Chapter 13. Aftermath

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Simon's POV

It's been 3 days since my heat started and it has finally started to subside. During my heat Jason basically kept me tied to the bed and didn't allow me to move away from it. He did everything for me, if i wanted something he got it for me, he made us food, he wiped me down and gave me more than enough physical contact so my heat wouldn't hurt me. I have been blessed, having a mate with such stamina that my pain was overridden by pleasure during the entirety of my heat. 

One thing is for sure though, it would be a miracle if i wouldn't be pregnant. However it will probably take a few days before i will feel any difference in the slightest but as soon as i feel strange Jason is going to take me to the pack doctor for a check up. I can see that Jason is very excited to be a father. I'm supposed to be the motherly figure if anything but Jason is acting like a real mama bear already, or mama wolf i should say. I guess that the omega inside of Jason is still alive and well. During my heat however, he definitely showed me that alpha wolf behavior. Oh god speaking of, i have some people to apologize to. One of the pack warriors tried to enter the room when Jason was wiping me down and without even a word from anyone, his wolf took over and was ready to attack the poor guy. It's a good thing the guy had good reflexes and was able to close the door before Jason reached him, but now we need to fix the fucking door! Jason's Fist went right through the door! Both Jason and his wolf are possessive and overprotective, probably the reason why he didn't allow me near any other wolf during my heat. Not even the mated wolf, elderly, female wolves or my dad. My dad called me on the phone - which Jason still allowed - and told me it was fine, he was the same when my mom was in heat. He also told me that Jason would be way worse after i get pregnant. That if i make him angry or if other wolves come to close to me for his liking he might even chain me to the bed and lock me in the room. Hearing this from my dad wasn't really comforting.

"Yao-er!" Jason walked out of the bathroom and jumped on the bed next to me. "How do you feel about Yaozi?"

"Yaozi?" He frantically nodded his head. He looked so adorable.

"The name of our pup." He grinned and laid his hand over my stomach. This man was melting my heart. He looks so adorable and excited, coming up with names for the baby already.

"But what if it's a girl?" I chuckle and place my hands on top of his.

"I'm thinking of boys names first."

"You hoping for a boy?" He nodded again. I should've recorded this and shown it to the pack. They wouldn't be so scared of him anymore if i could show them their alpha like this.

'No one else is allowed to see me like this Yao-er, only you. So you better not think of any silly ideas.'

"I'm not thinking of anything." I say with an innocent smile, he growls at me playfully and pinches my cheek with his other hand.

"Yao Zi..." I try saying that name as i rub his hand over my stomach. "Xu Yao Zi. I like it." 

'Jun, how do you feel about that name?'

'I love it! Feng likes that name a lot as well.' My wolf replies joyfully, practically jumping around in my head. Since we have been officially mated my wolf is a lot more talkative, but usually he just links with Jason's wolf and they shut us out.

"Okay! If it's a boy we will name him Xu Yao Zi." I confirm with my mate who looks a bit shocked.

"You would let him have my last name?"

"Mhm. I want our children to have your last name so they can grow up strong like their dad." I say and Jason pulls me in and crashes his lips against mine.

'I love you so much Yao-er.' I hear him speak through our link.

After a few minutes of heavy and desperate kissing, i urge Jason to let me shower. On my own of course or else i would be stuck in this room for much longer. Eventually he agreed but i could feel him sulking near the bathroom door. When i finished my shower and got dressed Jason was standing right in front of the door as i expected and wrapped me in his arms, his nose immediately sniffing my neck.

"I like this, your smell is permanently mixed with mine. You smell amazing." And he was right, after the marking bite, his smell permanently lingers inside of me. Jason allowed me to mark him as well, however i know that people usually look down on Alpha's that get marked by an omega mate. Jason doesn't care about that but i don't want any wolf from any pack to find a single fault when looking at Jason, so instead i bit his chest. He now has my mark on top of his heart. Since it isn't that close to his scent glands people won't be able to smell my scent coming from him unless i scent mark him before hand or if they are standing really close to him. A good thing however is that Jason now has another sensitive spot, it's like a third nipple!

"Don't call your mating mark a third nipple, that makes it less romantic."

"But having sex for three days in a row is super romantic?" I ask with a chuckle, making him laugh softly as well.

"I guess not, don't worry i will take you out on a date really soon."

"I'd like that..."

When the both of us walked downstairs, everyone there, including my dad, chris, some of the omega's and warriors started clapping and cheering. My face was heating up and probably as red as a tomato when i tried to hide my face in my mate's side. They probably heard us have sex.

'Probably.' My mate replies and i punch him in the kidney but he doesn't budge and just keeps laughing. 'They're just happy for their Alpha and Luna consummating for the first time love...and second...and third.' He says and i groan.

Eventually i dare to face the people again after the applause died down, they all looked so happy for us, but i noticed a single figure quietly leaving when nobody paid attention.

Eventually i dare to face the people again after the applause died down, they all looked so happy for us, but i noticed a single figure quietly leaving when nobody paid attention

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First of all a happy new year to all of you! I hope you all the best in 2020. 

Hopefully you guys enjoyed this chapter and will continue to support me as you have in 2019 and before!

Thank you for all your support and i wish you all the best for the next year and decade <3 Much love - Ryan Kay

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