Chapter 22. Parental Breach

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Simon's POV

Monday morning we drove back to the pack house just before school. We all managed to fall asleep during the movies and ended up staying the night we were supposed to come back. When I woke up at 1 AM it was because Jason was linking me in a panic, but after explaining the situation he simply told me to stay the night as it could be dangerous at this hour.

Jason and I didn't talk much during my stay at Kuhn's pack, he linked me at the end of the day to ask me how my day was and to tell me he misses me, but that was it. I guess Jason wanted to give me my space, still I missed him as well and wouldn't mind it if he contacted me more often. Being pregnant makes me even more clingy I think.

Jake, Kuhn and Min all got along really well. Jake being slightly older than us was forgotten in an instant as all three of 'em are as loud and chaotic as each other. Dante however, almost popped a blood vessel. Min is already more than enough for Dante to handle but with Jake basically being a second Min, he was flipping out. Of course I thought it was hilarious. Jake was a huge prankster albeit a little more innocent than Min was, seeing as a police officer can't really do anything too out of control.

The ride was relatively calm until my head started to feel like it was exploding. Grabbing my ears and rolling my knees up to my chest, the others suddenly become quiet and looked over in worry. Johny was sitting next to me, I could feel his hand on my shoulder and I could hear his voice yet I couldn't hear what he was saying. The pain literally blocked my vision and hearing. I tried to focus on the feeling and tried to distinguish it. When I tried to link Jason, I could only hear loud growling, sending the same spike of pain through my head. Squeaking I managed to link Kuhn.

'Kuhn Drive faster. Jason, there is something wrong.' He didn't respond to me but stepped on the gas, probably breaking a few traffic rules, with an officer in the car nonetheless. But even Jake could understand the situation right now.

"Johny! Rub his nape, Alphas can calm down Omegas like that. You need to take away his pain." Johny's hand moved from my shoulder up to my neck.

Within a couple of seconds, the pain started to subside, but I could still feel the anger seeping through the bond from Jason. I was starting to calm down and uncurled myself, leaning more into my brother. He was handling me with the most care I have ever felt from him. Knowing he could be so gentle made me feel more at ease about him being with Luo Yin.

"You okay Yao-ah. I've never done this really, so I don't know if I'm helping. Should we pull over and let Kuhn do it?" Johny worried, yet his touch was just as steady as before.

"You are doing alright, thank you ge." I tried to smile at him. 

We just passed the gates and I could see the house, even before the car came to a standstill, I rushed out of the car.

"Stay here." I told the others as I rushed through the door. Frantically looking around, I quickly spotted Jason's hulking figure growling to something right in front of him. Following his gaze, I noticed the older male and female across from him with blank yet slightly nervous looks. Crap!

I rushed over to him and stood in front of Jason. My hands pushing against his chest. His body was tense and shaking. I have never seen Jason this mad and It was honestly terrifying. His claws and fangs were out, his ears changing into that of his wolf.

"Jason!" I shouted at him, making him look down at my face. His eyes were almost black, he was fighting his hardest to stay in control over his body. I slightly faltered and took a half-step backwards, which didn't go unnoticed.

"Baby..." He muttered and his body sagged, his eyes going back to their normal deep brown eyes and his wolfs features retreating. I turned around to see Jason's parents.

"Go home, don't come back here unless I tell you." I tried to say with confidence, my eyes shining silver for a second. They stiffened and with a nod they both left.

I turned back to face Jason, who had his head hung down in shame.

"Da ge, what happened? Are you okay?" My hands moved to his arms, rubbing up and down.

"I am now. I guess. They came here to talk to me."

"But how did they get in? Were you away?"

"No Yao-er, I let them in. I remembered our talk, I can't avoid them forever seeing as they are in our pack."

"I take it didn't go to well, did it?" I joked lightly, the smallest smile curved his lips as he pulled me in a hug.

"They suddenly started gushing of how I grew up so well and that I would be a strong Alpha, I was actually a little happy at the compliments they gave me."

"But...?" I asked, knowing their conversation would start going downhill.

"They think that you would be too weak of a Luna, unable to protect the pack and instead could only play with the pups. But that's not even the worst. They gave me an ultimatum. Possibly the dumbest one i've ever heard, and i've been given a lot of them in my life." He chuckled and pulled my face away from his chest to give me a peck on the lips, holding my face with his hands.

"They told me that I was allowed back home, if I rejected you." He admitted and my face dropped. "Don't worry Yao-er, you wouldn't possibly think I would pick them over you, right?"

"No! No! Of course not, but how could your parents ask that from you? That is so wrong."

"It is, isn't it. Feng really did not appreciate hearing the words 'reject your mate' coming from my parents, and that is when you came in. Feng would probably take over and kill my parents."

"Honestly, If I knew what they told you, I would have let him. I'm so pissed! They aren't supposed to talk to you like that! Sure, my dad and I didn't have the best relationship as a child, probably still have some onset trauma from that deep inside of me as well..." I muttered the last part to myself, Jason only lifting his brows and luckily not going into my mind to hear what I just said. "But I digress, We've waited years for each other and they think we could simply break apart?"

"Calm down baby, think about the other baby. Mama wolf can't be too stressed. Leave that worrying stuff to me. I'll head over to their house later today and will discuss them leaving the pack and if they go too far, I'll let Feng deal with it." He stated so easily. But honestly I don't disagree with him. I should think about the baby and calm myself down.

"Now baby, I have a very important question." He lifted me up without breaking a sweat, my legs automatically wrapping themselves around his waist.

"How about a quickie?"

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