Chapter 11. Two packs, now one

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Jason's POV

After i gave my men the command, i watched in glee as the pack was going into a panic. The warriors were quick to take their stand or transform into their wolves as some led the pack members to safety. The way the warriors are handling the situation until now has not been too disappointing, i'll have to say.

Their battle probably didn't even go on for more than half an hour, if you can even call it a battle. It was more of a one sided beating than a battle. Just as i suspected, the pack in it's current state is all bravado with no skill to back that up. Despite being bigger in number and equipment, my men were able to take down every single pack warrior without even a single injury. I felt a tug on my arm and looked down at my little mate with worried eyes.

"Was this really necessary?" He asked sadly. Sensing the mood of my mate, the pleasure I took in seeing this slaughter dampened a little bit. However, everything i did, came with a reason.

"Yes. Xiao Yao, the pack needed to experience this. For something to be build into something stronger, it needs to be broken down completely. If the pack experiences this kind of loss, they will realize the changes they will have to make in order to protect the pack and they will know that i am able to bring those changes." I looked at him with an expression that matched the heaviness of the situation. He seemed to understand, but was still not feeling happy about this. This is just another thing about my mate that makes my heart beat faster and my wolf howl in glee. Xia Yao will always be his kind and compassionate self, no matter what situation he has been through or who tortured him.

With a single whistle, every member of my rogue pack transformed into their human selves and stood lined up in from of me. I could feel Simon take a step back and stand closer behind me. 

'Don't be scared of them, they are your pack Yao-er.'

'I can't help it. Most of these people are alphas...'

'There are some betas and omegas as well, come on don't be scared love. These men won't do anything to harm my mate.' Simon shakily took a step forward again but his body was still pressed against my side, not that i minded it though.

Chris came walking with three big army bags that held their clothes, he threw the bag at them so they could quickly get dressed. After everyone was clothed, they continued to wait for my orders in the same line. 

"Well done everyone. Once again my pack hasn't failed my expectations and i am proud of every single one of you. As you have all seen, the difference in strength between the two packs are too big and i need your help. Over these next few months I want the warriors of this pack to be up to my standards. Can I count on you to have my back."

"Yes, Alpha!" They responded simultaneously without hesitation as i expected from them. Loyal to the end, every single one of them. 

'The battle is over! Return to the opening.' I sent a message through the pack link and soon all the members walked back to the opening, the look on their faces are those i take so much joy in. The horror, the fear, the disbelief, they must've been shocked seeing their mighty 'warriors's' beaten and bloody bodies on the ground.

"Don't worry about these men, my men made sure to keep them alive. They will get the treatment that they need after i finish my announcement. These men in front of my are the warriors from my rogue pack. Henceforth my rogue pack and the firewood pack will merge, my men will help me protect and improve this pack. They won't harm you and you will hopefully be able to interact with them the same way you would with your other pack members."

The pack stayed quiet and could only nod as they stood by their families or the bodies of the warriors that could be their sons, fathers, sisters or daughters.

"That was all, you are allowed to leave. Jack, Chris, Dayu, come here for a second."'

"Yes, Alpha?" Jack, Chris i want you two to get some of the other men to get the warriors to the infirmary, you know where to find it correct, Chris?

"No problem Alpha." He nodded his head and took Chris and a few of my men to help the warriors.

"Dayu, get the remaining guys and get the others settled in. You guys will be staying in the complex here." I said pointing to two larger houses close to the pack house. I had one of them emptied and renewed other one which was in bad shape before so it would be a good place for my men and their families to stay in. "Everyone is free to stay in their normal house in the city as well if they wish to do so, but let them know that they have a place to stay here."

"Yes Alpha. They will probably want to stay in the pack though as they feel safer when they are closer to you." Dayu said with a smile and made me chuckle.

"Hao hao. Go." I shooed him off. I turned my attention back to my mate who was being awfully quiet right now. "Come on, let's go inside." I ushered him, he seemingly snapped out of his train of thought and replied with a nod and a mumble of a 'yes'.

Once we were in our bedroom, i shut and locked the door behind us and let go of Simon's hand as i took of the blazer and my tie, unbuttoning the top 3 buttons of my dress shirt. I sat on the foot of our bed and looked at Simon for a minute who once again looked to be busy in his own thoughts, still standing in front of the door. Instead of invading his mind, i want him to talk to me, so i try to call out to him again.

"Yao-er, baby. Come here." He looked up when I called him and beckoned him over with my hand. Slowly he walked towards me and took my hand. I pulled him closer to me and pulled him on my lap. " What's wrong love?"

"I don't...really know?" I looked at him strangely as he averted his eyes from mine.

"Baby, look at me. Come me those pretty eyes of yours." I tried to gently coax him. My hand working its way up to Simon's nape. I can feel that he is stressed but that doesn't seem to be the problem right now.

With a little more coaxing and nuzzling, he couldn't reject my wishes anymore and looked right at me. "Now tell me Simon, what's wrong. You looked fine in the morning? You are looking a bit paler now though." I inspected his face a little more for any other signs of illness but aside from that, there wasn't much different.

"I...i feel weird..."

"Weird as in...?"

"Da Zhong Ze...I think i'm going into heat tonight..."


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Hi! Hope you guys enjoyed the new chapter. This chapter was supposed to come out last Saturday but I kind of forgot about it until today xd, there were only around 200 words left to finish the chapter after i stopped writing Saturday. Tell me guys how you feel about the transgressions of today's chapter and what you would like to happen. Also would you guys like Xia Yao's heat to be a smutty chapter or just a recap (so not a full chapter just a paragraph or so).

In other news, thank you guys for 900 followers <3 I really appreciate it and i can't believe such a large amount of people is following my work. I also had an idea maybe for when i reach 1K followers. I currently have a patreon with a discord invite in the rewards, would you guys be interested in joining the discord if i just make it public for reaching the 1K follower mark?

Let me know in the comments guys. Anyways, thank you for your support, Much Love <3 - Ryan

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