride her with me. It feels just as good as running in our wolf forms.

Within 10 minutes I arrived at the house my parents were staying at. It looked nothing like the pack house and my old home, instead it was a very standard and square building. A house that couldn't possibly feel like a home.

I knocked on the door and waited a good minute before someone answered the door. There he stood again, my father and the old gamma of the pack. My father looked nothing like a typical gamma who are meant to be the head warriors of the packs, honestly my father was more fit for the beta role or even just some pack accountant. His strenght was always in smarts and tactics, not in strength. Maybe that is why he wished I was an actual Alpha at birth instead of an omega.

"Can I come in?" I asked him, my lips set in a flat line. He simply nodded and let me in.

Walking in, I realized that the outside may looked unhomely, but the furniture on the inside were the same ones from our house at the pack. I felt slightly nostalgic, especially after visiting Jane's grave this weekend.

"Oh, Jason...Have you calmed down now?" My mother came out of what I presumed was the kitchen, quite cheerfully.

"Hello mother. I have." I stated simply, unsure of how they would react to what's to come. Despite knowing the relationship with my parents isn't fixable and Feng basically wants to kill them, I'm starting to realize that this is possibly the last time I will ever see my parents as I am breaking my bond with them, at least what is left of the bond.

"I have been discussing things with XIa Yao about your visit. I think...the best solution is for you two to leave the pack." And as I said it, I watched my mom's face fall and my father become angry. Starting to look more like the abusive bastard I remember.

"YOU'RE KICKING US OUT?! YUAN ZONG HOW COULD YOU SAY THAT TO YOUR OWN PARENTS?!" My father bellowed, making my own aggitation flare up.

"Simple. You disrespected your Luna and have already shown that you two have no problems with abandoning family." My father tried to say something but hesitated when he spoke again.

"We're not the ones abandoning family, you are. If you didn't leave your sister behind, None of this would happen." 

"Don't test my patience old man." I hissed, my eyes darkening. "If you were only 10% as competent as my current gamma, you would have been able to keep your family safe yourself. Instead you struggled in battle and left your  pre-teen son protect his sister and mate." His jaw was clenched like his fist, my own anger suddenly lessening. He wanted to play the blaming game? I'll simply give him the facts. "How incompetent do you have to be to put your son as a guard. Then again you were hoping so much that I was an Alpha, that you didn't even see the clear signs of me being A FUCKING OMEGA!" I bellowed and my parents took a step back, fear starting to join their anger. "Did you two even realize it was exactly last weekend, 11 years ago? The day both my sister died, my parents started hating me and the death of the mother of my mate and our Luna along with so many of our packmates? Did any of you even mourn? Or were you too busy wallowing in self-pity?" They stood there stunned still when I finished talking, but I wasn't done yet.

"Don't you ever dare to spout such nonsense again. I am not your son, I am your Alpha. My first and final request is that you two leave the pack, leave this city and never come back. You guys have until midnight to pack your stuff and leave. If you two have any conscience, you will visit Jane's grave and ask for her forgiveness. You won't be able to come back and visit her after today, because if you do. I will personally cut off your head. UNDERSTOOD?" I commanded in my Alpha voice, both of them hesitantly nodding yet immediately showing their necks in submission.

I walked away and slammed the door shut. Hopping onto my motorbike, I sped back towards the pack house. As I went further and further away from my parents, I felt out bond stretching until it finally snapped and broke. Despite the hatred I held towards my parents, the feeling of our bond breaking both as pack and a family was awful. I sped up even more, wanting to be with Simon. I needed to be with Simon and quickly, I was starting to fall apart...

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