Chapter 4. On my way

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Jason's POV

"Is today the day sir?"

"Yes, someone informed me that today at 4PM the inauguration would take place."

"How many of us do you want to join you sir?"

"Only you Tang Yi, the two of us should be enough to handle that pack in case things get...rough."

"Do you think you will see your beloved?" Tang Yi teased me, making me flick his forehead as i changed my tie. Tang Yi knows about my little omega and occasionally teases me for it, however he knows his limits so i don't try to shut him up.

"Hopefully. I really want to see him again. How is Shao Fei doing?"

"He's doing alright, he went back to school."

"He already graduated from the police academy though?" I looked at my beta in confusion.

"Ughh You know how he is boss, he is so curious all the time so he wanted to go back to school and study something else. I don't even know what it is...should i be concerned?"

"Your mate will be fine, he's the biggest social butterfly in our pack, he will find his way around wherever he is." I said with a light chuckle that Tang Yi joined in with.

"Very true. I love that dork but he keeps worrying me."

"Will you be alright financially with him studying again? I can help you you know."

"Ah Jason no. We are alright, you already pay me enough." He waved his hands in front of him and smiled, making me chuckle. I gave myself one last glance in the mirror and deemed myself ready.

"Okay, let's get on the road." I slapped my hand down on Tang Yi's shoulder and turned him around.

It should be around a half hour drive to reach the borders of my old pack. I can't believe that old man is handing down the title to Johny of all people. I know he is the firstborn son and will most likely go through his second puberty about now but he is not responsible enough to protect a whole goddamn pack. My wolf Feng has been growling from the moment we got in the car. My wolf doesn't speak a lot, usually it's just growling, barking, howling or whining. He has lost a bit of his humanity from surviving in the wild and i am not holding him back. If Feng remained 100% the same as when we were in the pack i would've probably died a long time ago as he used to behave like a complete Omega as i did. Feng's change is what allowed me to become a businessman, where i can leave my emotions behind me and make deals ruthlessly where it would benefit me without necessarily helping other people. Everything i did was for my own survival and that of my pack.

I started to think back about my old life. I was born, i lived a happy life with my little sister and my parents, my parents were nice, that is until i stopped growing like a normal alpha should, as i aged i started to look more like a beta until i looked like a normal omega when i was around 15. That is when my parents saw me as utterly useless, but it wasn't the moment where they started hating me...that happened before that already.

When i was around the age of 13, the pack got attacked by rogues. My mother was a medic and my father was a warrior wolf so they had to go into the battle, but since i had already shifted and received training i was ordered to defend a few of the pack children, including my little sister Jane. I got all the kids to the safe room however my sister somehow managed to get lost. After getting the other children to safety i ran around trying to look for Jane, when i saw Johny trying to look for his little brother. When i finally found them there were 2 rogues, one going after each of them but the only person around to help them was me...I was unable to safe my little sister...

After the battle was over i returned to our home with my sister's body. My parents were hysteric, understandably so, their little girl died because i failed to protect her. I was a shame of an alpha wolf, let alone the pack. That's what they told me anyways...From that moment our happy little family was broken. My parents avoided speaking to me, my mom had depressive episodes where she would lock herself in her room and refuse to eat or drink, sometimes even for days in a row. My father being the gamma to the pack's alpha got scolded quite a lot, this was only the case because a lot of the pack members died and has lost his luna a year prior. Death of pack members was becoming a sensitive topic for him. Which actually was a good thing sadly. Before our luna died the alpha just saw the pack as replaceable soldiers or birth givers. He was very harsh and wanted children to start training the moment they shifted, sometimes even before they shifted. The parents all admired him for his strength and capability to rule his pack, but the way he treated the omega's or wolves who failed to live up to his expectations were basically tortured. The Luna was never like this, our luna was a kind a beautiful young man who would apologize every time his husband mistreated the pack, the alpha never listened to the pleas of the luna to calm down and this wore him down a lot. About a year before the invasion, the luna was out with Johny and Simon when they were attacked by a rouge alpha. The luna had been so worn down and tired that he was unable to survive, but he made sure Johny and Simon sweet little Simon. After the death of the luna the alpha became depressed, a few pack members even thought he would commit suicide from the loss of his mate and the guilt from not listening to his luna. The alpha beat himself up a lot, he didn't want to see anyone or do any of the alpha duties. Simon was the one who told me, because surprisingly enough the only person who was allowed near the alpha was Simon, not even Johny, only Simon.

It took him a good while but he eventually got back up again as a changed man, he listened to the problems of the pack, treated the omega's better, even me. But i still saw the disgust in his eyes every time he looked at me as i failed during training.

Anyways back to the main problem, My dad. My dad got scolded by the alpha for not taking better care of the pack members as the gamma of the pack and causing so many casualties when he was the one in charge of getting everyone to safety whilst the alpha led the warriors into battle. My dad took out those frustrations on me almost every day. So that was what became of my life...My mother in constant hysteria and depression, My father became aggressive and abusive towards me, my sister was dead and little old me who used to be a somewhat joyful and extroverted kid became quiet and self-loathing. This continued for 3 years until my parents finally convinced the alpha to exile me. Did i plea to stay? No. I just got my stuff and left. Why would i stay in a pack where everyone hated me for being a failure of a wolf...

Everyone but one person...I'm coming to get you Simon. I will be with you soon.

 I will be with you soon

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