Chapter 5. He came back!

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Simon's POV

"Simon it's your brother's inauguration, how can you miss it?" My father said sullenly.

"I'm sorry dad, but i think Johny would prefer me not being around as well. Besides i already made a promise to help Kuhn today and i can't abandon him..." I told my dad. Truth is, i didn't have to help Kuhn, i simply would go over to his house until the evening when the boring stuff was over so i could snatch some food and go to bed.

"True, you shouldn't abandon a friend like that. Especially one that can be a great ally. Ugh. Fine you can go, but please come home early so you can at least enjoy some of the festivities."

"Sure." I nodded and smiled at my dad, my dad might be the alpha of the pack but he still doesn't notice the way some of the pack members scrutinize me behind his back.

"I'll see you later dad." I waved him and he tiredly gave me a smile and waved back as i turned around. However as i reached the door, my dad called my name.

"Simon...Am i making the right choice?" He asked, my dad sounded very conflicted, i know how he feels but it's something i don't have a clear answer to.

"I don't know. Only time will tell, but whatever happens...i'll have faith in you dad." I reassured him with a smile.

"Thank you Simon. Ughh...I'm getting too old for this. Let's go on a vacation together after your brother settles into the position!"

"Sure dad, i'd like that." I chuckled at my old man and left his office after another goodbye.

I gave Kuhn a call that i would come over to his house, but instead he told me to wait at the pack border where I would be picked up. I missed out on school today to prepare for my brother's inauguration so including the weekend i haven't seen Kuhn for 3 days, apparently not seeing me for 3 days is enough for Dante to push himself out of his cave to come and meet me as soon as possible. 

I chuckled to myself after reading his text messages. I might be an omega but honestly i can't complain much. I need to stop letting a few petty people get me down and solely focus on improving my own life and appreciating what i do have. My dad has changed and i am glad to spend time with him. I have few but great friends. I am helpful to the pack. Despite not being tall or handsome i do consider myself somewhat pretty so i guess i am blessed with those things.

I barely reached the pack border as i saw Min's car racing across the pathway, coming right at me and two other patrol guards. The guards ran to the side without sending out a warning to our alpha, this isn't the first time they have seen it, but it isn't my first rodeo either, so instead i stood my ground and stayed unmoving in front of the vehicle.

Min's car came to a halt a few centimeters in front of me before both passenger and driver doors opened revealing a glowing Dante and a Min that started to throw up in the nearest bush.

"Xiao-er!" Dante shouted happily and lifted me into his arms with ease. Spinning me around as i hugged him back. Me and my wolf feeling light because of the pure happiness radiating of our big friend. 

"Ge!" After a few minutes of holding me tightly he let me go and set me back on my feet, his rough hands rubbing my nape firmly yet comfortably. The nape is a sensitive area for an omega and an easy way for alpha's to convey their feelings to an omega. If a happy alpha rubs the nape of a sad omega, soon the omega will catch those positive feelings from the alpha. It's nature's way of calming an omega down, as omega's are prone to getting overwhelmed from different emotions attacking their senses.

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